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Publikationen »Ricapito, Joseph V.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ricapito, Joseph V.

RI opac: 16 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Hispanic studies in honor of Joseph H. Silverman
Ricapito, Joseph V. [Hrsg.]. - Newark, Del. (1988)

2Buchbeitrag  Art. Valdés, Alfonso de
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 6 S. 206

3Artikel  La narratividad del romance de "El Conde Dirlos"
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1997) - In: Scriptura (Lleida) Bd. 13 (1997) S. 43-58

4Artikel  "Quebrar el ojo": posibles orígenes de su significado en hebreo
Lindenbaum, ShalomRicapito, Joseph V.. (1997) - In: Revista de filología española Bd. 77 (1997) S. 321-327

5Artikel  Al-Andalus and the origins of the Renaissance in Europe
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1996) - In: Indiana journal of hispanic literatures Bd. 8 (1996) S. 55-74

6Buchbeitrag  Classicity in the Spanish Golden Age: Gonzalo Pérez's translation of "La Ulyxea" and the origin of the Spanish picaresque novel
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1994) - In: The picaresque: a symposium on the rogue's tale S. 36-56

7Artikel  Monsters, demons and iconography in Guzmán de Alfarache: the case of the Monster of Ravenna (I,1)
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1994) - In: Journal of Hispanic philology Bd. 18 (1994) S. 141-156

8Buchbeitrag  People, characters, and roles: a view of characterization in "Celestina"
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1993) - In: Fernando de Rojas and Celestina S. 181-191

9Buchbeitrag  De los "coloquios" de Erasmo al "Mercurio" de Alfonso de Valdes
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1986) - In: El erasmismo en España S. 501-508

10Artikel  Mateo Alemán, two editors and the structure of "Guzmán de Alfarache"
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1984) - In: Hispanic journal Bd. 6 (1984) S. 11-19

11Buchbeitrag  Literature, Life and History in 16th-Century Spain: The Case of Erasmus, Alfonso de Valdés and Castiglione
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1984) - In: Jose Maria Solá-Solè. Homage, Homenaje, Homenatge Tl. 2 S. 185-197

12Buchbeitrag  Boccaccio and the Picaresque Tradition
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1978) - In: Studies Joseph G. Fucilla S. 309-328

13Artikel  El contorno picaresco de El Conde Lucanor
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1972) - In: Romanische Forschungen Bd. 84 (1972) S. 97-107

14Artikel  From Boccaccio to Mateo Alemán: essay on literary sources and adaptations
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1969) - In: Romanic review Bd. 60 (1969) S. 83-95

15Artikel  Comparatistica - two versions of sin, moral transgression, and divine will: "Guzmán de Alfarache" and "I promessi sposi"
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1969) - In: Kentucky romance quarterly Bd. 16 (1969) S. 111-118

16Artikel  Love and marriage in "Guzmán de Alfarache": an essay on literary and artistic unity al eminente hispanista, Maír José Benardete
Ricapito, Joseph V.. (1968) - In: Kentucky romance quarterly Bd. 15 (1968) S. 123-138

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