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Publikationen »Rutkin, H. Darrel«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Rutkin, H. Darrel

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Monographie  Sapientia astrologica: astrology, magic and natural knowledge, ca. 1250-1800. 1: Medieval structures (1250-1500): conceptual, institutional, socio-political, theologico-religious and cultural
Rutkin, H. Darrel. - Cham (2019)

2Sammelwerk  Horoscopes and Public Spheres
Oestmann, GüntherRutkin, H. DarrelStuckrad, Kocku von [Hrsg.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2005)

3Monographie  Astrology, natural philosophy and the history of science, c. 1250-1700: Studies toward an interpretation of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's "Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem"
Rutkin, H. Darrel. - [Indiana University] (2002)

4Artikel  Dancing with the Stars: a Preliminary Exploration as to whether the Astrology in Marsilio Ficino's De vita is Theurgical
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2020) - In: Bruniana e Campanelliana Bd. 26 (2020) S. 403-419

5Buchbeitrag  Optimus Malorum: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's Complex and Highly Interested Use of Ptolemy in the Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem (1496), A Preliminary Survey
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2020) - In: Ptolemy's science of the stars in the Middle Ages S. 387-406

6Artikel  Is Astrology a Type of Divination? Thomas Aquinas, the Index of Prohibited Books, and the Construction of a Legitimate Astrology in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2019) - In: International journal of divination and prognostication Bd. 1 (2019) S. 36-74

7Artikel  How to Accurately Account for Astrology's Marginalization in the History of Science and Culture: The Central Importance of an Interpretive Framework
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2018) - In: Early science and medicine Bd. 23 (2018) S. 217-243

8Buchbeitrag  An Idealized Astrological Courtier at a 13th Century Papal and Royal Court: the Case of Roger Bacon
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2017) - In: De Frédéric II à Rodolphe II. Astrologie, divination et magie dans les cours (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle) S. 53-70

9Buchbeitrag  Astrology, Politics and Power in 16th-century Florence: Giuliano Ristori's Extensive Judgment on Cosimo Is Nativity (1537)
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2015) - In: Astrologers and their Clients in Medieval and Early Modern Europe S. 139-150

10Buchbeitrag  The Physics and Metaphysics of Talismans (Imagines Astronomicae) in Marsilio Ficino's De vita libri tres. A Case Study in (Neo)Platonism, Aristotelianism and the Esoteric Tradition
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2013) - In: Platonismus und Esoterik in byzantinischem Mittelalter und italienischer Renaissance S. 149-174

11Buchbeitrag  Astrology and Magic
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2013) - In: A Companion to Albert the Great S. 451-506

12Buchbeitrag  Astrological Timing and Architectural Sites: The Deborah Loeb Bricc Loggiato in One of Its Historical Contexts
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2013) - In: Renaissance studies Joseph Connors (2013) Tl. 2 S. 133-137

13Buchbeitrag  Astrologia e divinazione in Tommaso d'Aquino
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2012) - In: Il linguaggio dei cieli. Astri e simboli nel Rinascimento S. 23-37

14Artikel  Mysteries of attraction: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, astrology and desire
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2010) - In: Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences Bd. 41 (2010) S. 117-124

15Buchbeitrag  The Use and Abuse of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe: Two Case Studies (Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Filippo Fantoni)
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2010) - In: Ptolemy in perspective. Use and criticism of his work from antiquity to the nineteenth century S. 135-150

16Buchbeitrag  L'astrologia da Alberto Magno a Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2008) - In: Il Rinascimento italiano e l'Europa. 5. Le scienze S. 47-58

17Buchbeitrag  Astrological conditioning of same-sexual relations in Girolamo Gardano's theoretical treatises and celebrity genitures
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2008) - In: The sciences of homosexuality in early modern Europe S. 183-200

18Buchbeitrag  Magia, cabala, vera astrologia: le prime considerazioni sull'astrologia di Giovanni Vico della Mirandola
Rutkin, H. Darrel. (2008) - In: Nello specchio del cielo. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola e le Disputationes S. 31-46

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