Publikationen »Syros, Vasileios«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Syros, Vasileios
RI opac: 27 Einträge
1 | [Bibliographie] Syros, Vasileios. |
2 | Marsilius of Padua at the intersection of ancient and medieval traditions of political though Syros, Vasileios. |
3 | Well Begun is only Half Done: Tracing Aristotle's Political Ideas in Medieval Arabic, Syriac, Byzantine, and Jewish Source Syros, Vasileios [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua. Eine Untersuchung zur ersten Diktion des Defensor pacis Syros, Vasileios. |
5 | Dialexeis: Akademaiko etos 1996-7 Syros, Vasileios • Kouris, Andreas • Kalokairinu, Elene [Hrsg.]. |
6 | The Body Politic from Medieval Lombardy to the Dutch Republic: An Introduction Syros, Vasileios. |
7 | Marsilius of Padua and Isaac Abravanel on Kingship: The Medieval Precedents of Republicanism Revisited Syros, Vasileios. |
9 | "Soft" and "hard" power in Islamic political advice literature Syros, Vasileios. |
10 | All Roads Lead to Florence: Renaissance Jewish Thinkers and Machiavelli on Civil Strife Syros, Vasileios. |
11 | An Early Modern South Asian Thinker on the Rise and Decline of Empires: Shah Wali Allah of Delhi, the Mughals, and the Byzantines Syros, Vasileios. |
12 | Shadows in Heaven and Clouds on Earth: The Emergence of Social Life and Political Authority in the Early Modern Islamic Empires Syros, Vasileios. |
13 | Founders and Kings Versus Orators: Medieval and Early Modern Views on the Origins of the State Syros, Vasileios. |
14 | Forgotten Commentators Society: Aristotle's Political Ideas in Arabic, Syriac, Byzantine, and Jewish Garb Syros, Vasileios. |
15 | Marsilius of Padua Syros, Vasileios. |
16 | Did the Physician from Padua Meet the Rabbi from Cordoba? Syros, Vasileios. |
17 | Between Chimera and Charybdis: The Byzantines and the Political Systems of the Italian City-States Syros, Vasileios. |
18 | Political Treatises Syros, Vasileios. |
19 | Linguistic contextualism and medieval political thought ; Quentin Skinner on Marsilius of Padua. Syros, Vasileios. |
20 | Marsilius of Padua on Princely Virtues and Aristotle's Absolute Ruler Syros, Vasileios. |
21 | [The Problem of Sovereignty of the Multitude in Marsilius of Padua and Some Other Aristotelian Commentators] Syros, Vasileios. |
22 | Absalom's Revolt and Value-Neutral Advice in Profayt Duran Syros, Vasileios. |
24 | Ahitophel's Advice and the 'Reason of State': Simone Luzzatto (1583-1663) on Absalom's Revolt Syros, Vasileios. |
25 | Marsilius of Padua on Princely Virtues and Aristotle's Absolute Ruler Syros, Vasileios. |
27 | Simone Luzzatto's Image of the Ideal Prince and the Italian Tradition of Reason of State Syros, Vasileios. |
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