Publikationen »Shearman, John K. G.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Shearman, John K. G.
RI opac: 92 Einträge
1 | Studi su Raffaello. Shearman, John K. G.. |
2 | Raphael in early modern sources: (1483 - 1602) Shearman, John K. G.. |
3 | Arte e spettatore nel Rinascimento italiano: "only connect ...". Shearman, John K. G.. |
4 | Only Connect: Art and the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance Shearman, John K. G.. |
5 | The Princeton Raphael Symposium: science in the service of art history Shearman, John K. G. [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Mannerism Shearman, John K. G.. |
7 | Manierismus: das Künstliche in der Kunst. Shearman, John K. G.. |
8 | Il manierismo Shearman, John K. G.. |
9 | Funzione e illusione: Raffaello, Pontormo, Correggio Shearman, John K. G.. |
10 | The early Italian pictures in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen Shearman, John K. G. [Hrsg.]. |
12 | Michelangelo: Six Lectures Wilde, Johannes. Hirst, Michael • Shearman, John K. G. [Hrsg.]. |
13 | Raphael's Cartoons in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen, and the Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel. Shearman, John K. G.. |
14 | Pontormo's altarpiece in S. Felicita Shearman, John K. G.. |
15 | Mannerism Shearman, John K. G.. |
16 | Andrea del Sarto Shearman, John K. G.. |
17 | Developments in the use of colour in Tuscan painting of the early sixteenth century. Shearman, John K. G.. |
18 | Leonardo's color and chiaroscuro Shearman, John K. G.. |
19 | Altre proposte sul polittico di Pisa Shearman, John K. G.. |
20 | Donatello, the spectator, and the shared moment Shearman, John K. G.. |
21 | Art or politics in the Piazza? Shearman, John K. G.. |
22 | On the Master-Model for New Saint Peter's, 1506-21 Shearman, John K. G.. |
23 | The Internationalism of Florentine Gothic Art Shearman, John K. G.. |
24 | A Lost Altarpiece by Andrea del Sarto, "The Madonna of S. Ambrogio" (Part II) Shearman, John K. G.. |
25 | Leonardo's Colour and Chiaroscuro Shearman, John K. G.. |
26 | Giorgio Vasari and the paragons of art Shearman, John K. G.. |
27 | On Raphael's chronology 1503-1508 Shearman, John K. G.. |
28 | Refraction, and reflection Shearman, John K. G.. |
29 | Il mecenatismo di Giulio II e Leone X. Shearman, John K. G.. |
30 | Castiglione's portrait of Raphael Shearman, John K. G.. |
31 | Le funzioni del colore Shearman, John K. G.. |
32 | Giulio Romano and the tomb of Duke and Duchess of Sessa Shearman, John K. G.. |
33 | Una nota sul progetto di Papa Giulio Shearman, John K. G.. |
34 | Gli appartamenti di Giulio II e Leone X Shearman, John K. G.. |
35 | The Vatican Stanze: functions and decoration. Shearman, John K. G.. |
36 | Le funzione del colore Shearman, John K. G.. |
37 | A note on the early history of cartoons Shearman, John K. G.. |
38 | Giulio Romano and Baldassare Castiglione Shearman, John K. G.. |
39 | The historian and the conservator Shearman, John K. G.. |
40 | La storia della Cappella Sistina Shearman, John K. G.. |
41 | Raphael's clouds, and Correggio's Shearman, John K. G.. |
42 | Isochromatic color compositions in the Italian Renaissance Shearman, John K. G.. |
43 | A note on the chronology of Villa Madama Shearman, John K. G.. |
44 | Bildarchitekturen Shearman, John K. G.. |
45 | The exhibitions for Andrea del Sarto's fifth centenary Shearman, John K. G.. |
46 | Raffaels Doppelportrait Shearman, John K. G.. |
47 | Alfonso d'Este's Camerino Shearman, John K. G.. |
48 | The expulsion of Heliodorus Shearman, John K. G.. |
49 | Die Kapelle des Sixtus IV. Shearman, John K. G.. |
50 | The born architect? Shearman, John K. G.. |
51 | Gli arazzi di Raffaello per la Cappella Sistina Shearman, John K. G.. |
52 | La costruzione della cappella e la prima decorazione al tempo di Sisto IV Shearman, John K. G.. |
53 | Johannes Wilde (1891 - 1970) Shearman, John K. G.. |
54 | Raphael year, exhibitions of paintings and drawings Shearman, John K. G.. |
55 | The organization of Raphael's workshop Shearman, John K. G.. |
56 | A drawing for Raphael's 'Saint George' Shearman, John K. G.. |
57 | A functional interpretation of Villa Madama Shearman, John K. G.. |
58 | Pentimenti in the Chigi Chapel Shearman, John K. G.. |
59 | Correggio's illusionism Shearman, John K. G.. |
60 | Le portrait de Baldassare Castiglione par Raphaël Shearman, John K. G.. |
61 | An episode in the history of conservation: the fragments of Perino's altarpiece from S. Maria sopra Minerva. Shearman, John K. G.. |
62 | Raphael, Rome, and the Codex Escurialensis Shearman, John K. G.. |
63 | A manuscript illustrated by Bacchiacca Shearman, John K. G.. |
64 | Barocci at Bologna and Florence Shearman, John K. G.. |
65 | The collections of the younger branch of the Medici Shearman, John K. G.. |
66 | The Florentine Entrata of Leo X (1515) Shearman, John K. G.. |
67 | Il "Tiburio" di Bramante Shearman, John K. G.. |
68 | The Vatican Stanze: Functions and Decorations Shearman, John K. G.. |
69 | Raphael at the court of Urbino Shearman, John K. G.. |
70 | Maniera as an aesthetic ideal Shearman, John K. G.. |
71 | The logic and realism of Piero della Francesca Shearman, John K. G.. |
72 | Raphael as architect Shearman, John K. G.. |
73 | A suggestions for the early style of Verrocchio Shearman, John K. G.. |
74 | Giulio Romano: tradizione, licenze, artifici Shearman, John K. G.. |
75 | Raphael... 'Fa il Bramante' Shearman, John K. G.. |
76 | Masaccio's Pisa altar-piece: and alternative reconstruction Shearman, John K. G.. |
77 | Le seizième siècle european Shearman, John K. G.. |
78 | Titian's portrait of Giulio Romano Shearman, John K. G.. |
79 | Raphael's unexecuted projects for the Stanze Shearman, John K. G.. |
80 | Raphael and his circle Shearman, John K. G.. |
82 | Maniera as an aesthetic ideal Shearman, John K. G.. |
83 | Leonardo's colour and chiaroscuro Shearman, John K. G.. |
84 | Pontormo and Adnrea Del Sarto, 1513 Shearman, John K. G.. |
85 | A lost altar-piece by Andrea Del Sarto 'the Madonna of S. Ambrogio' Shearman, John K. G.. |
86 | The Chigi Chapel in S. Maria del Popolo Shearman, John K. G.. |
87 | Andrea del Sarto's portrait at Alnwick Shearman, John K. G.. |
88 | Rosso, Pontormo, Bandinelli, and others at SS. Annunziata Shearman, John K. G.. |
89 | Three portraits by Andrea del Sarto and his circle Shearman, John K. G.. |
90 | The Chiostro dello Scalzo Shearman, John K. G.. |
91 | Andrea del Sarto's two paintings of the Assumption Shearman, John K. G.. |
92 | Raphael's tapestries and their cartoons Shearman, John K. G. • White, John. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko
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