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Publikationen »Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind

RI opac: 14 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  New Light on Formulas in Oral Poetry and Prose
Sävborg, DanielThorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2023)

2Monographie  Svá er sagt í fornum vísindum: Tekstualiseringen av de mytologiske eddadikt
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. - [Universitetet i Bergen] (2007)

3Buchbeitrag  Formulas and Formula Research: An Introduction
Sävborg, DanielThorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2023) - In: New Light on Formulas in Oral Poetry and Prose S. 1-15

4Artikel  The literary adaptation of Voluspá in Hauksbók and Snorra Edda
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2019) - In: Maal og minne , 1 (2019) S. 93-113

5Buchbeitrag  The dating of eddic poetry
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2016) - In: A Handbook to Eddic Poetry. Myths and Legends of Early Scandinavia S. 72-91

6Artikel  Deictic Traces of Oral Performance in the Codex Regius Version of Voluspá
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2013) - In: Maal og minne Bd. 105, 2 (2013) S. 97-131

7Buchbeitrag  The Eddie Author: On Distributed Creativity in The Lay of prymr and Skirnir's Journey
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2012) - In: Modes of authorship in the Middle Ages S. 251-264

8Artikel  The Níðingr and the Wolf
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2011) - In: Viking and medieval Scandinavia Bd. 7 (2011) S. 171-196

9Buchbeitrag  Will the son of nine sisters rule the sea-kidney
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2011) - In: Isolated islands in medieval nature, culture and mind S. 97-110

10Buchbeitrag  The Poetic Curse and Its Relatives
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2010) - In: Along the oral-written continuum. Types of texts, relations and their implications S. 253-267

11Artikel  Om Þrymskviða, tekstlåan og tradisjon
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2008) - In: Maal og minne Bd. 100 (2008) S. 142-166

12Buchbeitrag  The Eddie Form and Its Contexts: An Oral Art Form Performed in Writing
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2008) - In: Oral art forms and their passage into writing S. 151-162

13Buchbeitrag  Om eddastrofene i samtidssagaenes droemmeskildringer og "den norroene renessansen"
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2007) - In: Den Norröna renässansen. Reykholt, Norden och Europa 1150-1300 S. 83-90

14Artikel  Katla, Ymir og landhreinsan. Forestillingar om utstøtelse og orden
Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind. (2001) - In: Nordica Bergensia Bd. 25, 2 (2001) S. 145-165

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