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Publikationen »Radulescu, Raluca Luria«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Radulescu, Raluca Luria

RI opac: 54 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Routledge companion to medieval English literature
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaRíkharðsdóttir, Sif [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY [u.a.] (2023)

2Sammelwerk  Interkulturelle Blicke auf Migrationsbewegungen in alten und neuen Texten
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaPerrone Capano, LuciaGagliardi, Nicoletta [Hrsg.]. - Berlin (2018)

3Sammelwerk  Editing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts: Essays in Honour of William Marx
Connolly, MargaretRadulescu, Raluca Luria [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2018)

4Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2016)

5Sammelwerk  Insular books: Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late Medieval Britain
Connolly, MargaretRadulescu, Raluca Luria [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2015)

6Sammelwerk  Marqueurs d'identité dans la littérature médiévale: mettre en signe l'individu et la famille (XIIe-XVe siècles): actes du colloque tenu à Poitiers les 17 et 18 novembre 2011
Gîrbea, CatalinaHablot, LaurentRadulescu, Raluca Luria [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2014)

7Monographie  Romance and its Contexts in Fifteenth-Century England. Politics, Piety and Penitence
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. - Woodbridge (2013)

8Sammelwerk  A companion to medieval popular romance
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaRushton, Cory James [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2009)

9Sammelwerk  Broken lines: genealogical literature in late-medieval Britain and France
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaKennedy, Edward Donald [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2008)

10Sammelwerk  Re-viewing Le Morte Darthur: texts and contexts, characters and themes
Whetter, Kevin SeanRadulescu, Raluca Luria [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY [u.a.] (2005)

11Sammelwerk  Gentry culture in late-medieval England
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaTruelove, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Manchester [u.a.] (2005)

12Monographie  The gentry context for Malory's Morte Darthur
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. - Cambridge (2003)

13Monographie  Religious ideas and their chivalric context in Le Morte Darthur
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. - [University of Manchester] (1997)

14Artikel  True Repentance? Malory's Gawain and the Performance of Emotion
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2023) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 33, 1 (2023) S. 19-32

15Buchbeitrag  Emotions and War in Chaucer 's Knight's Tale
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2021) - In: Essays Andrew Lynch S. 45-64

16Buchbeitrag  King Arthur in Middle English Brut Chronicles and Royal Genealogie
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaRajsic, Jaclyn. (2020) - In: La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530 S. 1059-1072

17Buchbeitrag  Macrocosm and microcosm in household manuscript Cambridge, University Library MS Ff.2.38
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2020) - In: Household knowledges in late-medieval England and France S. 201-218

18Artikel  Introduction: Performing Emotions in the Arthurian World
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2019) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 29, 4 (2019) S. 3-7

19Buchbeitrag  Spiritual Malory
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2019) - In: A New Companion to Malory S. 211-226

20Artikel  Extreme Emotions: Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle and the Danger from Within
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2019) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 29, 4 (2019) S. 57-73

21Buchbeitrag  The Middle English Brut Chronicles and the Modern Editor
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2018) - In: Essays William Marx S. 155-172

22Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Connolly, MargaretRadulescu, Raluca Luria. (2018) - In: Essays William Marx S. 1-19

23Artikel  Approaches to Arthurian Studies: from Tradition to Innovation
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaRayner, Samantha. (2017) - In: Journal of the International Arthurian Society Bd. 5 (2017) S. 38-41

24Buchbeitrag  Sir Percyvell of Galles: A Quest for Values
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2017) - In: Handbook of Arthurian Romance. King Arthur's Court in Medieval European Literature S. 389-402

25Buchbeitrag  Liminality and Gender in Middle English Arthurian Romance
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2016) - In: Medieval English literature S. 30-44

26Buchbeitrag  Malory's Afterlives in Contemporary Culture
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2015) - In: Medieval afterlives in contemporary culture S. 243-250

27Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Connolly, MargaretRadulescu, Raluca Luria. (2015) - In: Insular books. Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late Medieval Britain S. 1-29

28Buchbeitrag  Reading King Robert of Sicily's Text(s) and Manuscript Context(s)
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2015) - In: Medieval romance and material culture S. 165-182

