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Publikationen »Syon, Danny«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Syon, Danny

RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Syon, Danny. (2016)

2Buchbeitrag  "The Southern Levant in Antiochos IIP s Time: Between Continuity and Immédiate or Delayed Changes"
Ecker, AvnerFinkielsztejn, GeraldGorre, GillesHonigman, SylvieSyon, Danny. (2017) - In: Antiochos III et l'Orient S. 163-210

3Artikel  An Unknown Token of the Commune of Genoa in Thirteenth-Century ‘Akko
Eidelstein, AdolfoSyon, Danny. (2013) - In: Israel numismatic research Bd. 8 (2013) S. 159-164

4Artikel  Human intestinal parasites in crusader Acre: Evidence for migration with disease in the medieval period
Mitchell, Piers D.Anastasiou, EvilenaSyon, Danny. (2011) - In: International journal of paleopathology Bd. 1 (2011) S. 132-137

5Buchbeitrag  A Wine Press from Achziv
Syon, Danny. (2009) - In: Oil and wine presses in Israel from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods S. 35-40

6Artikel  Numismatic evidence of Jewish presence in Galilee before the Hasmonean annexation?
Syon, Danny. (2006) - In: Israel numismatic research Bd. 1 (2006) S. 21-24

7Artikel  A Late Byzantine Oil Press at Kefar Barukh
Syon, Danny. (2004) - In: Atiqot Bd. 47 (2004) S. 155-168

8Buchbeitrag  A church from the early Islamic period at Khirbet el-Shubeika
Syon, Danny. (2003) - In: Studies Stanislao Loffreda S. 75-82

9Artikel  A hoard of Byzantine solidi from Hurvat Kab
Syon, Danny. (2000 - 2002) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 14 (2000/02) S. 211-223

10Buchbeitrag  Souvenirs from the Holy Land; a Crusader workshop of lead ampullae from Acre
Syon, Danny. (1999) - In: Knights of the Holy Land. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem S. 111-115

11Artikel  The Coins from Area TA
Syon, Danny. (1997) - In: Atiqot Bd. 31 (1997) S. 87-90

12Artikel  A Crusader token mould from Akko
Syon, Danny. (1994 - 1999) - In: Israel numismatic journal Bd. 13 (1994/99) S. 163-166

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