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Publikationen »Sargent, Michael G.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Sargent, Michael G.

RI opac: 65 Einträge

1Monographie  Walter Hilton, The scale of perfection, Book II: a critical edition based on British Library MSS Harley 6573 and 6579
Walter <Hilton>. Hussey, Stanley S.Sargent, Michael G. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2017)

2Monographie  The scale of perfection, Book II: a critical edition based on British Library MSS Harley 6573 and 6579 / Walter Hilton
Walter <Hilton>. Hussey, Stanley S.Sargent, Michael G. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2017)

3Sammelwerk  Nicholas Love at Waseda. Proceedings of the International Conference, 20-22 July 1995
Oguro, ShoichiBeadle, RichardSargent, Michael G. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1997)

4Sachtitel  Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ
Love, Nicholas. Sargent, Michael G. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1992)

5Sammelwerk  De Cella in Seculum. Religious and secular life and devotion in late medieval England. An interdisciplinary conference in celebration of the eighth centenary of the consecration of St. Hugh of Avalon, bishop of Lincoln 20-22 July, 1986
Sargent, Michael G. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1989)

6Sachtitel  The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS latin 10888. Bd. 1: 1457 - 65 (Ff. 1-157v)
Sargent, Michael G.Hogg, James Lester [Hrsg.]. - Salzburg (1985)

7Sachtitel  The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS latin 10887. Bd. 2: 1447 - 56 (Ff. 145-333v)
Sargent, Michael G.Hogg, James Lester [Hrsg.]. - Salzburg (1984)

8Sachtitel  The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS latin 10887. Bd. 1: 1438 - 46 (Ff. 1-144)
Sargent, Michael G.Hogg, James Lester [Hrsg.]. - Salzburg (1984)

9Sachtitel  The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter: Chapter; Cava MS. 61; and Aula Dei: The Louber "Manuale" from the Charterhouse of Buxheim.
Sargent, Michael G.Hogg, James Lester [Hrsg.]. - Salzburg (1982)

10Monographie  James Grenehalgh as textual critic
Sargent, Michael G.. - [University of Toronto] (1979)

11Buchbeitrag  The Scale of Perfection in Devotional Compilations
Sargent, Michael G.. (2020) - In: Late medieval devotional compilations in England S. 309-339

12Buchbeitrag  Patterns of Circulation and Variation in the English and Latin Texts of Books I and IT of Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection
Sargent, Michael G.. (2019) - In: Essays Vincent Gillespie S. 83-100

13Buchbeitrag  Affective Reading and Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection at Syon
Sargent, Michael G.. (2019) - In: Essays Mary C. Erler S. 130-149

14Buchbeitrag  The Anxiety of Authority, the Fear of Translation: The Prologues to The Myroure of Oure Ladye
Sargent, Michael G.. (2018) - In: Essays Roger Ellis S. 231-244

15Buchbeitrag  Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ
Sargent, Michael G.. (2017) - In: The Wycliffite Bible. Origin, history and interpretation S. 389-405

16Buchbeitrag  Richard Rolle von Hampole (1290-1349)
Sargent, Michael G.. (2016) - In: Lehrer des geistlichen Lebens im Mittelalter S. 149-193

17Buchbeitrag  A Geographical Postscript
Sargent, Michael G.. (2014) - In: Devotional culture in late medieval England and Europe S. 593-606

18Buchbeitrag  Bishops, Patrons, Mystics and Manuscripts: Walter Hilton, Nicholas Love and the Arundel and Holland Connections
Sargent, Michael G.. (2014) - In: FS Toshiyuki Takamiya S. 159-176

19Buchbeitrag  Medieval and Modern Readership of Marguerite Porete's Mirouer des simples âmes anienties: The French and English Traditions
Sargent, Michael G.. (2013) - In: Middle English Religious Writing in Practice. Texts, Readers, and Transformations S. 47-89

20Buchbeitrag  Organic and Cybernetic Metaphors for Manuscript Relations: Stemma - Cladogram - Rhizome - Cloud
Sargent, Michael G.. (2013) - In: The pseudo-Bonaventuran lives of Christ S. 197-264