29Buchbeitrag  Vying for Attention: The Contents of Dublin, Trinity College, MS 432
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2015) - In: Insular books. Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late Medieval Britain S. 121-142

30Buchbeitrag  Tears and Lies: Emotions and the Ideals of Malory's Arthurian World
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2015) - In: Emotions in medieval Arthurian literature S. 105-122

31Buchbeitrag  Rapport introductif: identité, héraldique et parenté
Gîrbea, CatalinaHablot, LaurentRadulescu, Raluca Luria. (2014) - In: Marqueurs d'identité dans la littérature médiévale S. 7-24

32Buchbeitrag  Preparing for Mature Years: the Case of Margaret of Anjou and her Books
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2011) - In: Middle-aged women in the Middle Ages S. 115-138

33Buchbeitrag  How Christian is Chivalry?
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2010) - In: Christianity and romance in medieval England S. 69-83

34Buchbeitrag  Art. Lollard chronicle of the papacy (The chronycles of Rome)
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2010) - In: The Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Tl. 2 S. 1041-1042

35Artikel  Pious Middle English Romances Turned Political: Reading Sir Jsumbras, Sir Gowther, and Robert of Sicily in Fifteenth-Century England
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2010) - In: Viator Bd. 41, 2 (2010) S. 333-360

36Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaRushton, Cory James. (2009) - In: A companion to medieval popular romance S. 1-8

37Buchbeitrag  Malory and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2009) - In: A companion to Arthurian literature S. 326-339

38Buchbeitrag  Genre and Classification
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2009) - In: A companion to medieval popular romance S. 31-48

39Buchbeitrag  Genealogy in insular romance
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2008) - In: Broken lines. Genealogical literature in late-medieval Britain and France S. 7-25

40Artikel  Malory's Lancelot and the Key to Salvation
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2008) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 25 (2008) S. 93-119

41Buchbeitrag  Writing nation: shaping identity in medieval historical narratives
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2007) - In: A companion to medieval English literature and culture, c.1350 - c.1500 S. 358-373

42Artikel  Ballad and Popular Romance in the Percy Folio
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2006) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 23 (2006) S. 68-81

43Buchbeitrag  Literature
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2005) - In: Gentry culture in late-medieval England S. 100-118

44Buchbeitrag  'Oute of Mesure': Violence and Knighthood in Malory's Morte Darthur
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2005) - In: Re-viewing Le Morte Darthur. Texts and contexts, characters and themes S. 119-131

45Buchbeitrag  Introduction [Gentry culture in late medieval England]
Radulescu, Raluca LuriaTruelove, Alison. (2005) - In: Gentry culture in late-medieval England S. 1-17

46Buchbeitrag  "Now I take uppon me the adventures to seke of holy thynges": Lancelot and the Crisis of Arthurian Knighthood
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2004) - In: Arthurian studies P. J. C. Field S. 285-295

47Artikel  Malory and fifteenth-century political ideas
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2003) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 13, 3 (2003) S. 36-51

48Artikel  Gentry Political Interests in Late Fifteenth-Century Miscellanies
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2003) - In: Yearbook. New Europe College (2001) S. 357-389

49Buchbeitrag  Political Metamorphoses: Malory's "Morte Darthur" and Lydgate's "Serpent of Division"
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2003) - In: Métamorphoses. Actes S. 151-168

50Artikel  Yorkist Propaganda and the Chronicle from Rollo to Edward IV
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2003) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 100 (2003) S. 401-424

51Artikel  Sir John Fortescue's "Governance of England"
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2002) - In: Studii si materiale de istorie medie Bd. 20 (2002) S. 181-187

52Artikel  'Talkyng of cronycles of kinges and of other polycyez': fifteenth-century miscellanies, the "Brut" and the readership of "Le Morte Darthur"
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2001) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 18 (2001) S. 125-141

53Artikel  Medieval Women under Scrutiny: A Reappraisal
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (2001) - In: Bulletin of international medieval research Bd. 7 (2001) S. 10-21

54Artikel  John Vale's Book and Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur: a political agenda
Radulescu, Raluca Luria. (1999) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 9, 4 (1999) S. 69-80

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