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Publikationen »Stover, Justin Anthony«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Stover, Justin Anthony

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Lost History of Sextus Aurelius Victor
Stover, Justin AnthonyWoudhuysen, George [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2023)

2Monographie  Reading Plato in the Twelfth Century: A Study On the Varieties of Plato's Reception In the Latin West Before 1215
Stover, Justin Anthony. - [Harvard University] (2011)

3Artikel  Einhard and the Historia Augusta
Stover, Justin AnthonyWoudhuysen, George. (2023) - In: The journal of medieval Latin Bd. 33 (2023) S. 1-16

4Artikel  The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore
Stover, Justin AnthonyWoudhuysen, George. (2023) - In: Revue d'histoire des textes Bd. 18 (2023) S. 409-416

5Buchbeitrag  The Nature of Apuleius' De Platone: An Isagoge?
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2022) - In: Isagogical crossroads from the early imperial age to the end of antiquity S. 49-71

6Artikel  The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta
Stover, Justin AnthonyWoudhuysen, George. (2022) - In: The journal of Roman studies Bd. 112 (2022) S. 173-197

7Artikel  The provenance of the Edinburgh Martial
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2021) - In: Revue d'histoire des textes Bd. 16 (2021) S. 173-176

8Artikel  The Murbach Manuscript of the Historia Augusta
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2020) - In: Exemplaria classica Bd. 24 (2020) S. 115-150

9Buchbeitrag  Window reference in Latin bucolic: the case of Martius Valerius
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2020) - In: Imitative Series and Clusters from Classical to Early Modern Literature S. 121-137

10Artikel  New Light on the Historia Augusta
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2020) - In: The journal of Roman studies Bd. 110 (2020) S. 167-198

11Buchbeitrag  Space as Paratext: Scribal Practice in the Medieval Edition of Ammianus Marcellinus
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2018) - In: The annotated book in the early Middle Ages. Practices of reading and writing S. 305-322

12Artikel  Giovanni de Matociis and the Codex Oratorianvs of the de Viris Illvstribvs Vrbis Romae
Stover, Justin AnthonyWoudhuysen, George. (2017) - In: Exemplaria classica Bd. 21 (2017) S. 125-148

13Artikel  The Date of the Bucolic Poet Martius Valerius
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2017) - In: The journal of Roman studies Bd. 107 (2017) S. 301-335

14Artikel  The Hersfeldensis and the Fuldensis of Ammianus Marcellinus: a reconsideration
Kelly, GavinStover, Justin Anthony. (2016) - In: The Cambridge classical journal Bd. 62 (2016) S. 108-129

15Artikel  Apuleius and the Codex Reginensis
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2015) - In: Exemplaria classica Bd. 19 (2015) S. 131-154

16Artikel  Olybrius and the "Einsiedeln Eclogues"
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2015) - In: The journal of Roman studies Bd. 105 (2015) S. 288-321

17Buchbeitrag  Hildegard, the Schools, and their Critics
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2014) - In: A companion to Hildegard of Bingen S. 109-136

18Artikel  The origin, meaning, and development of the latin ver matizare
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2011) - In: Archivum latinitatis medii aevi Bd. 69 (2011) S. 97-105

19Artikel  An Encyclopedia in the Margins: Catena Commentaries, Marginal Glosses, and the Decline of Platonic Studies
Stover, Justin Anthony. (2010) - In: Manuscripta Bd. 54 (2010) S. 189-206

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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