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Publikationen »Van Dam, Raymond«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Van Dam, Raymond

RI opac: 47 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Interacting with saints in the Late Antique and medieval worlds
Wisniewski, RobertVan Dam, RaymondWard-Perkins, Bryan. [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2023)

2Monographie  Rome and Constantinople: rewriting Roman history during late antiquity.
Van Dam, Raymond. - Waco (2010)

3Monographie  The Roman Revolution of Constantine
Van Dam, Raymond. - Cambridge (2007)

4Monographie  Saints and their miracles in late antique Gaul
Van Dam, Raymond. - Princeton, NJ (1993)

5Monographie  Saints and their miracles in late antique Gaul
Van Dam, Raymond. - Princeton, NJ (1993)

6Monographie  Gregory of Tours. Glory of the Confessors. Translated Texts for Historians
Gregorius <Turonensis>. Van Dam, Raymond [Bearb.]. - Liverpool (1988)

7Monographie  Glory of the confessors / Gregory of Tours.
Gregorius <Turonensis>. Van Dam, Raymond [Hrsg.]. - Liverpool (1988)

8Monographie  Glory of the martyrs / Gregory of Tours
Gregorius <Turonensis>. Van Dam, Raymond [Hrsg.]. - Liverpool (1988)

9Monographie  Gregory of Tours. Glory of the Martyrs. Translated Texts for Historians
Gregorius <Turonensis>. Van Dam, Raymond [Bearb.]. - Liverpool (1988)

10Monographie  Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul
Van Dam, Raymond. - Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] (1985)

11Buchbeitrag  The Supply of Food to Constantinople
Van Dam, Raymond. (2022) - In: The Cambridge companion to Constantinople S. 87-101

12Buchbeitrag  Imperial Fathers and Their Sons
Van Dam, Raymond. (2020) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Council of Nicaea S. 19-42

13Artikel  A Lost Panegyric: The Source for Eusebius of Caesarea's Description of Constantine's Victory and Arrival at Rome in 312
Van Dam, Raymond. (2019) - In: Journal of early Christian studies Bd. 27 (2019) S. 211-240

14Buchbeitrag  Modelling the Supply of Wood Fuel in Ancient Rome
Graham, BenjaminVan Dam, Raymond. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 330-341

15Artikel  Modelling the Supply of Wood Fuel in Ancient Rome
Graham, BenjaminVan Dam, Raymond. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 148-159

16Buchbeitrag  Inscriptions
Van Dam, Raymond. (2018) - In: A companion to late antique literature S. 505-522

17Artikel  Eastern Aristocracies and Imperial Courts: Constantine's Half-Brother, Licinius's Prefect, and Egyptian Grain
Van Dam, Raymond. (2018) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers Bd. 72 (2018) S. 1-24

18Artikel  Constantine's First Visit to Rome with Diocletian in 303
Van Dam, Raymond. (2018) - In: Journal of late antiquity Bd. 11 (2018) S. 6-41

19Buchbeitrag  Imagining Constantine, then and now
Van Dam, Raymond. (2017) - In: The life and legacy of Constantine S. 6-25

20Buchbeitrag  The sources for our sources: Eusebius and Lactantius on Constantine in 312-13
Van Dam, Raymond. (2017) - In: Constantine. Religious faith and imperial policy S. 59-74

21Buchbeitrag  Big Cities and the Dynamics of the Mediterranean during the Fifth Century
Van Dam, Raymond. (2015) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Age of Attila S. 80-97

22Artikel  Families and Friends in Late Roman Cappadocia
Van Dam, Raymond. (2014) - In: Facies Domini Bd. 6 (2014) S. 245-248

23Artikel  "Constantine's Beautiful City": the symbolic value of Constantinople
Van Dam, Raymond. (2014) - In: Antiquité tardive Bd. 22 (2014) S. 83-94

24Buchbeitrag  Bishops and Clerics during the Fourth Century: Numbers and Their Implications
Van Dam, Raymond. (2011) - In: Episcopal elections in late antiquity S. 217-242

25Buchbeitrag  The East (1): Greece and Asia Minor
Van Dam, Raymond. (2008) - In: The Oxford handbook of early Christian studies S. 323-341

26Buchbeitrag  Bishops and society
Van Dam, Raymond. (2007) - In: The Cambridge history of christianity. 2. Constantine to c. 600 S. 343-366

27Buchbeitrag  Merovingian Gaul and the Frankish conquests
Van Dam, Raymond. (2005) - In: The new Cambridge medieval history 1 S. 193-231

28Buchbeitrag  The disruptive impact of Christianity in late Roman Cappadocia
Van Dam, Raymond. (2005) - In: The making of Christian communities in late antiquity and the middle ages S. 7-25

29Buchbeitrag  The Many Conversions of the Emperor Constantine
Van Dam, Raymond. (2003) - In: Conversion in late antiquity and the Middle Ages S. 127-151

30Buchbeitrag  Relics
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 667-668

31Buchbeitrag  Fortunatus
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 457

32Buchbeitrag  Cappadocia
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 362-363

33Buchbeitrag  Denis
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 407-408

34Buchbeitrag  Martin of Tours
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 566-567

35Buchbeitrag  Banditry
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 330

36Buchbeitrag  Sanctity
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 678-680

37Buchbeitrag  Gaza
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 463

38Buchbeitrag  Paulinus of Nola
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 638-639

39Buchbeitrag  Gregory of Tours
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 477-478

40Buchbeitrag  Bagaudae
Van Dam, Raymond. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 328-329

41Artikel  Governors of Cappadocia during the Forth Century
Van Dam, Raymond. (1996) - In: Medieval prosopography Bd. 17, 1 (1996) S. 7-93

42Artikel  Self-representation in the will of Gregory of Nazianzus
Van Dam, Raymond. (1995) - In: The journal of theological studies Ser. NS, Bd. 46 (1995) S. 118-148

43Buchbeitrag  The Pirenne thesis and fifth-century Gaul
Van Dam, Raymond. (1992) - In: Fifth-century Gaul. A crisis of identity? S. 321-333

44Artikel  Images of Saint Martin in Late Roman and Early Merovingian Gaul
Van Dam, Raymond. (1988) - In: Viator Bd. 19 (1988) S. 1-27

45Artikel  Emperor, Bishops, and Friends in Late Antique Cappadocia
Van Dam, Raymond. (1986) - In: The journal of theological studies Ser. NS, Bd. 37 (1986) S. 53-76

46Artikel  From Paganism to Christianity at Late Antique Gaza
Van Dam, Raymond. (1985) - In: Viator Bd. 16 (1985) S. 1-20

47Artikel  Hagiography and History: The Life of Gregory Thaumaturgus
Van Dam, Raymond. (1982) - In: Classical antiquity Bd. 1 (1982) S. 272-308

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