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Publikationen »Schoeck, Richard J.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Schoeck, Richard J.

RI opac: 34 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Acta conventus neo-latini Bononiensis. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies. Bologna 26 August to 1 September 1979
Schoeck, Richard J. [Hrsg.]. - Binghamton, NY (1985)

2Sammelwerk  Chaucer Criticism: An Anthology (Vol. 1-2)
Schoeck, Richard J.Taylor, J. [Hrsg.]. - Notre Dame, Ind. (1960 - 1961)

3Buchbeitrag  Chaucer and Huizinga: The Spirit of Homo Ludens
Schoeck, Richard J.. (2000) - In: Tales within Tales. Apuleius through Time S. 97-106

4Buchbeitrag  The geography of Erasmus
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1999) - In: Northern Humanism in European Context, 1469-1625 S. 198-205

5Buchbeitrag  Los abogados y la retórica en la Inglaterra del siglo XVI
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1999) - In: La elocuencia en el Renacimiento S. 325-346

6Buchbeitrag  The humanist books of Bishop Richard Fox given to Corpus Christi College in 1528
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1998) - In: Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Bariensis S. 533-539

7Buchbeitrag  "Going for the throat" Erasmus' rhetorical theory and practice
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1993) - In: Renaissance-Rhetorik = Renaissance rhetoric S. 43-58

8Artikel  Chaucerian irony revisited: a rhetorical perspective
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1992) - In: Florilegium Bd. 11 (1992) S. 124-140

9Artikel  Eighth-Annual Bainton Lecture
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1992) - In: Erasmus Studies Bd. 12 (1992) S. 45-63

10Buchbeitrag  Humanism in England
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1988) - In: Humanism Beyond Italy S. 5-38

11Buchbeitrag  Humanism and Jurisprudence
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1988) - In: Humanism and the Disciplines S. 310-326

12Buchbeitrag  Agricola and Erasmus: Erasmus' inheritage of northern humanism
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1988) - In: Rodolphus Agricola Phrisius 1444-1485 S. 181-188

13Artikel  Erasmus in England, 1499-1517: "Translatio studii" and the "Studia humanitatis"
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1987) - In: Classical and modern literature Bd. 7 (1987) S. 269-283

14Artikel  'Lighting a candle to the place': on the dimensions and implications of "Imitatio " in the Renaissance
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1982) - In: Italian culture Bd. 4 (1982) S. 123-143

15Buchbeitrag  The humanistic concept of the text: text, context, and tradition
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1982) - In: Proceedings of the PMR Conference 7 S. 13-31

16Buchbeitrag  Renaissance guides to Renaissance learning
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1980) - In: Acta Conventus Neo-latini Turonensis Tl. 1 S. 239-262

17Artikel  On humanistic traditions: the whole man and his role in history
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1972) - In: Clio. Journal of literature, history, and the philosophy of history Bd. 1, 2 (1972) S. 29-36

18Buchbeitrag  Thomas More and the Italian heritage of early Tudor Humanism
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1969) - In: Arts libéraux et philosophie au Moyen Âge S. 1191-1197

19Artikel  Heywood's case of love: a legal reading of John Heywood's "The Play of Love"
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1967) - In: Studia neophilologica Bd. 39 (1967) S. 284-301

20Artikel  The study of law-French in the inns of court during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1964) - In: Kentucky foreign language quarterly Bd. 11 (1964) S. 226-234

21Artikel  Canon Law in England on the Eve of the Reformation
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1963) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 25 (1963) S. 125-147

22Artikel  The libraries of common lawyers in Renaissance England: some notes and a provisional list
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1962) - In: Manuscripta Bd. 6 (1962) S. 155-167

23Artikel  The Use of St. John Chrysostom in Sixteenth-Century Controversy: Christopher St. German and Sir Thomas More in 1533
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1961) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 54 (1961) S. 21-27

24Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's prioress: mercy and tender heart
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1960) - In: Chaucer Criticism. An Anthology Tl. 1 S. 245-258

25Artikel  Research in early Tudor drama
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1958) - In: Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Bd. 4 (1958) S. 6-11

26Artikel  More, Plutarch, and King Agis: Spartan history and the meaning of "Utopia"
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1956) - In: Philological quarterly Bd. 35 (1956) S. 366-375

27Artikel  'Nosce teipsum' and the two John Davies
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1955) - In: The modern language review Bd. 50 (1955) S. 307-310

28Artikel  A legal reading of Chaucer's hous of fame
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1954) - In: University of Toronto quarterly Bd. 24 (1964) S. 185-192

29Artikel  Rhetoric and law in sixteenth-century England
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1953) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 50 (1953) S. 110-127

30Artikel  Alliterative assonance in Harley Ms. 2253
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1951) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 32 (1951) S. 68-70

31Artikel  A fool to Henry VIII at Lincoln's Inn: 'Lobbe, the kynges foole'
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1951) - In: Modern language notes Bd. 66 (1951) S. 506-509

32Artikel  Andreas Capellanus and St. Bernard of Clairvaux: the twelve steps of love and the twelve steps of humility
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1951) - In: Modern language notes Bd. 66 (1951) S. 295-300

33Artikel  Sir Thomas More and the Lincoln's Inn revels
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1950) - In: Philological quarterly Bd. 29 (1950) S. 426-430

34Artikel  Alliteration as a means of stanza connection in "The faerie queene"
Schoeck, Richard J.. (1949) - In: Modern language notes Bd. 64 (1949) S. 90-93

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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