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Publikationen »Steenbrugge, Charlotte«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Steenbrugge, Charlotte

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Cultures of compunction in the Medieval World
Williams, Graham T.Steenbrugge, Charlotte [Hrsg.]. - London (2020)

2Monographie  Drama and sermon in late medieval England: performance, authority, devotion
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2017)

3Monographie  Staging Vice: A Study of Dramatic Traditions in Medieval and Sixteenth-Century England and the Low Countries
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. - Amsterdam (2014)

4Monographie  The vice and sinnekens: a study of dramatic traditions in medieval and 16th-century England and the Low Countries.
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. - [University of Cambridge] (2010)

5Buchbeitrag  Medieval English Drama and Performance
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2023) - In: The Routledge companion to medieval English literature S. 345-355

6Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Williams, Graham T.Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2020) - In: Cultures of compunction in the Medieval World S. 1-13

7Artikel  A Biblical Story for Two Stages: Abraham and Isaac in Fifteenth-Century Florence and York
Delcorno, PietroSteenbrugge, Charlotte. (2020) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 24 (2020) S. 65-100

8Buchbeitrag  Playing for Emotion: Middle English Abraham and Isaac Plays
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2018) - In: Emotion and medieval textual media S. 215-238

9Artikel  A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Audience Responses
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2017) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 21 (2017) S. 67-84

10Buchbeitrag  Morality plays and the aftermath of Arundel's Constitutions
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2017) - In: The Routledge companion to early drama and performance S. 205-220

11Buchbeitrag  'I Speke so Miche to 3ow': Authority, Didacticism, and Audience Address in Middle English Sermons and Morality Plays
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2017) - In: Essays John J. McGavin S. 84-98

12Buchbeitrag  Preaching Penance on the Stage in Late Medieval England: The Case of John the Baptist
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2016) - In: Staging scripture. Biblical drama, 1350-1600 S. 149-165

13Artikel  ‘I Speke so Miche to 3ow': Authority, Didacticism, and Audience Address in Middle English sermons and morality plays
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2016) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 38 (2016) S. 84-99

14Buchbeitrag  Time and authority in Chaucer's "Parliament of Fowls"
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2013) - In: Chaucer's poetry. Words, authority and ethics S. 121-133

15Artikel  Presenters in N-Town: 'We asygne it to zoure good deliberacion'
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2012) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 16 (2012) S. 53-67

16Artikel  Books of Accounts in Everyman and Elckerlijc
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2011) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 33 (2011) S. 19-44

17Artikel  'O, yowr louely wordys': Latin and Latinate Diction in Mankind
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2009) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 31 (2009) S. 28-57

18Artikel  Jan Smeeken: Sinnekens and Devils
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. (2008) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 12 (2008) S. 49-66

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