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Publikationen »Van Deusen, Nancy«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Van Deusen, Nancy

RI opac: 80 Einträge

1Monographie  Folk songs and material culture in medieval Central Europe: Old stones and new music
Van Deusen, Nancy. - Turnhout (2019)

2Sammelwerk  Time: sense, space, structure
Van Deusen, NancyKoff, Leonard Michael [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Cicero Refused to Die: Ciceronian Influence through the Centuries
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2013)

4Sammelwerk  Mobs: an interdisciplinary inquiry
Van Deusen, NancyKoff, Leonard Michael [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2012)

5Sammelwerk  The cultural context of medieval music
Van Deusen, Nancy. - Santa Barbara, Calif. [u.a.] (2011)

6Sammelwerk  Dreams and visions: an interdisciplinary enquiry
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2010)

7Sammelwerk  Mind matters: Studies of medieval and early modern intellectual history in honour of Marcia Colish
Nederman, Cary J.Van Deusen, NancyMatter, E. Ann [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2009)

8Sammelwerk  Central and Eastern Europe in the middle ages: A cultural history ; Essays in Honour of Paul W. Knoll
Górecki, PiotrVan Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - London [u.a.] (2009)

9Sammelwerk  Chastity: A Study in Perception, Ideals, Opposition
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Leiden (2008)

10Sammelwerk  Procession, performance, liturgy, and ritual: essays in honor of Bryan R. Gillingham
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (2007)

11Sammelwerk  Issues in medieval philosophy: essays in honor of Richard C. Dales
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (2001)

12Sammelwerk  Medieval Germany. Associations and delineations ; [conference, held in March, 1993 at the Claremont Graduate University]
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (2000)

13Sammelwerk  The place of the Psalms in the intellectual culture of the Middle Ages.
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Albany, NY [u.a.] (1999)

14Sammelwerk  Design and production in medieval and early modern Europe: essays in honor of Bradford Blaine
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (1998)

15Sammelwerk  The Intellectual Climate of the Early University. Essays in Honor of Otto Gründler
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (1997)

16Sammelwerk  Tradition and ecstasy: the agony of the fourteenth century
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (1997)

17Monographie  Theology and music at the early university: the case of Robert Grosseteste and Anonymous IV
Van Deusen, Nancy. - Leiden [u.a.] (1995)

18Sammelwerk  The medieval West meets the rest of the world
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (1995)

19Sammelwerk  The cultural milieu of the troubadours and trouveres
Van Deusen, Nancy [Hrsg.]. - Ottawa (1994)

20Sammelwerk  Paradigms in medieval thought applications in medieval disciplines: A symposium
Van Deusen, NancyFord, Alvin Earle [Hrsg.]. - Lewiston, NY [u.a.] (1990)

21Monographie  The harp and the soul: essays in medieval music
Van Deusen, Nancy. - Lewiston, NY [u.a.] (1989)

22Buchbeitrag  Ernst Kantorowicz, Carl Schmitt, and the University of California Regents
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2023) - In: Thinking of the Middle Ages. Midcentury intellectuals and the Middle Ages S. 88-105

23Buchbeitrag  Epitomes of Saints' Lives in Two Old Norse-Icelandic Manuscripts. AM 764 4to and AM 672 4to
Van Deusen, NancyWolf, Kirsten. (2022) - In: The cult of Saints in Nidaros archbishopric. Manuscripts, miracles, objects S. 17-51

24Buchbeitrag  ‘We prefer gods we can see': music's mediations between seen things and God in the patristic and medieval periods
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2020) - In: God's song and music's meanings S. 19-40

25Artikel  Oralidad y transmisión de conocimientos legales entre indios esclavos y manumisos en la Castilla del siglo XVI
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2019) - In: História (Santiago) Bd. 52, 1 (2019) S. 169-195

26Buchbeitrag  Jesus and the Psalms: the Witness of the Latin Liturgical Sequence
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2019) - In: Illuminating Jesus in the Middle Ages S. 25-48

