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Publikationen »Stephens, John«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Stephens, John

RI opac: 16 Einträge

1Monographie  The fall of the Florentine Republic: 1512-1530
Stephens, John. - Oxford (1983)

2Buchbeitrag  Where have all the witches gone? The disappearing witch and children's literature
Stephens, John. (2020) - In: The Routledge history of witchcraft S. 382-391

3Buchbeitrag  Myth / mythology and fairy tales
Stephens, John. (2000) - In: The Oxford companion to fairy tales S. 331-334

4Buchbeitrag  Metafictional strategies and the theme of sexual power in the Wife of Bath's and Franklin's Tales
Stephens, JohnRyan, Marcella. (1998) - In: Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales S. 147-168

5Artikel  The unwelcome suitor: patriarchal norms, masculine inefficiency and negative modelling in the Old Icelandic Kormáks Saga
Stephens, John. (1992) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 10, 2 (1992) S. 155-166

6Buchbeitrag  The conversion of St. Francis
Stephens, John. (1990) - In: Essays Philip Jones S. 31-43

7Artikel  Paradigmatic and syntagmatic elaboration and Middle English poetic style
Stephens, John. (1988) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, Bd. 6 (1988) S. 23-35

8Artikel  The uses of personae and the art of obliqueness in some Chaucer lyrics.
Stephens, John. (1987) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 21 (1987) S. , 360-373

9Artikel  The uses of personae and the art of obliqueness in some Chaucer lyrics
Stephens, John. (1987) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 22 (1987) S. 41-52

10Artikel  The uses of personae and the art of obliqueness in some Chaucer lyrics.
Stephens, John. (1987) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 21 (1987) S. 459-468

11Buchbeitrag  Giovanbattista Cibo's confession
Stephens, John. (1978) - In: Essays Myron P. Gilmore Tl. 1 S. 255-269

12Buchbeitrag  The poet and Atlakviða: variations on some themes
Stephens, John. (1974) - In: Studies Ian Maxwell S. 56-62

13Artikel  The Questioning of Love in the Assembly of Ladies.
Stephens, John. (1973) - In: The review of English studies Ser. NS, Bd. 24 (1973) S. 129-140

14Artikel  The mead of poetry: myth and metaphor
Stephens, John. (1972) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 56 (1972) S. 259-268

15Artikel  Is the Skaldic "dróttkvaett" Metre Trochaic?
Stephens, John. (1971) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 70 (1971) S. 76-85

16Artikel  Weland and a little restraint: a note on "Deor" 5-6
Stephens, John. (1969) - In: Studia neophilologica Bd. 41 (1969) S. 371-374

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