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Publikationen »Taylor, Paul Beekman«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Taylor, Paul Beekman

RI opac: 59 Einträge

1Monographie  Sharing story: medieval Norse-English literary relationships
Taylor, Paul Beekman. - New York, NY (1998)

2Monographie  Chaucer translator
Taylor, Paul Beekman. - Lanham, Md. [u.a.] (1998)

3Monographie  Chaucer's Chain of Love
Taylor, Paul Beekman. - Madison, NJ (1996)

4Buchbeitrag  Wounds, Wit and Words
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (2011) - In: Studies Margaret Bridges S. 125-140

5Artikel  Chess, clocks, and counsellors in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess.
Bolens, Guillemette N.Taylor, Paul Beekman. (2001) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 35 (2001) S. 281-293

6Buchbeitrag  Figures of female cover on medieval Germanic landscapes
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (2000) - In: Essays Raymond P. Tripp S. 337-359

7Artikel  Sir Orfeo and the minstrel king
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (2000) - In: ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews Bd. 13 (2000) S. 12-16

8Artikel  Njáll grómr: Christian morality and Norse myth in Njál's saga
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (2000) - In: Mediaeval Scandinavia Bd. 13 (2000) S. 167-180

9Artikel  The game of chess in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess.
Bolöens, GuillemetteTaylor, Paul Beekman. (1998) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 32 (1998) S. 325-334

10Artikel  Myths and etymologies behind Malory's "Gareth"
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1997) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 78 (1997) S. 506-512

11Artikel  The dragon's treasure in Beowulf
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1997) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 98 (1997) S. 229-240

12Artikel  Piero della Francesca's giants
Taylor, Paul BeekmanEck, Caroline van. (1997) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 60 (1997) S. 243-247

13Artikel  Chaucer's Strategies of Translation
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1997) - In: Chaucer yearbook Bd. 4 (1997) S. 1-20

14Buchbeitrag  L'histoire de Néron par le grant translateur, noble Geoffrey Chaucier
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1996) - In: Mélanges Roger Dragonetti S. 427-442

15Artikel  Time in the Canterbury Tales
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1995) - In: Exemplaria Bd. 7 (1995) S. 371-393

16Artikel  Völundarkviða, þrymskviða and the function of myth
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1994) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 78 (1994) S. 263-281

17Artikel  Roland's "Aude:" retrieving the treasure in name
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1994) - In: Romance quarterly Bd. 41 (1994) S. 195-203

18Artikel  Chaucer's Names
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1994) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 95 (1994) S. 243-248

19Artikel  Chaucer's eye of the lynx and the limits of vision.
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1993) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 28 (1993) S. 67-77

20Buchbeitrag  Art. "Vølundarkvida" (the lay of Vølundr)
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 711-713

21Artikel  A Beowulf Analogue in Alfred's Boethius
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1992) - In: Notes and queries Ser. NS, Bd. 39 (1992) S. 264-265

22Artikel  Chaucer and the Latin muses
Taylor, Paul BeekmanBordier, Sophie. (1992) - In: Traditio Bd. 47 (1992) S. 215-232

23Buchbeitrag  Cave and web: vision and poetry in Chaucer's Legend of Good Women
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1991) - In: Poetics. Theory and Practice in Medieval English Literature S. 69-82

24Artikel  The uncourteous knights of The Canterbury Tales
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1991) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 72 (1991) S. 209-218

25Artikel  The epithetical style of "Beowulf"
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1990) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 91 (1990) S. 195-206

26Buchbeitrag  The Old English poetic vocabulary of beauty
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1990) - In: New Readings on Women in Old English Literature S. 211-221

27Buchbeitrag  Some uses of etymology in the reading of medieval Germanic texts.
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1989) - In: Hermeneutics and Medieval Culture S. 109-120

28Buchbeitrag  Wisdom and myth: Scandinavian backgrounds of Sir Gawain
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1989) - In: FS Eduard Kolb S. 177-185

