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Publikationen »Riddy, Felicity«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Riddy, Felicity

RI opac: 54 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Riddy, Felicity. (2016)

2Sammelwerk  Youth in the Middle Ages
Goldberg, JeremyRiddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge (2004)

3Sammelwerk  Prestige, authority and power in late medieval manuscripts and texts
Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge [u.a.] (2000)

4Sammelwerk  Arthurian Literature, Bd. 16
Carley, James PatrickRiddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1998)

5Sammelwerk  Arthurian Literature, Bd. 15
Carley, James PatrickRiddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1997)

6Sammelwerk  Arthurian Literature, Bd. 14
Carley, James PatrickRiddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1996)

7Sammelwerk  Arthurian Literature, Bd. 13
Carley, James PatrickRiddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1995)

8Sammelwerk  Arthurian Literature, Bd. 12
Carley, James PatrickRiddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1993)

9Sammelwerk  Regionalism in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts. Essays Celebrating the Publication of A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English
Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1991)

10Sachtitel  Longer Scottish Poems (Vol. 1-2)
Bawcutt, Priscilla J.Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1987)

11Monographie  Sir Thomas Malory
Riddy, Felicity. - Leiden (1987)

12Buchbeitrag  Foreword: ‘The Light I Never Left Behind': Jocelyn Wogan-Browne
Riddy, Felicity. (2017) - In: Essays Jocelyn Wogan-Browne S. XIIIff.

13Buchbeitrag  Late medieval literature in Scotland Henryson, Dunbar and Douglas
Riddy, Felicity. (2010) - In: The Cambridge history of English poetry S. 96-114

14Buchbeitrag  'Burgeis' domesticity in late-medieval England
Riddy, Felicity. (2008) - In: Medieval domesticity. Home, housing and household in Medieval England S. 14-36

15Artikel  The Later Medieval English Urban Household
Jones, Sarah ReesRiddy, FelicityBeattie, CordeliaCarpenter, Charlotte EliseHolford, Matthew Lawrenceu.a.. (2007) - In: History Compass Bd. 5 (2007) S. 112-158

16Buchbeitrag  Unmapping the Territory: Blind Hary's Wallace
Riddy, Felicity. (2007) - In: The Wallace book S. 107-116

17Buchbeitrag  The Bolton Hours of York: Female Domestic Piety and the Public Sphere
Jones, Sarah ReesRiddy, Felicity. (2005) - In: Household, women, and christianities in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages S. 215ff.

18Buchbeitrag  Fathers and daughters in Holbein's sketch of Thomas More's family
Riddy, Felicity. (2005) - In: Framing the family. Narrative and representation in the medieval and early modern periods S. 19-38

19Buchbeitrag  Afterwords
Riddy, Felicity. (2005) - In: Voices in dialogue. Reading women in the Middle Ages S. 454-457

20Buchbeitrag  Text and Self in The Book of Margery Kempe
Riddy, Felicity. (2005) - In: Voices in dialogue. Reading women in the Middle Ages S. 435-453

21Buchbeitrag  Temporary virginity and the everyday body: Le bone Florence of Rome and bourgeois self-making
Riddy, Felicity. (2004) - In: Pulp Fictions of Medieval England. Essays in Popular Romance S. 197-216

22Buchbeitrag  Introduction: After Aries
Goldberg, JeremyRiddy, FelicityTyler, Mike. (2004) - In: Youth in the Middle Ages S. 1-10

23Buchbeitrag  'Publication' before print: the case of Julian of Norwich
Riddy, Felicity. (2004) - In: The uses of script and print, 1300-1700 S. 29-49

24Buchbeitrag  Looking closely: authority and intimacy in the late medieval urban home.
Riddy, Felicity. (2003) - In: Gendering the master narrative S. 212-228

25Buchbeitrag  The moral household: preface
Riddy, Felicity. (2003) - In: The medieval household in Christian Europe S. 129-135

26Buchbeitrag  Glastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail in John Hardyng's chronicle
Riddy, Felicity. (2001) - In: Glastonbury Abbey and the Arthurian Tradition S. 269-284

27Buchbeitrag  A bibliography of Felicity Riddy
Riddy, Felicity. Voaden, RosalynnRiddy, John [Bearb.]. (2000) - In: Essays Felicity Riddy S. 11-14

28Artikel  Nunneries, communities and the revaluation of domesticity
Riddy, Felicity. (2000) - In: Gender and history Bd. 12 (2000) S. 755-762

