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Publikationen »Stummann Hansen, Steffen«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Stummann Hansen, Steffen

RI opac: 25 Einträge

1Monographie  Toftanes: a Viking Age farmstead in the Faroe Islands: archaeology, environment & economy
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. Bending, Joanna [Bearb.]. - Oxford (2014)

2Monographie  På vandring i Nólsoys fortid
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. - Nolsoy (2009)

3Monographie  Medieval farmsteads in Greenland: the Brattahlid region 1999 - 2000
Guldager, OleStummann Hansen, SteffenGleie, Simon. - Copenhagen (2002)

4Sammelwerk  Vikings in the West
Stummann Hansen, SteffenRandsborg, Klavs [Hrsg.]. - København (2000)

5Monographie  Om Arkæologi: forskning, formidling, forvaltning - for hvem?
Mahler, Ditlev L. DallPaludan-Müller, CarstenStummann Hansen, Steffen. - København (1983)

6Buchbeitrag  ‘The Wonderful Wort Tormentil'. A Cultural Link between the Faroe Islands and the Scottish Isles
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2023) - In: Gedenkschrift Doreen Waugh S. 169-181

7Buchbeitrag  Toftanes and the early Christianity of the Faroe Islands
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2010) - In: The Viking age. Ireland and the West S. 465-473

8Artikel  A Shetland Viking comb in Copenhagen
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2008) - In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Bd. 138 (2008) S. 177-184

9Buchbeitrag  Governor on Antiquarian Mission: Christian Pløyen - a Faroese Link between Copenhagen and Shetland
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2007) - In: FS Barbara E. Crawford S. 431-442

10Buchbeitrag  The Pompeji of Iceland - and a small Scandinavian congress of archaeologists, who were digging instead of eating dinners
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2005) - In: Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic S. 234-244

11Buchbeitrag  The early settlement of the Faroe Islands: the creation of cultural identity
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2003) - In: Contact, continuity and collapse S. 33-71

12Artikel  Scandinavian Building Customs - the Faroese Case and its North Atlantic Context
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2002) - In: Collegium medievale Bd. 15 (2002) S. 111-126

13Artikel  Settlement archaeology in Iceland: The race for the Pan-Scandinavian project in 1939
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2001) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 72 (2001) S. 115-127

14Buchbeitrag  J. J. A. Worsaae in Ireland - another letter from Dublin
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2001) - In: The Vikings in Ireland S. 11-16

15Artikel  A Viking-age maritime haven: a reassessment of the island settlement at Beginish, Co. Kerry
Sheehan, JohnStummann Hansen, SteffenÓ Cróinín, Dáibhí. (2001) - In: The journal of Irish archaeology Bd. 10 (2001) S. 93-119

16Artikel  Roterende slibesten: et upåagtet Nordbofund fra Osterbygden.
Sheehan, JohnStummann Hansen, Steffen. (2001) - In: Grønland Bd. 5 (2001) S. 28-33

17Artikel  Miniature quern- and millstones from Shetland's Scandinavian past
Stummann Hansen, SteffenLarsen, Anne-Christine. (2000) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 71 (2000) S. 105-121

18Artikel  Viking settlement in Shetland. Chronological and regional contexts
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (2000) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 71 (2000) S. 87-103

19Buchbeitrag  ‘Scandinavian Settlement in Unst, Shetland: archaeology and place-names
Stummann Hansen, SteffenWaugh, Doreen J.. (1998) - In: The Uses of Place-Names S. 120-146

20Buchbeitrag  Aspects of Viking society in Shetland and the Faroe Islands
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (1996) - In: Shetland's Northern Links. Language and History S. 117-135

21Buchbeitrag  Viking-age Faroe Islands and their southern links: in the light of recent finds at Toftanes, Leirvík.
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (1993) - In: The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic S. 473-486

22Buchbeitrag  Cultural contacts in the Faroe Islands in the Viking Age
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (1992) - In: Exchange and trade. Pre-printed papers S. 13-18

23Artikel  Toftanes: a Faroese Viking Age farmstead from the 9th-10th centuries A.D
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (1990) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 61 (1990) S. 44-53

24Artikel  Toftanes - en færøsk landnamsgård fra 9.-10. århundrede
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (1989) - In: Hikuin Bd. 15 (1989) S. 129-146

25Artikel  The Norse landnam in the Faroe Islands in the light of recent excavations at Toftanes, Leirvík
Stummann Hansen, Steffen. (1988) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 25 (1988) S. 58-84

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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