Publikationen »Taylor, David G. K.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Taylor, David G. K.
RI opac: 20 Einträge
1 | Studies in the early text of the Gospels and Acts: the papers of the First Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament Taylor, David G. K. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | The Syriac versions of the De Spiritu sancto / by Basil of Caesarea [versio] Basilius <Caesariensis>. Taylor, David G. K. [Hrsg.]. |
3 | The Syriac versions of the De Spiritu sancto / by Basil of Caesarea [textus] Basilius <Caesariensis>. Taylor, David G. K. [Hrsg.]. |
4 | The Syriac versions of St. Basil of Caesarea's "De Spiritu Sancto" Taylor, David G. K.. |
5 | The Syriac version of Strategios' History of the Persian conquest of Jerusalem Taylor, David G. K.. |
6 | Rufmus the Silver Merchant's Miaphysite Refutation of Leontius of Byzantium's Epaporemata (CPG 6814): A Rediscovered Syriac Text Taylor, David G. K.. |
9 | Disputation between a Muslim and a Monk of Bet Hale: Syriac Text and Annotated English Translation Taylor, David G. K.. |
10 | A stylistic comparison of the Syriac Himyarite martyr texts attributed to Simeon of Beth Arsham Taylor, David G. K.. |
12 | ‘Your Sweet Saliva is the Living Wine': Drink, Desire, and Devotion in the Syriac Wine Songs of Khamis Bar Qardahe Taylor, David G. K.. |
13 | Les Pères cappadociens dans la tradition syriaque Taylor, David G. K.. |
14 | Bilingualism and Diglossia in Late Antique Syria and Mesopotamia Taylor, David G. K.. |
15 | The Christology of the Syriac Psalm Commentary (AD 541-2) of Daniel of Salah and the 'Phantasiast' Controversy Taylor, David G. K.. |
16 | St. Ephraim's Influence On The Greeks Taylor, David G. K.. |
17 | Basil of Caesarea's Contacts with Syriac-speaking Christians Taylor, David G. K.. |
18 | A further note on [asiantos] in Ephraem the Syrian Taylor, David G. K.. |
19 | The Syriac Versions of St. Basil of Caesarea's De Spiritu Sancto Taylor, David G. K.. |
20 | St. Basil the Great and the Syrian Christian Tradition Taylor, David G. K.. |
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