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Publikationen »Smith, Randall B.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Smith, Randall B.

RI opac: 11 Einträge

1Monographie  Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the scholastic culture of medieval Paris: preaching, prologues, and biblical commentary
Smith, Randall B.. - Cambridge (2021)

2Monographie  Reading the sermons of Thomas Aquinas: a beginner's guide
Smith, Randall B.. - Steubenville, Ohio (2016)

3Artikel  Bonaventure's Inception Address as Regent Master at Paris: Omnium Artifex
Smith, Randall B.. (2022) - In: Franciscan Studies Bd. 80 (2022) S. 211-242

4Artikel  What Augustine Did Not Find in the Books of the Platonists
Smith, Randall B.. (2020) - In: Logos. A journal of catholic thought and culture Bd. 23, 4 (2020) S. 70-102

5Artikel  Thomas Aquinas and Irenaeus on the Divine and Natural Law
Smith, Randall B.. (2020) - In: Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia Bd. 13 (2020) S. 175-187

6Buchbeitrag  Initiating Young Friars into a Culture of Preaching: The Connections between Thirteenth Century Preaching and Biblical Commentary
Smith, Randall B.. (2019) - In: Initiation and mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas S. 323-349

7Buchbeitrag  How Faith Perfects Prudence: Thomas Aquinas on the Wisdom of the Old Law and the Gift of Counsel
Smith, Randall B.. (2017) - In: The virtuous life. Thomas Aquinas on the theological nature of moral virtues S. 143-162

8Buchbeitrag  Natural Law and Grace: How Charity Perfects the Natural Law
Smith, Randall B.. (2015) - In: Faith, hope and love. Thomas Aquinas on living by the theological virtues S. 233-258

9Artikel  How to Read a Sermon by Thomas Aquinas
Smith, Randall B.. (2012) - In: Nova et vetera. The English edition of the international theological journal Bd. 10 (2012) S. 775-804

10Artikel  What the old law reveals about the natural law according to Thomas Aquinas
Smith, Randall B.. (2011) - In: The Thomist Bd. 75 (2011) S. 95-139

11Buchbeitrag  Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274)
Smith, Randall B.. (2010) - In: The encyclopedia of Christian literature S. 181-184

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