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Publikationen »Stock, Brian«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Stock, Brian

RI opac: 52 Einträge

1Monographie  The integrated self. Augustine, the Bible, and the ancient thought
Stock, Brian. - Philadelphia (2017)

2Monographie  Myth and science in the twelfth century: a study of Bernard Silvester
Stock, Brian. - Princeton, NJ (2015)

3Monographie  Augustine's inner dialogue: the philosophical soliloquy in late Antiquity
Stock, Brian. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2010)

4Monographie  After Augustine: The meditative reader and the text
Stock, Brian. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2001)

5Sammelwerk  Listening for the Text: On the Uses of the Past
Stock, Brian. - Baltimore, Md. (1990)

6Monographie  The implications of literacy. Written language and models of interpretation in the 11th and 12th centuries
Stock, Brian. - Princeton, NJ (1983)

7Artikel  Self, soliloquy, and spiritual exercises in Augustine and some later authors
Stock, Brian. (2011) - In: Journal of religion Bd. 91 (2011) S. 5-23

8Artikel  Étienne Gilson: art, literature and philosophy
Stock, Brian. (2010) - In: Lettere italiane Bd. 62 (2010) S. 3-19

9Artikel  Etienne Gilson: Art, Literature, and Philosophy
Stock, Brian. (2007) - In: Fons Luminis Bd. 1 (2007) S. 2-13

10Artikel  Lectio divina e lectio spiritualis: la scrittura come practica contemplativa nel Medioevo.
Stock, Brian. (2000) - In: Lettere italiane Bd. 52 (2000) S. 169-183

11Artikel  Ethical values and the literary imagination in the later ancient world
Stock, Brian. (1998) - In: New literary history Bd. 29 (1998) S. 1-13

12Artikel  Augustine the Reader. Meditation, Self-Knowledge, and the Ethics of Interpretation
Stock, Brian. (1997) - In: The Ancient world Bd. 28 (1997) S. 102-103

13Buchbeitrag  Literary realism in the later ancient period
Stock, Brian. (1996) - In: Literary History and the Challenge of Philology. The Legacy of Erich Auerbach S. 143-155

14Buchbeitrag  Literary Realism in the Later Ancient Period
Stock, Brian. (1996) - In: Legacy Erich Auerbach S. 143-155

15Artikel  Reading, Writing, and the Self: Petrarch and His Forerunners
Stock, Brian. (1995) - In: New literary history Bd. 26 (1995) S. 717-730

16Artikel  The self and literary experience in late antiquity and the Middle Ages
Stock, Brian. (1994) - In: New literary history Bd. 25 (1994) S. 839-852

17Buchbeitrag  Romantic Attitudes and Academic Medievalism
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 52-74, 176-181

18Buchbeitrag  Introduction. Orality, Literacy, and the Sense of the Past
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 1-15

19Artikel  Lecture, intériorité et modèles de comportement dans l'Europe des XIe-XIIe siècles
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale Bd. 33 (1990) S. 103-112

20Buchbeitrag  Tradition and modernity: models from the past
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Modernité au Moyen Âge S. 33-44

21Buchbeitrag  Medieval Literacy, Linguistic Theory, and Social Organization
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 30-51, 174-176

22Buchbeitrag  Preface
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. VII-VIII

23Buchbeitrag  Textual Communities: Judaism, Christianity, and the Definitional Problem
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 140-158, 189

24Buchbeitrag  Max Weber, Western Rationality, and the Middle Ages
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 113-139, 185-188

25Buchbeitrag  History, Literature, Textuality
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 16-29, 173-174

26Buchbeitrag  Language and Culture: Saussure, Ricoeur, and Foucault
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 95-112, 184-185

27Buchbeitrag  Literary Discourse and the Social Historian
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 75-94, 181-183

28Buchbeitrag  Tradition and Modernity: Models from the Past
Stock, Brian. (1990) - In: Stock, Listening for the Text S. 159-171, 190-191

