Publikationen »Riddy, Felicity«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Riddy, Felicity
RI opac: 54 Einträge
1 | [Bibliographie] Riddy, Felicity. |
2 | Youth in the Middle Ages Goldberg, Jeremy • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Prestige, authority and power in late medieval manuscripts and texts Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Arthurian Literature, Bd. 16 Carley, James Patrick • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Arthurian Literature, Bd. 15 Carley, James Patrick • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Arthurian Literature, Bd. 14 Carley, James Patrick • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
7 | Arthurian Literature, Bd. 13 Carley, James Patrick • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Arthurian Literature, Bd. 12 Carley, James Patrick • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
9 | Regionalism in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts. Essays Celebrating the Publication of A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
10 | Longer Scottish Poems Bawcutt, Priscilla J. • Riddy, Felicity [Hrsg.]. |
11 | Sir Thomas Malory Riddy, Felicity. |
12 | Foreword: ‘The Light I Never Left Behind': Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Riddy, Felicity. |
13 | Late medieval literature in Scotland Henryson, Dunbar and Douglas Riddy, Felicity. |
14 | 'Burgeis' domesticity in late-medieval England Riddy, Felicity. |
16 | Unmapping the Territory: Blind Hary's Wallace Riddy, Felicity. |
18 | Fathers and daughters in Holbein's sketch of Thomas More's family Riddy, Felicity. |
19 | Afterwords Riddy, Felicity. |
20 | Text and Self in The Book of Margery Kempe Riddy, Felicity. |
21 | Temporary virginity and the everyday body: Le bone Florence of Rome and bourgeois self-making Riddy, Felicity. |
22 | Introduction: After Aries Goldberg, Jeremy • Riddy, Felicity • Tyler, Mike. |
23 | 'Publication' before print: the case of Julian of Norwich Riddy, Felicity. |
24 | Looking closely: authority and intimacy in the late medieval urban home. Riddy, Felicity. |
25 | The moral household: preface Riddy, Felicity. |
26 | Glastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail in John Hardyng's chronicle Riddy, Felicity. |
27 | A bibliography of Felicity Riddy Riddy, Felicity. Voaden, Rosalynn • Riddy, John [Bearb.]. |
28 | Nunneries, communities and the revaluation of domesticity Riddy, Felicity. |
29 | Chivalric nationalism and the Holy Grail in John Hardyng's "Chronicle" Riddy, Felicity. |
30 | Introduction Riddy, Felicity. |
31 | Middle English romance: family, marriage, intimacy Riddy, Felicity. |
32 | Giving and receiving: exchange in the Roman van Walewein and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Riddy, Felicity. |
33 | Giving and receiving: exchange and in the "Roman van Walewein" and "Sir Gawain and the green knight" Riddy, Felicity. |
34 | 'Abject Odious': Feminine and Masculine in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid Riddy, Felicity. |
35 | Julian of Norwich and self-textualization Riddy, Felicity. |
36 | "Abject odious": feminine and masculine in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid Riddy, Felicity. |
37 | The materials of culture: jewels in Pearl Riddy, Felicity. |
38 | Mother Knows Best: Reading Social Change in a Courtesy Text Riddy, Felicity. |
39 | Giving and receiving. Exchange in the Roman van Walewein and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Riddy, Felicity. |
40 | Contextualizing Le Morte Darthur: empire and civil war Riddy, Felicity. |
41 | Nature, culture and gender in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Riddy, Felicity. |
42 | Engendering pity in the Franklin's Tale Riddy, Felicity. |
43 | The speaking knight: Sir Gawain and other animals Riddy, Felicity. |
44 | John Hardyng's Chronicle and the Wars of the Roses Riddy, Felicity. |
45 | John Hardyng's chronicle and the Wars of the Roses Riddy, Felicity. |
46 | "Women talking about the things of God": a late medieval sub-culture Riddy, Felicity. |
47 | Glastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail in John Hardyng's chronicle Riddy, Felicity. |
48 | John Hardyng in search of the Grail Riddy, Felicity. |
49 | The Alliterative Revival Riddy, Felicity. |
50 | Dating The Buke of Howlat. Riddy, Felicity. |
51 | Structure and meaning in Malory's " The Fair Maid of Astolat" Riddy, Felicity. |
52 | The uses of the past in 'Sir Orfeo' Riddy, Felicity. |
53 | 'Squyer Meldrum' and the Romance of Chivalry Riddy, Felicity. |
54 | The provenance of Quia Amore Langueo. Riddy, Felicity. |
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