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Publikationen »Trivellato, Francesca«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Trivellato, Francesca

RI opac: 16 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Religion and trade: cross-cultural exchanges in world history, 1000-1900
Trivellato, FrancescaHalevi, LeorAntunes, Càtia [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2014)

2Sammelwerk  Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond. Experiences Since the Middle Ages
Johnson, Christopher H.Sabean, David WarrenTeuscher, SimonTrivellato, Francesca [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2011)

3Artikel  Gino Luzzatto and the contested place of Jews in the economic history of Mediterranean Europe
Munari, TommasoTrivellato, Francesca. (2022) - In: Mediterranean historical review Bd. 37 (2022) S. 203-228

4Buchbeitrag  The Medieval/Early Modern Divide along the Franco-Spanish Border
Trivellato, Francesca. (2022) - In: Constructing Iberian identities, 1000-1700 S. 91-106

5Artikel  Renaissance Florence and the origins of capitalism: a business history perspective
Trivellato, Francesca. (2020) - In: Business History Review Bd. 94 (2020) S. 229-251

6Artikel  Economic and Business History as Cultural History: Pitfalls and Possibilities
Trivellato, Francesca. (2019) - In: I Tatti studies Bd. 22 (2019) S. 403-410

7Buchbeitrag  Mercanti ebrei nell'Italia del Rinascimento
Trivellato, Francesca. (2019) - In: Il Rinascimento parla ebraico S. 96-101

8Artikel  'Usages and Customs of the Sea'
Trivellato, Francesca. (2016) - In: Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis Bd. 84 (2016) S. 193-224

9Buchbeitrag  Introduction: The Historical and Comparative Study of Cross-Cultural Trade
Trivellato, Francesca. (2014) - In: Religion and trade. Cross-cultural exchanges in world history, 1000-1900 S. 1-23

10Artikel  Credito e cittadinanza nella repubblica dei mercanti dell'Europa moderna visti attraverso la diaspora sefardita
Trivellato, Francesca. (2013) - In: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen Âge Bd. 125, 2 (2013)

11Buchbeitrag  Marriage, Commercial Capital, and Business Agency: Transregional Sephardic (and Armenian) Families in the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Mediterranean
Trivellato, Francesca. (2011) - In: Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond. Experiences Since the Middle Ages S. 107-130

12Buchbeitrag  I commerci europei transoceanici e la prima, incerta globalizzazione dei mercati
Trivellato, Francesca. (2009) - In: Dal Medioevo all'età della globalizzazione. Ambiente, popolazione, società S. 243-274

13Buchbeitrag  Guilds, Technology and Economic Change in Early Modern Venice
Trivellato, Francesca. (2008) - In: Guilds, innovation, and the European economy, 1400-1800 S. 199-231

14Buchbeitrag  Merchant's letters across geographical and social boundaries
Trivellato, Francesca. (2007) - In: Cultural exchange in early modern Europe 3 S. 80-103

15Artikel  The Port Jews of Livorno and their Global Networks of Trade in the Early Modern Period
Trivellato, Francesca. (2004) - In: Jewish culture and history Bd. 7, 1/2 (2004) S. 31-48

16Buchbeitrag  Art. Sarpi, Paolo 1552-1623: Italian political and ecclesiastical historian
Trivellato, Francesca. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of historians and historical writing Tl. 2 S. 1050-1052

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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