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Publikationen »Samson, Ross«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Samson, Ross

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Monographie  The residences of Potentiores in Gaul and Germania in the fifth to mid-ninth centuries
Samson, Ross. - [University of Glasgow] (1991)

2Sammelwerk  Social Approaches to Viking Studies
Samson, Ross [Hrsg.]. - Glasgow (1991)

3Sammelwerk  The Social Archaeology of Houses
Samson, Ross [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh [u.a.] (1990)

4Buchbeitrag  The church lends a hand
Samson, Ross. (1999) - In: The loved body's corruption S. 120-144

5Buchbeitrag  Illusory emporia and mad economic theories
Samson, Ross. (1999) - In: Anglo-Saxon Trading Centres. Beyond the Emporia S. 76-90

6Buchbeitrag  Tower-houses in the sixteenth century
Samson, Ross. (1998) - In: Scottish Power Centres from the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century S. 132-146

7Buchbeitrag  Slavs
Samson, Ross. (1996) - In: The Oxford companion to archaeology S. 657-659

8Artikel  Populous Dark-Age Towns: The Finleyesque Approach
Samson, Ross. (1994) - In: Journal of European archaeology Bd. 2 (1994) S. 97-129

9Buchbeitrag  Carolingian Palaces and the Poverty of Ideology
Samson, Ross. (1994) - In: Meaningful Architecture. Social Interpretations of Buildings S. 99-131

10Buchbeitrag  The end of early medieval slavery.
Samson, Ross. (1994) - In: The Work of Work. Servitude, Slavery, and Labor in Medieval England S. 95-124

11Artikel  The End of Alamannic Princely Forts and the Supposed Merovingian Hegemony
Samson, Ross. (1994) - In: Journal of European archaeology Bd. 2 (1994) S. 341-360

12Artikel  The reinterpretation of the Pictish symbols
Samson, Ross. (1992) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 145 (1992) S. 29-65

13Buchbeitrag  Slavery, the Roman legacy
Samson, Ross. (1992) - In: Fifth-century Gaul. A crisis of identity? S. 218-227

14Buchbeitrag  Godar: democrats or despots?
Samson, Ross. (1992) - In: From sagas to society. Comparative approaches to early Iceland S. 167-188

15Buchbeitrag  Fighting with silver: rethinking trading, raiding, and hoarding
Samson, Ross. (1991) - In: Social Approaches to Viking Studies S. 123-133

16Buchbeitrag  Economic anthropology and Vikings
Samson, Ross. (1991) - In: Social Approaches to Viking Studies S. 87-96

17Artikel  Rural Slavery, Inscriptions, Archaeology and Marx: A Response to Ramsay MacMullen's 'Late Roman Slavery'
Samson, Ross. (1989) - In: Historia. Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte Bd. 38 (1989) S. 99-110

18Artikel  The Merovingian nobleman's home: castle or villa?
Samson, Ross. (1987) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 13 (1987) S. 287-315

19Artikel  Finds from Urquhart Castle in the National Museum, Edinburgh
Samson, Ross. (1982) - In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Bd. 112 (1982) S. 465-476

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