27Buchbeitrag  Where's Muri?: the progress of a manuscript collection with a destiny of dissolution.
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2016) - In: Manuscripts Changing Hands. Handschriften wechseln von Hand zu Hand S. 255-282

28Buchbeitrag  Simultaneous Times: Synderesis and its Musical Exemplification
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2016) - In: Time. Sense, space, structure S. 112-140

29Artikel  Manuscript Witness to Power and Politics at Central European Episcopal Centers
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2014) - In: Medievalia (Barcelona) Bd. 17 (2014) S. 321-333

30Artikel  Seeing Indios in Sixteenth-Century Castile
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2012) - In: William and Mary Quarterly Bd. 69 (2012) S. 205-234

31Buchbeitrag  Assembled in the presence of God: majestic perseverance and the Cantus Coronatus
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2012) - In: Mobs. An interdisciplinary inquiry S. 79-94

32Buchbeitrag  Image, Musical Practice, and Daily Life in a Medieval Monastery
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2012) - In: Ritual, images, and daily life. The medieval perspective S. 209-220

33Buchbeitrag  Music at the Forefront of Science: The Usefulness of Medieval Music
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 135-140

34Buchbeitrag  Music within the Context of Medieval Education
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 43-82

35Buchbeitrag  Music in a Culture of the Mind: A Medieval View of Resources, Material, and Composition
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 17-24

36Buchbeitrag  What Did This Medieval "Forest" Contain? Preexistent Substance, Unlimited Possibilities
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 25-42

37Buchbeitrag  "They All Read the Same Books": A Book-Bag from Antiquity
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 105-122

38Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Principles, Vocabulary, Concepts
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 1-16

39Buchbeitrag  Musica disciplina: Analogies and Explanations
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 123-134

40Buchbeitrag  Silva: Inner and Outer Substance, Music, and Material Culture
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2011) - In: Deusen, The cultural context of medieval music S. 83-104

41Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Dreams and Visions
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2010) - In: Dreams and visions. An interdisciplinary enquiry S. 1-8

42Buchbeitrag  The Lament and Augustine: Visions of Disintegration and Transformation
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2010) - In: Dreams and visions. An interdisciplinary enquiry S. 31-46

43Buchbeitrag  Toward a new cultural history of East Central Europe?
Górecki, PiotrVan Deusen, Nancy. (2009) - In: Central and Eastern Europe in the middle ages. A cultural history S. 192ff.

44Buchbeitrag  University studies and trivialised pursuits: The place of music in medieval university education
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2009) - In: Central and Eastern Europe in the middle ages. A cultural history S. 184-191

45Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Marcia Colish and Mind Matters
Matter, E. AnnVan Deusen, NancyNederman, Cary J.. (2009) - In: Studies Marcia Colish S. 1-12

46Buchbeitrag  The 'Timaeus Latinus' and Cusanus
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2009) - In: Studies Marcia Colish S. 217-231

47Buchbeitrag  "Verbum dei deo natum" and its Manuscript Context
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2008) - In: Leaves from paradise. The cult of John the Evangelist S. 55-80

48Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2007) - In: Essays Bryan R. Gillingham S. xiff

49Buchbeitrag  "Laudes regiae": In Praise of Kings. Medieval Acclamations, Liturgy, and the Ritualization of Power
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2007) - In: Essays Bryan R. Gillingham S. 83-118

50Buchbeitrag  Orfeo et Euridice, philology and Mercury
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2003) - In: Medieval and renaissance humanism. Rhetoric, representation and reform S. 31-53

51Buchbeitrag  Songs of Exile, Songs of Pilgrimage
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2003) - In: Western plainchant in the first millennium S. 105-118

52Artikel  In and out of a latin "forest": the "timaeus latinus"; its concept of "silva", and music as a diszipline in the middle ages
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2003 - 2008) - In: Musica disciplina Bd. 53 (2003/08) S. 51-69

53Buchbeitrag  Aristotle's Advice to Alexander and the Issue of Rulership (The Physics Exemplified in the Thirteenth Century)
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2002) - In: Alexander's revenge S. 123-140