29Artikel  The "Fair Queene Eleyne" in Chaucer's "Troilus"
Baswell, Christopher CharlesTaylor, Paul Beekman. (1988) - In: Speculum Bd. 63 (1988) S. 293-311

30Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's Faire Cheyne of Love: The First Model of Mediation in The Canterbury Tales
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1988) - In: Reading Contexts S. 133-145

31Buchbeitrag  Wife of Bath, Pardoner and Sir Thopas: Pre-Texts and Para-Texts
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1987) - In: The structure of texts S. 123-132

32Artikel  The Traditional Language of Treasure in "Beowulf"
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1986) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 85 (1986) S. 191-205

33Buchbeitrag  Wielders and wasters of words: bare lies and garnished truths in Njál's saga
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1986) - In: Studies Hermann Pálsson S. 287-296

34Artikel  Beowulf's Second Grendel Fight
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1985) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 86 (1985) S. 62-69

35Artikel  The vocabulary of treasure in Old English poetry.
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1984) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 17, 2 (1984) S. A14-A15

36Artikel  The Song of Hildebrand.
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1983) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 17, 1 (1983) S. 28-29

37Artikel  The Parson's amyable tongue
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1983) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 64 (1983) S. 401-409

38Artikel  Searoni[d]as: Old Norse magic and Old English verse
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1983) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 80 (1983) S. 109-125

39Artikel  Peynted Confessiouns: Boccaccio and Chaucer
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1982) - In: Comparative literature Bd. 34 (1982) S. 116-129

40Artikel  Old English alf walda
Taylor, Paul BeekmanSalus, Peter H.. (1982) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 66 (1982) S. 440-442

41Artikel  Chaucer's Cosyn to the Dede
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1982) - In: Speculum Bd. 57 (1982) S. 315-327

42Artikel  Some alliterative misfits in the Beowulf MS
Taylor, Paul BeekmanDavis, Robert Evan jr.. (1982) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 66 (1982) S. 614-621

43Artikel  The alchemy of spring in Chaucer's General Prologue
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1982) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 17 (1982) S. 1-4

44Artikel  'Beowulf' 1130, 1875 and 2006: in Defence of the Manuscript
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1981) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 82 (1981) S. 357-359

45Artikel  The Canon's Yeoman's breath: emanations of a metaphor
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1979) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 60 (1979) S. 380-388

46Artikel  The Hønen Runes: a survey
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1976) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 60 (1976) S. 1-7

47Artikel  Text and Texture of 'The Dream of the Rood'
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1974) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 75 (1974) S. 193-201

48Artikel  Gawain's garland of girdle and name
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1974) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 55 (1974) S. 6-14

49Artikel  Charms of 'Wynn' and Fetters of 'Wyrd' in 'The Wanderer'
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1972) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 73 (1972) S. 448-455

50Artikel  Commerce and comedy in Sir Gawain
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1971) - In: Philological quarterly Bd. 50 (1971) S. 1-15

51Artikel  The rhythm of Völuspá
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1971) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 55 (1971) S. 45-57

52Artikel  'Blysse and blunder', nature and ritual in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1969) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 50 (1969) S. 165-175

53Artikel  Eikinskjaldi, Fjalarr, and Eggþér: notes on dwarves and giants in the Völuspá
Salus, Peter H.Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1969) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 53 (1969) S. 76-81

54Artikel  Heroic Ritual in the Old English Maxims
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1969) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 70 (1969) S. 387-406

55Artikel  The Compilation of Cotton Vitellius A XV
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1968) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 69 (1968) S. 199-203

56Buchbeitrag  Themes of Death in Beowulf
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1967) - In: Old English Poetry. Fifteen Essays S. 249-274

57Artikel  Old Icelandic "fyrir í fólki"
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1965) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 37 (1965) S. 352-355

58Artikel  Snorri's analogue to Beowulf's funeral
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1964 - 1965) - In: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen Bd. 201 (1964/65) S. 349-351

59Artikel  "Heofon riece swealg": a sign of Beowulf's state of grace
Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1963) - In: Philological quarterly Bd. 42 (1963) S. 257-259

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