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Publikationen »Smoller, Laura Ackerman«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Smoller, Laura Ackerman

RI opac: 28 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Le temps des astronomes: l'astronomie et le décompte du temps de Pierre d'Ailly à Newton
Mehl, ÉdouardRoudet, NicolasSmoller, Laura Ackerman [Hrsg.]. - Paris (2017)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2016)

3Monographie  The saint and the chopped-up baby: the cult of Vincent Ferrer in medieval and early modern Europe
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. - Ithaca, NY (2014)

4Monographie  History, prophecy, and the stars. The Christian astrology of Pierre d'Ailly, 1350-1420
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. - Princeton, NJ (1994)

5Monographie  History, prophecy, and the stars: The Christian astrology of Pierre d'Ailly (1350-1420)
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. - [Harvard University] (1991)

6Buchbeitrag  Reading the End in Late Medieval Augsburg. Wolfgang Aytinger's Commentary on the Revelationes of Pseudo-Methodius
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2024) - In: Apocalyptic cultures in medieval and Renaissance Europe S. 195-217

7Buchbeitrag  Looking for the End in Late Medieval Germany: Wolfgang Aytinger's Commentary on Pseudo-Methodius
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2022) - In: Histoire de la fin des temps. Les mutations du discours eschatologique S. 335-360

8Buchbeitrag  The beginnings of popular devotion to St. Vicent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2020) - In: San Vicente Ferrer, mensajero del evangelio. Ayer y hoy S. 131-155

9Buchbeitrag  From "Real Life" to Saint's Life. Biography and Hagiography in the Vitae of Bernardino of Siena and Vincent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2020) - In: Hagiography and the history of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 S. 33-51

10Buchbeitrag  1789 and All That: The Afterlife of Pierre d'Ailly's Prediction of the Advent of Antichrist
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2019) - In: Pierre d'Ailly, un esprit universel à l'aube du XVe siècle S. 301-320

11Artikel  "El poder y lo sagrado: intereses políticos y religiosos en la canonización de Vicente Ferrer" [Power and the holy: Political and religious interests in the canonization of Vincent Ferrer]
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2019) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales Bd. 49 (2019) S. 261-286

12Buchbeitrag  Preacher, Pope, King, and Emperor: Remembering Vincent and Perpignan
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2019) - In: Perpignan 1415. Un sommet européen à l'époque du Grand Schisme d'Occident S. 483-498

13Buchbeitrag  Choosing Miracles for Vincent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2018) - In: Miracles in Medieval Canonization Processes S. 75-104

14Artikel  Dominicans and Demons: Possession, Temptation, and Reform in the Cult of Vincent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2018) - In: Speculum Bd. 93 (2018) S. 1010-1047

15Buchbeitrag  Astrology, the Flood, and the Challenges of History in Late Medieval Europe
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2017) - In: Le temps des astronomes. L'astronomie et le décompte du temps de Pierre d'Ailly à Newton S. 103-121

16Buchbeitrag  The Unstable Image of Vincent Ferrer in Manuscript and Print Vitae, 1455-1555
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2015) - In: The Saint Between Manuscript and Print. Italy, 1400-1600 S. 299-330

17Buchbeitrag  'Popular' Religious Culture(s)
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2014) - In: The Oxford handbook of medieval Christianity S. 340-356

18Artikel  From Authentic Miracles to a Rhetoric of Authenticity: Examples from the Canonization and Cult of St. Vincent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2011) - In: Church history Bd. 80 (2011) S. 773-798

19Artikel  Teste Albumasare cum Sibylla: astrology and the Sibyls in medieval Europe
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2010) - In: Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences Bd. 41 (2010) S. 76-89

20Buchbeitrag  A case of demonic possession in fifteenth-century Brittany: Perrin Hervé and the Nascent Cult of Vincent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2006) - In: Voices from the bench. The narratives of lesser folk in medieval trials S. 149-176

21Buchbeitrag  Northern and Southern sanctity in the canonization of Vincent Ferrer: the effects of procedural differences on the image of the saint
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2004) - In: Procès de canonisation au Moyen Âge S. 289-308

22Buchbeitrag  Of earthquakes, hail, frogs and geography. Plague and the investigation of the apocalypse in the later Middle Ages
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2000) - In: Last things. Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages S. 156-187, 316-337

23Buchbeitrag  Art. Ailly, Pierre d' (Petrus de Alliaco) (1350-1420)
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 8-10

24Buchbeitrag  The Canonization Process for St. Vincent Ferrer
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (2000) - In: Medieval hagiography. An anthology S. 781-804

25Artikel  Miracle, Memory and Meaning in the Canonization of Vincent Ferrer, 1453-1454
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (1998) - In: Speculum Bd. 73 (1998) S. 429-454

26Buchbeitrag  The Alfonsine tables and the end of the world: astrology and apocalyptic calculation in the later Middle Ages
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (1998) - In: Essays Jeffrey B. Russell S. 211-239

27Artikel  Defining the boundaries of the natural in fifteenth-century Brittany: the inquest into the miracles of Saint Vincent Ferrer († 1419)
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (1997) - In: Viator Bd. 28 (1997) S. 333-359

28Artikel  Playing Cards and Popular Culture in Sixteenth-Century Nuremberg
Smoller, Laura Ackerman. (1986) - In: The sixteenth century journal Bd. 17 (1986) S. 183-214

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