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Publikationen »Sponsler, Claire«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Sponsler, Claire

RI opac: 26 Einträge

1Monographie  The queen's dumbshows: John Lydgate and the making of early theater
Sponsler, Claire. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2014)

2Monographie  Mummings and entertainments / John Lydgate
Lydgate, John. Sponsler, Claire [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2010)

3Sammelwerk  East of West: cross-cultural performance and the staging of difference
Sponsler, ClaireChen, Xiaomei [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2000)

4Monographie  Drama and Resistance: Bodies, Goods, and Theatricality in Late Medieval England
Sponsler, Claire. - Minneapolis, MN (1997)

5Monographie  Controlling images: Merchants and fifteenth century law and literature
Sponsler, Claire. - [Indiana University] (1989)

6Buchbeitrag  Tracing Medieval Performance: The Visual Archive
Sponsler, Claire. (2018) - In: Performance and theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance S. 93-110

7Buchbeitrag  From Archive to Repertoire: The Disguising at Hertford and Performing Practices
Sponsler, Claire. (2017) - In: Medieval theatre performance. Actors, dancers, automata and their audiences S. 15-34

8Buchbeitrag  Circulation: A Peripatetic Theatre
Sponsler, Claire. (2017) - In: A cultural history of theatre in the Middle Ages S. 105-122

9Buchbeitrag  What the "Beauchamp Pageant" Says about Medieval Plays
Sponsler, Claire. (2014) - In: Editing, performance, texts. New practices in Medieval and Early Modern English S. 11-26

10Buchbeitrag  The English How the good wijf taughte hir doughtir and How the wise man taught his sonne
Sponsler, Claire. (2009) - In: Medieval conduct literature S. 285-304

11Buchbeitrag  Lydgate and London's Public Culture
Sponsler, Claire. (2008) - In: Lydgate matters. Poetry and material culture in the fifteenth century S. 13-34

12Artikel  Theresa Coletti, Mary Magdalen and the Drama of Saints: Theater, Gender, and Religion in Late Medieval England
Sponsler, Claire. (2006) - In: Medieval and renaissance drama in England Bd. 19 (2006) S. 336-341

13Buchbeitrag  In Transit: Theorizing Cultural Appropriation in Medieval Europe
Sponsler, Claire. (2006) - In: The postmodern Beowulf. A critical casebook S. 25-48

14Buchbeitrag  Text and Textile: Lydgates Tapestry Poems
Sponsler, Claire. (2005) - In: Medieval fabrications. Dress, textiles, clothwork, and other cultural imaginings S. 19-34

15Buchbeitrag  Drama and Piety: Margery Kempe
Sponsler, Claire. (2004) - In: A companion to The book of Margery Kempe S. 129-143

16Buchbeitrag  The captivity of Henry Chrystede: Froissart's "Chroniques", Ireland, and fourteenth-century nationalism
Sponsler, Claire. (2004) - In: Imagining a medieval English nation S. 304-339

17Buchbeitrag  Drama in the archives: recognizing medieval plays
Sponsler, Claire. (2004) - In: From script to stage in early modern England S. 111-130

18Artikel  In transit: theorizing cultural appropriation in medieval Europe.
Sponsler, Claire. (2002) - In: The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Bd. 32 (2002) S. 17-39

19Buchbeitrag  Eating lessons. Lydgate's "Dietary" and consumer conduct
Sponsler, Claire. (2001) - In: Medieval Conduct S. 1-22

20Buchbeitrag  The king's boyfriend: Froissart's political theater of 1326
Sponsler, Claire. (2001) - In: Queering the Middle Ages S. 143-167

21Buchbeitrag  Alien nation: London's aliens and Lydgate's mummings for the mercers and goldsmiths
Sponsler, Claire. (2000) - In: The postcolonial Middle Ages S. 229-242

22Artikel  Othered bodies: racial cross-dressing in the Mistere de la Sainte Hostie and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament
Clark, Robert L. A.Sponsler, Claire. (1999) - In: The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Bd. 29 (1999) S. 61-87

23Buchbeitrag  Outlaw masculinities: drag, blackface, and late medieval laboring-class festivities
Sponsler, Claire. (1997) - In: Becoming Male in the Middle Ages S. 321-347

24Buchbeitrag  Festive profit and ideological production: Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas
Sponsler, Claire. (1996) - In: Festive Drama. Papers from the Sixth Triennial Colloquium S. 66-79

25Artikel  Medieval ethnography: fieldwork in the European past
Sponsler, Claire. (1992) - In: Assays Bd. 7 (1992) S. 1-30

26Artikel  Narrating the social order: medieval clothing laws
Sponsler, Claire. (1992) - In: Clio. Journal of literature, history, and the philosophy of history Bd. 21 (1992) S. 268-283

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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