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Publikationen »Renn, Derek F.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Renn, Derek F.

RI opac: 61 Einträge

1Monographie  Excavations at South Mimms Castle, Hertfordshire 1960-91
Kent, John P. C.Renn, Derek F.Streeten, Anthony D. F.. - London (2013)

2Monographie  Flint Castle - Ewloe Castle
Renn, Derek F.Avent, Richard. - Cardiff (1995)

3Monographie  Caerphilly Castle
Renn, Derek F.. - Cardiff (1989)

4Monographie  Framlingham and Orford castles
Renn, Derek F.. - London (1988)

5Monographie  The development of fortification in England, 1166-1236
Renn, Derek F.. - [University of Southampton] (1977)

6Monographie  Norman Castles in Britain
Renn, Derek F.. - London (1973)

7Monographie  Kenilworth Castle
Renn, Derek F.. - London (1973)

8Monographie  Medieval Castles in Hertfordshire
Renn, Derek F.. - Chichester (1971)

9Monographie  Norman castles In Britain
Renn, Derek F.. - London (1968)

10Artikel  Western Approaches: The original entrance front of Caerphilly Castle?
Renn, Derek F.. (2017 - 2018) - In: The Castle Studies Group journal Bd. 31 (2017/18) S. 210-234

11Artikel  Western approaches: the original entrance front of Caerphilly Castle?
Renn, Derek F.. (2017) - In: The Castle Studies Group journal Bd. 31 (2017) S. ??

12Artikel  A return to the burh-geat
Renn, Derek F.. (2016) - In: The Castle Studies Group journal Bd. 30 (2016) S. ??

13Artikel  The Turris de Pensuel: a final note
Renn, Derek F.. (2015) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 153 (2015) S. 208-210

14Artikel  Pause and cause: the ‘building break' in the White Tower of London
Renn, Derek F.. (2014) - In: Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Bd. 65 (2014) S. 221-229

15Artikel  Paise and cause: the 'building break' in the White Tower of London
Renn, Derek F.. (2014) - In: Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Ser. NS, Bd. 65 (2014) S. 221-229

16Artikel  Ailnoth 'The Engineer' and Orford Castle
Renn, Derek F.. (2012 - 2013) - In: The Castle Studies Group journal Bd. 26 (2012/13) S. 201-202

17Buchbeitrag  Het valhek in middeleeuwse grote torens. Een evaluate van de praktische en psychologische functionaliteit van het valhek
Mesqui, JeanRenn, Derek F.Smals, Laurens. (2012) - In: Ambitie in steen. Bijdragen tot de kastelenkunde in Nederland S. 81-99

18Buchbeitrag  How Big is It - and Was It?
Renn, Derek F.. (2011) - In: The Bayeux Tapestry. New approaches S. 52-58

19Artikel  Arrow-loops in the Great Tower of Kenilworth castle
Renn, Derek F.. (2011 - 2012) - In: The Castle Studies Group journal Bd. 25 (2011/12) S. 175-179

20Buchbeitrag  How Big is It - and Was It?
Renn, Derek F.. (2010) - In: New research on the Bayeux tapestry S. 52-58

21Buchbeitrag  The Portcullis in Medieval Great Towers. An Impression
Mesqui, JeanRenn, Derek F.Smals, Laurens. (2008) - In: Bilan des recherches en castellologie S. 289-294

22Artikel  Refortification at Rochester in the 1220s: a Public/ Private Partnership?
Renn, Derek F.. (2004) - In: Archaeologia Cantiana Bd. 124 (2004) S. 343-364

23Buchbeitrag  Two views from the roof: design and defence at Conwy and Stokesay
Renn, Derek F.. (2003) - In: Essays Jeremy Knight S. 163-175

24Buchbeitrag  Burhgeat and gonfanon: two sidelights from the Bayeux Tapestry
Renn, Derek F.. (2003) - In: Anglo-Norman castles S. 69-90

25Artikel  Attack and defence at Old Soar Manor, Plaxtol
Renn, Derek F.. (2001) - In: Archaeologia Cantiana Bd. 121 (2001) S. 237-250

26Buchbeitrag  Plantagenêt castle-building in England in the second half of the twelfth century
Renn, Derek F.. (2000) - In: Les fortifications dans les domaines Plantagenêt S. 15-21

27Buchbeitrag  Castle fortification in England and adjoining countries from 1150 to 1250
Renn, Derek F.. (1998) - In: Le château médiéval et la guerre dans l'Europe du Nord-Ouest S. 53-59

28Artikel  Castle fortification in England and adjoining countries from 1150 to 1250
Renn, Derek F.. (1998) - In: Revue du Nord-Archéologie Bd. 5 (1998) S. 53-61

29Buchbeitrag  Burhgeat and gonfanon: two sidelights from the Bayeux Tapestry
Renn, Derek F.. (1994) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 16 S. 177-198

30Artikel  Burhgeat and gonfanon: two sidelights from the Bayeux tapestry
Renn, Derek F.. (1993) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies (1993) S. 177-198