21Buchbeitrag  Editing Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection-. The Case for a Rhizomorphic Historical Edition
Sargent, Michael G.. (2013) - In: Probable truth. Editing medieval texts from Britain S. 509-534

22Buchbeitrag  Walter Hilton on the Gift of Interpretation of Scripture
Sargent, Michael G.. (2013) - In: The medieval mystical tradition in England 8 S. 51-58

23Buchbeitrag  Medieval and modern readership of Marguerite Porete's Mirouer des simples âmes anienties: the manuscripts of the continental Latin and Italian tradition
Sargent, Michael G.. (2013) - In: In principio fuit interpres S. 85-96

24Buchbeitrag  Censorship or Cultural Change? Reformation and Renaissance in the Spirituality of Late Medieval England
Sargent, Michael G.. (2012) - In: After Arundel. Religious writing in fifteenth-century England S. 55-72

25Buchbeitrag  Hilton, Walter
Sargent, Michael G.. (2012) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

26Buchbeitrag  Love, Nicholas
Sargent, Michael G.. (2012) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

27Buchbeitrag  Marguerite Porete
Sargent, Michael G.. (2010) - In: Medieval holy women in the Christian tradition c.1100 - c.1500 S. 291-312

28Buchbeitrag  The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ
Sargent, Michael G.. (2009) - In: Tributes Kathleen L. Scott S. 251-268

29Buchbeitrag  Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ and the Politics of Vernacular Translation in Late Medieval England
Sargent, Michael G.. (2009) - In: The medieval translator 12 S. 205-222

30Buchbeitrag  The Latin verses over the cell doors of London charterhouse
Sargent, Michael G.Hennessy, Marlene Villalobos. (2008) - In: Studies in Carthusian monasticism in the late middle ages S. 179-197

31Buchbeitrag  What do the Numbers Mean ? Observations on Some Patterns of Middle English Manuscript Transmission
Sargent, Michael G.. (2008) - In: Design and distribution of late medieval manuscripts in England S. 205-244

32Buchbeitrag  Hilton, Walter (+ 1396)
Sargent, Michael G.. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 331-332

33Buchbeitrag  Rolle, Richard, of Hampole (+ 1349)
Sargent, Michael G.. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 576-578

34Artikel  Mystical writings and dramatic texts in late medieval England
Sargent, Michael G.. (2005) - In: Religion and literature Bd. 37, 2 (2005) S. 77-98

35Buchbeitrag  The Holland-Takamiya manuscript of Nicholas Love's "Mirror of the blessed life of Jesus"
Sargent, Michael G.. (2004) - In: Essays Toshiyuki Takamiya S. 135-147

36Buchbeitrag  David of Augsburg's De Exterioris et Interioris Hominis Compositione in Middle English
Sargent, Michael G.. (2001) - In: Studies Robert R. Raymo S. 74-102

37Buchbeitrag  Art. Hilton, Walter (+ 1396)
Sargent, Michael G.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 358-359

38Buchbeitrag  Art. Love, Nicholas (+ 1423/24)
Sargent, Michael G.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 460

39Buchbeitrag  Art. Mystical and devotional writing, Middle English
Sargent, Michael G.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 536-539

40Buchbeitrag  Art. Rolle, Richard, of Hampole (+ 1349)
Sargent, Michael G.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 644-646

41Artikel  The annihilation of Marguerite Porete
Sargent, Michael G.. (1997) - In: Viator Bd. 28 (1997) S. 253-279

42Buchbeitrag  The textual affiliations of the Waseda manuscript of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ.
Sargent, Michael G.. (1997) - In: Nicholas Love at Waseda S. 175-274

43Buchbeitrag  The problem of uniformity in Carthusian book production from Opus Pacis to the Tertia Compilatio Statutorum.
Sargent, Michael G.. (1995) - In: Studies A. I. Doyle (1995) S. 122-141