29Buchbeitrag  Schriftgebrauch und Rationalität im Mittelalter
Stock, Brian. (1988) - In: Max Webers Sicht des okzidentalen Christentums S. 165-183

30Buchbeitrag  Writing and internal time-consciousness: Othloh of St. Emmeram
Stock, Brian. (1988) - In: Le nombre du temps en hommage à Paul Zumthor S. 263-271

31Artikel  Language and cultural history
Stock, Brian. (1987) - In: New literary history Bd. 18 (1987) S. 657-670

32Artikel  History, literature, and medieval textuality
Stock, Brian. (1986) - In: Yale French studies Bd. 70 (1986) S. 7-17

33Buchbeitrag  Literacy and society in the twelfth century
Stock, Brian. (1985) - In: The Spirit of the Court S. 1-4

34Buchbeitrag  Rationality, Tradition, and the Scientific Outlook: Reflections on Max Weber and the Middle Ages
Stock, Brian. (1985) - In: Science and technology in medieval society S. 7-20

35Buchbeitrag  Activity, contemplation, work and leisure between the eleventh and the thirteenth centuries
Stock, Brian. (1985) - In: Arbeit, Musse, Meditation S. 87-108

36Artikel  Medieval literacy, linguistic theory, and social organization
Stock, Brian. (1984) - In: New literary history Bd. 16 (1984) S. 13-29

37Buchbeitrag  In search of Eriugena's Augustine
Stock, Brian. (1980) - In: Eriugena. Studien zu seinen Quellen S. 85-104

38Artikel  Antiqui of moderni?
Stock, Brian. (1979) - In: New literary history Bd. 10 (1979) S. 391-400

39Artikel  Antiqui and moderni "giants" and "dwarfs": a reflection of popular culture
Stock, Brian. (1979) - In: Modern philology Bd. 76 (1979) S. 370-374

40Artikel  A tenth-century preface to Bede's De temporum ratione
Stock, BrianSynan, Edward Aloysius. (1979) - In: Manuscripta Bd. 23 (1979) S. 113-115

41Buchbeitrag  Science, technology, and economic progress in the early Middle Ages
Stock, Brian. (1978) - In: Science in the Middle Ages S. 1-51

42Artikel  Literary discourse and the social historian
Stock, Brian. (1977) - In: New literary history Bd. 8 (1977) S. 183-194

43Buchbeitrag  Intelligo me esse: Eriugena's "Cogito"
Stock, Brian. (1977) - In: Jean Scot Erigène et l'histoire de la philosophie S. 327-335

44Buchbeitrag  Experience, praxis, work, and planning in Bernard of Clairvaux: observations on the Sermones in Cantica
Stock, Brian. (1975) - In: The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning S. 219-262

45Artikel  The Middle Ages as subject and object: romantic attitudes and academic medievalism
Stock, Brian. (1974) - In: New literary history Bd. 5 (1974) S. 527-547

46Artikel  Hugh of St. Victor, Bernard Silvester and Ms Trinity College, Cambridge, o.7.7.
Stock, Brian. (1972) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 34 (1972) S. 152-173

47Artikel  Amor communis omnibus: Paris, B.N., Lat. 11.130
Stock, Brian. (1971) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 33 (1971) S. 351-353

48Artikel  A note on Thebaid Commentaries: Paris, B.N., lat.3012
Stock, Brian. (1971) - In: Traditio Bd. 27 (1971) S. 468-471

49Artikel  Parce Continuis: some textual and interpretive notes
Stock, Brian. (1969) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 31 (1969) S. 164-173

50Artikel  The Philosophical Anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena
Stock, Brian. (1967) - In: Studi medievali Ser. 3, Bd. 8 (1967) S. 1-57

51Artikel  Observations on the use of Augustine by Johannes Scottus Eriugena
Stock, Brian. (1967) - In: The Harvard theological review Bd. 60 (1967) S. 213-220

52Artikel  Cosmology and Rhetoric in the "Phoenix" of Lactantius
Stock, Brian. (1965) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 26 (1965) S. 246-257

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