29Buchbeitrag  Chivalric nationalism and the Holy Grail in John Hardyng's "Chronicle"
Riddy, Felicity. (2000) - In: The Grail. A casebook S. 397-414

30Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Riddy, Felicity. (2000) - In: Prestige, authority and power in late medieval manuscripts and texts S. 1-5

31Buchbeitrag  Middle English romance: family, marriage, intimacy
Riddy, Felicity. (2000) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance S. 235-252

32Buchbeitrag  Giving and receiving: exchange in the Roman van Walewein and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Riddy, Felicity. (1999) - In: Arthurian Literature 17 S. 101-114

33Artikel  Giving and receiving: exchange and in the "Roman van Walewein" and "Sir Gawain and the green knight"
Riddy, Felicity. (1999) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 17 (1999) S. 101-114

34Buchbeitrag  'Abject Odious': Feminine and Masculine in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid
Riddy, Felicity. (1999) - In: From Chaucer to Spenser. An Anthology of Writings in English 1375-1575 S. 280-296

35Buchbeitrag  Julian of Norwich and self-textualization
Riddy, Felicity. (1998) - In: Editing Women S. 101-124

36Buchbeitrag  "Abject odious": feminine and masculine in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid
Riddy, Felicity. (1997) - In: Essays Douglas Gray S. 229-248

37Buchbeitrag  The materials of culture: jewels in Pearl
Riddy, Felicity. (1997) - In: A Companion to the Gawain-Poet S. 143-155

38Artikel  Mother Knows Best: Reading Social Change in a Courtesy Text
Riddy, Felicity. (1996) - In: Speculum Bd. 71 (1996) S. 66-86

39Artikel  Giving and receiving. Exchange in the Roman van Walewein and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Riddy, Felicity. (1996) - In: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde Bd. 112 (1996) S. 18-29

40Buchbeitrag  Contextualizing Le Morte Darthur: empire and civil war
Riddy, Felicity. (1996) - In: A Companion to Malory S. 55-73

41Buchbeitrag  Nature, culture and gender in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Riddy, Felicity. (1995) - In: Arthurian Romance and Gender S. 215-225

42Buchbeitrag  Engendering pity in the Franklin's Tale
Riddy, Felicity. (1994) - In: Feminist Readings in Middle English Literature. The Wife of Bath and All Her Sect S. 54-71

43Buchbeitrag  The speaking knight: Sir Gawain and other animals
Riddy, Felicity. (1994) - In: Essays Valerie M. Lagorio (1994) S. 149-162

44Artikel  John Hardyng's Chronicle and the Wars of the Roses
Riddy, Felicity. (1993) - In: Arthurian literature Bd. 12 (1993) S. 91-108

45Buchbeitrag  John Hardyng's chronicle and the Wars of the Roses
Riddy, Felicity. (1993) - In: Arthurian Literature 12 S. 91-108

46Buchbeitrag  "Women talking about the things of God": a late medieval sub-culture
Riddy, Felicity. (1993) - In: Women and Literature in Britain S. 104-127

47Buchbeitrag  Glastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail in John Hardyng's chronicle
Riddy, Felicity. (1991) - In: Essays C. A. Ralegh Radford S. 317-331

48Buchbeitrag  John Hardyng in search of the Grail
Riddy, Felicity. (1991) - In: Arturus Rex 2 S. 419-429

49Buchbeitrag  The Alliterative Revival
Riddy, Felicity. (1988) - In: The History of Scottish Literature 1 S. 39-54

50Artikel  Dating The Buke of Howlat.
Riddy, Felicity. (1986) - In: The review of English studies Ser. NS, Bd. 37 (1986) S. 1-10

51Artikel  Structure and meaning in Malory's " The Fair Maid of Astolat"
Riddy, Felicity. (1976) - In: Forum for modern language studies Bd. 12 (1976) S. 354-366

52Artikel  The uses of the past in 'Sir Orfeo'
Riddy, Felicity. (1976) - In: The yearbook of English studies Bd. 6 (1976) S. 5-15

53Artikel  'Squyer Meldrum' and the Romance of Chivalry
Riddy, Felicity. (1974) - In: The yearbook of English studies Bd. 4 (1974) S. 26-36

54Artikel  The provenance of Quia Amore Langueo.
Riddy, Felicity. (1967) - In: The review of English studies Ser. NS, Bd. 18 (1967) S. 429-433

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