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Publikationen »Riggio, Milla Cozart«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Riggio, Milla Cozart

RI opac: 11 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Wisdom Symposium: Papers from the Trinity College Medieval Festival
Riggio, Milla Cozart [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1986)

2Monographie  Genesis and exodus: structure and narrative style in medieval latin and old english biblical poetry
Riggio, Milla Cozart. - [Harvard University] (1972)

3Buchbeitrag  Masqueing the Moral Expositor in the Macro Plays: Wisdom and Mankind
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (2007) - In: The narrator, the expositor, and the prompter in European medieval theatre S. 161-190

4Artikel  Have play, will travel: The Poculi Ludique Societas twenty-five plus festival of early drama
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1993) - In: Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Bd. 32 (1993) S. 161-175

5Artikel  The terrible mourning of Abraham
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1992) - In: Mediaevalia Bd. 18 (1992) S. 283-319

6Buchbeitrag  Wisdom Enthroned: Iconic Stage Portraits
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1990) - In: Drama in the Middle Ages. Comparative and Critical Essays. Second Series S. 249-279

7Buchbeitrag  Festival and drama
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1990) - In: Approaches to Teaching Medieval English Drama S. 139-145

8Artikel  Wisdom enthroned: iconic stage portraits
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1989) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 23 (1989) S. 228-254

9Buchbeitrag  The Staging of Wisdom
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1986) - In: The Wisdom Symposium. Papers from the Trinity College Medieval Festival S. 1-17

10Artikel  The staging of Wisdom
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1984) - In: Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Bd. 27 (1984) S. 167-178

11Artikel  The Allegory of Feudal Acquisition in "The Castle of Perseverance"
Riggio, Milla Cozart. (1981) - In: Harvard English studies Bd. 9 (1981) S. 187-208

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