44Artikel  Versions of the Life of Christ: Nicholas Love's Mirror and Related Works
Sargent, Michael G.. (1995) - In: Poetica (Tokyo) Bd. 42 (1995) S. 39-70

45Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Sargent, Michael G.. (1989) - In: De Cella in Seculum. Religious and secular life and devotion in late medieval England S. 1-7

46Artikel  Richard Rolle, Sorbonnard
Sargent, Michael G.. (1988) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 57 (1988) S. 284-290

47Buchbeitrag  Le Mirouer des simples âmes and the English mystical tradition
Sargent, Michael G.. (1986) - In: Abendländische Mystik im Mittelalter S. 443-465

48Buchbeitrag  Die Handschriften der Cartae des Generalkapitels: Ein analytischer Überblick
Sargent, Michael G.. (1985) - In: Kartäuserregel und Kartäuserleben Tl. 3 S. 5-46

49Artikel  The Heneage manuscript of Calculus de Perfectione Filiorum Dei and the Middle English Treatise of Perfection of the Sons of God
Sargent, Michael G.. (1985) - In: Ons geestelijk erf Bd. 59 (1985) S. 533-559

50Buchbeitrag  Bonaventura English: A Survey of the Middle English Prose Translations of Early Franciscan Literature.
Sargent, Michael G.. (1984) - In: Spätmittelalterliche geistliche Literatur in der Nationalsprache Tl. 2 S. 145-176

51Buchbeitrag  Three Notes on Middle English Poetry and Drama, II
Sargent, Michael G.. (1984) - In: A Salzburg Miscellany. English and American Studies, 1964-1984 S. 131-180

52Buchbeitrag  Minor Devotional Writings
Sargent, Michael G.. (1984) - In: Middle English prose. A critical guide to major authors and genres S. 147-175

53Buchbeitrag  Ruusbroec in England: The Chastising of God's Chldren and other related works
Sargent, Michael G.. (1983) - In: Historia et Spiritualitas Cartusiensis. Colloquii quarti internationalis acta S. 303-312

54Artikel  Was Mechtild of Hackeborn's Booke of Gostlye Grace translated from Middle Dutch? Some observations
Sargent, Michael G.Gillespie, Vincent J.. (1983) - In: Ons geestelijk erf Bd. 57 (1983) S. 341-354

55Buchbeitrag  Art. Capgrave, John
Sargent, Michael G.. (1983) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 3 S. 90

56Artikel  Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection: the London manuscript group reconsidered
Sargent, Michael G.. (1983) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 52 (1983) S. 189-216

57Buchbeitrag  James Grenehalgh: the Biographical Record
Sargent, Michael G.. (1982) - In: Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker Tl. 4 S. 20-54

58Buchbeitrag  Two Fifteenth-Century Letters to the General Chapter
Sargent, Michael G.. (1982) - In: Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker Tl. 5 S. 47-55

59Buchbeitrag  The Self-Verification of Visionary Phenomena: Richard Methley's " Experimentum Veritatis
Sargent, Michael G.. (1981) - In: Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker Tl. 2 S. 121-137

60Buchbeitrag  Two Fifteenth-Century Letters to the General Chapter: Staatsarchiv Wertheim F37a/68
Sargent, Michael G.. (1981) - In: Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker Tl. 5 S. 47-55

61Buchbeitrag  Contemporary criticism of Richard Rolle
Sargent, Michael G.. (1981) - In: Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker Tl. 1 S. 160-205

62Artikel  A source of the Poor Caitiff tract "Of man's will"
Sargent, Michael G.. (1979) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 41 (1979) S. 535-539

63Artikel  A new manuscript of The Chastising of God's Children with an ascription to Walter Hilton
Sargent, Michael G.. (1977) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 46 (1977) S. 49-65

64Artikel  The Transmission by the English Carthusians of some Late Medieval Spiritual Writings
Sargent, Michael G.. (1976) - In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Bd. 27 (1976) S. 225-240

65Artikel  The McGill University Fragment of the "Southern Assumption"
Sargent, Michael G.. (1974) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 36 (1974) S. 186-198

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