Publikationen »Taylor, Paul Beekman«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Taylor, Paul Beekman
RI opac: 59 Einträge
1 | Sharing story: medieval Norse-English literary relationships Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
2 | Chaucer translator Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
3 | Chaucer's Chain of Love Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
4 | Wounds, Wit and Words Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
5 | Chess, clocks, and counsellors in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess. Bolens, Guillemette N. • Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
6 | Figures of female cover on medieval Germanic landscapes Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
7 | Sir Orfeo and the minstrel king Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
8 | Njáll grómr: Christian morality and Norse myth in Njál's saga Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
9 | The game of chess in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess. Bolöens, Guillemette • Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
10 | Myths and etymologies behind Malory's "Gareth" Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
11 | The dragon's treasure in Beowulf Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
12 | Piero della Francesca's giants Taylor, Paul Beekman • Eck, Caroline van. |
13 | Chaucer's Strategies of Translation Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
14 | L'histoire de Néron par le grant translateur, noble Geoffrey Chaucier Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
15 | Time in the Canterbury Tales Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
16 | Völundarkviða, þrymskviða and the function of myth Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
17 | Roland's "Aude:" retrieving the treasure in name Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
18 | Chaucer's Names Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
19 | Chaucer's eye of the lynx and the limits of vision. Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
20 | Art. "Vølundarkvida" (the lay of Vølundr) Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
21 | A Beowulf Analogue in Alfred's Boethius Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
22 | Chaucer and the Latin muses Taylor, Paul Beekman • Bordier, Sophie. |
23 | Cave and web: vision and poetry in Chaucer's Legend of Good Women Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
24 | The uncourteous knights of The Canterbury Tales Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
25 | The epithetical style of "Beowulf" Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
26 | The Old English poetic vocabulary of beauty Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
27 | Some uses of etymology in the reading of medieval Germanic texts. Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
28 | Wisdom and myth: Scandinavian backgrounds of Sir Gawain Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
29 | The "Fair Queene Eleyne" in Chaucer's "Troilus" Baswell, Christopher Charles • Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
30 | Chaucer's Faire Cheyne of Love: The First Model of Mediation in The Canterbury Tales Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
31 | Wife of Bath, Pardoner and Sir Thopas: Pre-Texts and Para-Texts Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
32 | The Traditional Language of Treasure in "Beowulf" Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
33 | Wielders and wasters of words: bare lies and garnished truths in Njál's saga Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
34 | Beowulf's Second Grendel Fight Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
35 | The vocabulary of treasure in Old English poetry. Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
36 | The Song of Hildebrand. Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
37 | The Parson's amyable tongue Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
38 | Searoni[d]as: Old Norse magic and Old English verse Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
39 | Peynted Confessiouns: Boccaccio and Chaucer Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
40 | Old English alf walda Taylor, Paul Beekman • Salus, Peter H.. |
41 | Chaucer's Cosyn to the Dede Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
42 | Some alliterative misfits in the Beowulf MS Taylor, Paul Beekman • Davis, Robert Evan jr.. |
43 | The alchemy of spring in Chaucer's General Prologue Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
44 | 'Beowulf' 1130, 1875 and 2006: in Defence of the Manuscript Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
45 | The Canon's Yeoman's breath: emanations of a metaphor Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
46 | The Hønen Runes: a survey Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
47 | Text and Texture of 'The Dream of the Rood' Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
48 | Gawain's garland of girdle and name Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
49 | Charms of 'Wynn' and Fetters of 'Wyrd' in 'The Wanderer' Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
50 | Commerce and comedy in Sir Gawain Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
51 | The rhythm of Völuspá Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
52 | 'Blysse and blunder', nature and ritual in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
53 | Eikinskjaldi, Fjalarr, and Eggþér: notes on dwarves and giants in the Völuspá Salus, Peter H. • Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
54 | Heroic Ritual in the Old English Maxims Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
55 | The Compilation of Cotton Vitellius A XV Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
56 | Themes of Death in Beowulf Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
57 | Old Icelandic "fyrir í fólki" Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
58 | Snorri's analogue to Beowulf's funeral Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
59 | "Heofon riece swealg": a sign of Beowulf's state of grace Taylor, Paul Beekman. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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