31Buchbeitrag  Hen Domen compared: the evidence for wooden castle buildings in Britain and Normandy
Renn, Derek F.. (1988) - In: Papers Philip Barker S. 56-67

32Buchbeitrag  "Chastel de Dynan": the first phases of Ludlow
Renn, Derek F.. (1987) - In: Essays D. J. Cathcart King S. 55-73

33Artikel  English fortification in 1485
Renn, Derek F.. (1987) - In: Château Gaillard Bd. 13 (1987) S. 169-174

34Artikel  Pachenesham, Leatherhead: The excavation of the medieval moated site known as 'The Mounts'
Renn, Derek F.Lowther, Anthony W. G.Ruby, A. T.. (1984) - In: Surrey archaeological collections Bd. 74 (1984) S. 1-45

35Artikel  Canterbury castle: a case study
Renn, Derek F.. (1983) - In: Château Gaillard Bd. 11 (1983) S. 253-255

36Artikel  The military effectiveness of arrow lopps. Some experiments at Whit Castle
Jones, Peter N.Renn, Derek F.. (1982) - In: Château Gaillard Bd. 9/10 (1982) S. 445-456

37Buchbeitrag  The decoration of Canterbury Castle keep
Renn, Derek F.. (1982) - In: Medieval Art and Architecture at Canterbury before 1220 S. 125-128

38Buchbeitrag  Tonbridge and some other gatehouses
Renn, Derek F.. (1981) - In: Essays Stuart Rigold S. 93-103

39Artikel  The tower of Stone Castle, Greenhithe
Gravett, K. W. E.Renn, Derek F.. (1981) - In: Archaeologia Cantiana Bd. 97 (1981) S. 312-318

40Artikel  The castles of Rye and Winchelsea
Renn, Derek F.. (1979) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 136 (1979) S. 193-202

41Artikel  An Angevin gatehouse at Skipton Castle (Yorkshire, West Riding)
Renn, Derek F.. (1975) - In: Château Gaillard Bd. 7 (1975) S. 173-182

42Artikel  The River Wey Bridges between Farnham and Guildford
Renn, Derek F.. (1974) - In: Research volume of the Surrey Archaeological Society Bd. 1 (1974) S. 75-83

43Artikel  Defending Framlingham Castle
Renn, Derek F.. (1973 - 1976) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology Bd. 33 (1973/76) S. 58-67

44Artikel  Defending Framlingham Castle
Renn, Derek F.. (1973 - 1975) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History Bd. 33 (1973/75) S. 58-67

45Artikel  The Turris de Penuesel: a reappraisal and a theory
Renn, Derek F.. (1971) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 109 (1971) S. 55-64

46Artikel  Lidelea Castle - a suggested identification
King, David James CathcartRenn, Derek F.. (1971) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 51 (1971) S. 301-303

47Artikel  A bowstave from Berkhamsted Castle.
Renn, Derek F.. (1970) - In: Hertfordshire archaeology Bd. 2 (1970) S. 72-74

48Artikel  The Defences of Canterbury
Renn, Derek F.. (1969) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 126 (1969) S. 238-239

49Artikel  The Avranches traverse at Dover Castle
Renn, Derek F.. (1969) - In: Archaeologia Cantiana Bd. 84 (1969) S. 79-92

50Artikel  Further finds of medieval pottery from Elstree: with a survey of unglazed thumb-pressed jugs.
Renn, Derek F.. (1968) - In: Hertfordshire archaeology Bd. 1 (1968) S. 124-127

51Artikel  The earliest gunports in Britain?
Renn, Derek F.. (1968) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 125 (1968) S. 301-303

52Artikel  The donjon at Pembroke castle
Renn, Derek F.. (1967) - In: Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society Bd. 15 (1967) S. 35-48

53Artikel  The Southampton Arcade
Renn, Derek F.. (1964) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 8 (1964) S. 226-227

54Artikel  The first Norman castles in England (1051 - 1071)
Renn, Derek F.. (1964) - In: Château Gaillard Bd. 1 (1964) S. 125-132

55Artikel  A Bridge Framework from Camlet Moat, Trent Park, Enfield
Renn, Derek F.. (1963 - 1967) - In: Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Ser. NS, Bd. 21 (1963/67) S. 224-225

56Artikel  The Round Keeps of the Brecon Region
Renn, Derek F.. (1961) - In: Archaeologia Cambrensis Bd. 110 (1961) S. 129-143

57Artikel  The demolition of the keep at Benington
Renn, Derek F.. (1961) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 41 (1961) S. 97

58Artikel  The keep of Wareham Castle
Renn, Derek F.. (1960) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 4 (1960) S. 56-68

59Artikel  The Anglo-Norman keep, 1066-1138
Renn, Derek F.. (1960) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Ser. 3, Bd. 23 (1960) S. 1-23

60Artikel  Mottes: a classification
Renn, Derek F.. (1959) - In: Antiquity. A quarterly review of archaeology Bd. 33, 130 (1959) S. 106-112

61Artikel  The Water Tower at Chester
Renn, Derek F.. (1958) - In: Journal of the Chester and North Wales Architectural, Archaeological and Historic Society Bd. 45 (1958) S. 56-60

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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