54Buchbeitrag  Voices from the page
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2001) - In: FS Franz H. Bäuml S. 107-124

55Buchbeitrag  Notions of "stuff" in the Middle Ages and some musical analogies
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2001) - In: Essays Richard C. Dales (2001) S. 131-144

56Buchbeitrag  Time out of Time: Eternity as a Thirteenth-Century Philosophical Issue Exemplified in Music
Van Deusen, Nancy. (2000) - In: Musicology and sister disciplines. Past, present, future S. 611

57Buchbeitrag  "Ex utroque et in utroque: Promissa mundo gaudia, Electrum", and the sequence
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: The place of the Psalms in the intellectual culture of the Middle Ages S. 105-138

58Buchbeitrag  Grosseteste, Robert
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 406-407

59Buchbeitrag  "Rhetorica, de" ("On rhetoric")
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 726

60Buchbeitrag  Music, rhythm
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 572-574

61Buchbeitrag  "Musica, de" ("Musica, de")
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 574-576

62Buchbeitrag  Byzantium and the West: music as a cultural betrayer
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: FS János M. Bak S. 38-51

63Buchbeitrag  "Grammatica, de" ("On grammar")
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 398-399

64Artikel  On the usefulness of music: motion, music, and the thirteenth-century reception of Aristotle's "Physics"
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1998) - In: Viator Bd. 29 (1998) S. 167-187

65Buchbeitrag  Seeing through hearing: the construct of the "Cithara" in medieval biblical interpretation
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1998) - In: Essays Bradford Blaine S. 116-132

66Buchbeitrag  Roger Bacon on music
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1997) - In: Roger Bacon and the Sciences S. 223-241

67Buchbeitrag  Thirteenth-century motion theories and their musical applications: Robert Grosseteste and the Anonymous IV
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1997) - In: Essays Otto Gründler S. 101-124

68Buchbeitrag  Scholastic dynamics and the "Roman de Fauvel"
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1997) - In: Tradition and ecstasy. The agony of the fourteenth century S. 191-221

69Buchbeitrag  Procession without progress: the mastery of static style in the medieval sequence
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1995) - In: The medieval West meets the rest of the world S. 108-120

70Buchbeitrag  Institutional context and musical construct: a paradigm in medieval France
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1995) - In: FS László Dobszay S. 53-61

71Artikel  Sequence repertories: a reappraisal
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1994) - In: Musica disciplina Bd. 48 (1994) S. 99-123

72Buchbeitrag  Formula or formulation? Old Roman chant and Italianate melodic style
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1994) - In: FS Max Lütolf S. 21-30

73Buchbeitrag  The paradox of privacy in the love songs of Adam de la Halle
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1994) - In: The cultural milieu of the troubadours and trouveres S. 56-66

74Buchbeitrag  The paradigm of "figura" and its importance for an understanding of rhythm
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1990) - In: Paradigms in medieval thought applications in medieval disciplines S. 65-80

75Buchbeitrag  Medieval Organologies: Augustine Vs. Cassiodor On The Subject Of Musical Instruments
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1988) - In: Augustine on music. An interdisciplinary collection of essays S. 53-96

76Buchbeitrag  Polymelodic sequences and a "second epoch" of sequence composition
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1987) - In: Musicologie médiévale. Notations et séquences S. 213-225

77Artikel  The use and significance of the sequence
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1986) - In: Musica disciplina Bd. 40 (1986) S. 5-47

78Artikel  The image of the harp and Trecento reception of Plato's Phaedo
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1985) - In: Florilegium Bd. 7 (1985) S. 155-178

79Artikel  Origins of a significant medieval genre: the musical trope up to the twelfth century
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1985) - In: Rhetorica Bd. 3 (1985) S. 245-267

80Artikel  Aspects of a mediaeval cultural context "milieu" and manuscript transmission at Nevers Cathedral
Van Deusen, Nancy. (1982) - In: Musicology (Australia) Bd. 7 (1982) S. 30-40

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