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Publikationen »Ridley, Florence H.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ridley, Florence H.

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching Chaucer's Canterbury tales
Gibaldi, JosephRidley, Florence H. [Hrsg.]. - New York (1980)

2Monographie  The Prioress and the Critics
Ridley, Florence H.. - Berkeley, Calif. (1965)

3Buchbeitrag  The "Canterbury Tales": questions and an answer
Ridley, Florence H.. (1996) - In: FS Horst Weinstock S. 251-257

4Buchbeitrag  The friar and the critics
Ridley, Florence H.. (1992) - In: Essays Donald R. Howard S. 160-172

5Artikel  Attila the Hun and King Arthur: a question of affinities
Ridley, Florence H.. (1992) - In: Florilegium Bd. 11 (1992) S. 101-115

6Buchbeitrag  Teaching the Middle Ages: the challenge of Chaucer
Ridley, Florence H.. (1990) - In: Teaching the Middle Ages 4 S. 1-26

7Artikel  The treatment of animals in the poetry of Henryson and Dunbar
Ridley, Florence H.. (1990) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 24 (1990) S. 356-366

8Buchbeitrag  Chaucer and hermeneutics.
Ridley, Florence H.. (1989) - In: Hermeneutics and Medieval Culture S. 15-25

9Buchbeitrag  Studies in Douglas and Dunbar: the present situation
Ridley, Florence H.. (1984) - In: Fifteenth-Century Studies. Recent Essays S. 93-117

10Buchbeitrag  The literary relations of William Dunbar
Ridley, Florence H.. (1984) - In: Medieval Studies Conference Aachen 1983 S. 169-184

11Artikel  The distinctive character of Douglas's "Eneados"
Ridley, Florence H.. (1983) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 18 (1983) S. 110-122

12Artikel  Questions without answers - yet or ever? New critical modes and Chaucer
Ridley, Florence H.. (1981) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 16 (1981) S. 101-106

13Buchbeitrag  A Response to 'Contemporary Literary Theory and Chaucer'
Ridley, Florence H.. (1981) - In: New Perspectives in Chaucer Criticism S. 37-51

14Artikel  Chaucerian Criticism: the Significance of Varying Perspectives
Ridley, Florence H.. (1980) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 81 (1980) S. 131-141

15Buchbeitrag  Scottish Transformations of Courtly Literature: William Dunbar and the Court of James IV
Ridley, Florence H.. (1980) - In: The Expansion and Transformations of Courtly Literature S. 171-184

16Artikel  The state of Chaucer studies: a brief survey
Ridley, Florence H.. (1979) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 1 (1979) S. 3-16

17Buchbeitrag  A plea for the Middle Scots
Ridley, Florence H.. (1974) - In: The Learned and the Lewed. Studies in Chaucer and Medieval Literature S. 175-196

18Artikel  Minor corrections of "Supplement ot the index of Middle English verse"
Ridley, Florence H.. (1973) - In: American notes and queries Bd. 12, 4 (1973) S. 53-54

19Artikel  Did Gawin Douglas Write King Hart?
Ridley, Florence H.. (1959) - In: Speculum Bd. 34 (1959) S. 402-412

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