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Publikationen »Ritchey, Sara«

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RI opac: 16 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550
Ritchey, SaraStrocchia, Sharon Therese [Hrsg.]. - Amsterdam (2021)

2Monographie  Acts of Care: Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health
Ritchey, Sara. - Ithaca, NY (2021)

3Monographie  Holy matter: changing perceptions of the material world in late medieval Christianity
Ritchey, Sara. - Ithaca, NY (2014)

4Monographie  Spiritual arborescence: The meaning of trees in late medieval devotion
Ritchey, Sara. - [University of Chicago] (2005)

5Buchbeitrag  Caring by the Hours: The Psalter as a Gendered Healthcare Technology
Ritchey, Sara. (2021) - In: Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550 S. 41-66

6Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Gendering Medieval Health and Healing: New Sources, New Perspectives
Ritchey, SaraStrocchia, Sharon Therese. (2021) - In: Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550 S. 15-38

7Buchbeitrag  Health, Healing, and Salvation: Hagiography as a Source for Medieval Healthcare
Ritchey, Sara. (2020) - In: Hagiography and the history of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 S. 417-436

8Buchbeitrag  Prayer as Obstetric Practice at Thirteenth-Century La Cambre
Ritchey, Sara. (2019) - In: Pregnancy and childbirth in the premodern world S. 171-194

9Buchbeitrag  The Wound's Presence and Bodily Absence: Activating the Spiritual Senses in a Fourteenth-Century Manuscript
Ritchey, Sara. (2019) - In: Sensory Reflections. Traces of Experience in Medieval Artifacts S. 163-180

10Artikel  The sacrificial herb: Gathering prayers in medieval pharmacy
Ritchey, Sara. (2018) - In: Postmedieval Bd. 9 (2018) S. 432-443

11Artikel  Saints' Lives as Efficacious Texts: Cistercian Monks, Religious Women, and Curative Reading, c. 1250-1330
Ritchey, Sara. (2017) - In: Speculum Bd. 92 (2017) S. 1101-1143

12Buchbeitrag  Illness and Imagination: The Healing Miracles of Clare of Montefalco
Ritchey, Sara. (2015) - In: Essays William R. Cook S. 80-99

13Artikel  Affective Medicine
Ritchey, Sara. (2014) - In: Journal of medieval religious cultures Bd. 40 (2014) S. 113-143

14Artikel  Wessel Gansfort. John Mombaer. and Medieval Technologies of the Self: Affective Meditation in a Fifteenth-Century Emotional Community
Ritchey, Sara. (2013) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 38 (2013) S. 153-174

15Artikel  Manual thinking: John Mombaer's meditations, the neuroscience of the imagination and the future of the humanities
Ritchey, Sara. (2012) - In: Postmedieval Bd. 3 (2012) S. 341-354

16Artikel  Rethinking the Twelfth-Century Discovery of Nature
Ritchey, Sara. (2009) - In: The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Bd. 39 (2009) S. 225-256

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