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Publikationen »Sykes, Naomi«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Sykes, Naomi

RI opac: 14 Einträge

1Monographie  The Norman conquest: a zooarchaeological perspective
Sykes, Naomi. - Oxford (2007)

2Buchbeitrag  New archaeologies of the Norman Conquest
McClain, Aleksandra NoelSykes, Naomi. (2019) - In: Anglo-Norman studies 41 S. 83-101

3Buchbeitrag  Animal bones and animal parks
Sykes, Naomi. (2017) - In: Medieval archaeology. Critical concepts in archaeology Tl. 3 S. 510ff.

4Buchbeitrag  The landscape zooarchaeology of medieval England
Sykes, Naomi. (2015) - In: Detecting and understanding historic landscapes S. 325-334

5Buchbeitrag  The Rhetoric of Meat Apportionment: Evidence for Exclusion, Inclusion, and Social Position in Medieval England
Sykes, Naomi. (2014) - In: Animals and inequality in the ancient world S. 353-373

6Artikel  Were Fallow Deer Spotted (OE *pohha/*pocca) in Anglo-Saxon England? Reviewing the Evidence for Dama dama dama in Early Medieval Europe
Sykes, NaomiCarden, Ruth F.. (2011) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 55 (2011) S. 139-162

7Buchbeitrag  Hunting and venison in Medieval England
Sykes, Naomi. (2011) - In: The Archaeology of Medieval Europe 2 S. 132-136

8Artikel  Deer, Land, Knives and Halls: Social Change in Early Medieval England
Sykes, Naomi. (2010) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 90 (2010) S. 175-194

9Buchbeitrag  Animals, The Bones of Medieval Society
Sykes, Naomi. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 347-362

10Buchbeitrag  Taking Sides: the Social Life of Venison in Medieval England
Sykes, Naomi. (2007) - In: Breaking and shaping beastly bodies S. 149-160

11Buchbeitrag  Animal Bones and Animal Parks
Sykes, Naomi. (2007) - In: The medieval park. New perspectives S. 49-62

12Buchbeitrag  Hunting for the Anglo-Normans: Zooarchaeological Evidence for Medieval Identity
Sykes, Naomi. (2005) - In: Just skin and bones? New perspecties on human-animal relations in the historical past S. 73-80

13Buchbeitrag  Zooarchaeology of the Norman Conquest
Sykes, Naomi. (2005) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 27 S. 185-197

14Artikel  The Dynamics of Status Symbols: Wildfowl Exploitation in England AD 410-1550
Sykes, Naomi. (2004) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 161 (2004) S. 82-105

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