Publikationen »Stover, Justin Anthony«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Stover, Justin Anthony
RI opac: 19 Einträge
1 | The Lost History of Sextus Aurelius Victor Stover, Justin Anthony • Woudhuysen, George [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Einhard and the Historia Augusta Stover, Justin Anthony • Woudhuysen, George. |
4 | The Circulation of the Scholia Vallicelliana to Isidore Stover, Justin Anthony • Woudhuysen, George. |
5 | The Nature of Apuleius' De Platone: An Isagoge? Stover, Justin Anthony. |
6 | The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta Stover, Justin Anthony • Woudhuysen, George. |
7 | The provenance of the Edinburgh Martial Stover, Justin Anthony. |
8 | The Murbach Manuscript of the Historia Augusta Stover, Justin Anthony. |
9 | Window reference in Latin bucolic: the case of Martius Valerius Stover, Justin Anthony. |
10 | New Light on the Historia Augusta Stover, Justin Anthony. |
12 | Giovanni de Matociis and the Codex Oratorianvs of the de Viris Illvstribvs Vrbis Romae Stover, Justin Anthony • Woudhuysen, George. |
13 | The Date of the Bucolic Poet Martius Valerius Stover, Justin Anthony. |
14 | The Hersfeldensis and the Fuldensis of Ammianus Marcellinus: a reconsideration Kelly, Gavin • Stover, Justin Anthony. |
15 | Apuleius and the Codex Reginensis Stover, Justin Anthony. |
16 | Olybrius and the "Einsiedeln Eclogues" Stover, Justin Anthony. |
17 | Hildegard, the Schools, and their Critics Stover, Justin Anthony. |
18 | The origin, meaning, and development of the latin ver matizare Stover, Justin Anthony. |
19 | An Encyclopedia in the Margins: Catena Commentaries, Marginal Glosses, and the Decline of Platonic Studies Stover, Justin Anthony. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a
Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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