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Publikationen »Vocino, Giorgia«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Vocino, Giorgia

RI opac: 30 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Medieval Biographical Collections: Perspectives from Buddhist, Christian and Islamic Worlds
Mahoney, DanielÓ Riain, DiarmuidVocino, GiorgiaPohl, WalterGingrich, Andre [Hrsg.]. - Wien (2022)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Vocino, Giorgia. (2016)

3Monographie  Santi e luoghi santi al servizio della politica carolingia (774-877): Vitae e Passiones del regno italico nel contesto europeo
Vocino, Giorgia. - [Università di Venezia] (2010)

4Monographie  La comparsa della figura del vicario arcivescovile a Pisa nella seconda metà del Duecento
Vocino, Giorgia. - [Università di Pisa] (2003 - 2004)

5Buchbeitrag  A Carolingian ‘reform of education'? The reception of Alcuin's pedagogy
Grifoni, CinziaVocino, Giorgia. (2023) - In: Rethinking the Carolingian reforms S. 96-140

6Artikel  Introduction. Medieval Biographical Collections in Comparison
Mahoney, DanielVocino, Giorgia. (2022) - In: Medieval worlds Bd. 15 (2022) S. 3-11

7Buchbeitrag  Writing Strategies
Langelaar, ReinierVocino, GiorgiaWieser, Veronika. (2022) - In: Medieval Biographical Collections S. 23-35

8Buchbeitrag  Creating a Sense of Glorious Destiny. Mastery of Speech in the Libellus de Situ Civitatis Mediolani (Late 10th-Early 11th Centuries)
Vocino, Giorgia. (2022) - In: Medieval Biographical Collections S. 195-213

9Artikel  Writing Strategies
Langelaar, ReinierVocino, GiorgiaWieser, Veronika. (2022) - In: Medieval worlds Bd. 15 (2022) S. 23-35

10Buchbeitrag  Introduction. Medieval Biographical Collections in Comparison
Mahoney, DanielVocino, Giorgia. (2022) - In: Medieval Biographical Collections S. 3-11

11Artikel  Creating a Sense of Glorious Destiny. Mastery of Speech in the Libellus de Situ Civitatis Mediolani (Late 10th-Early 11th Centuries)
Vocino, Giorgia. (2022) - In: Medieval worlds Bd. 15 (2022) S. 195-213

12Buchbeitrag  Les Mérovingiens d 'Augustin Thierry. Un parcours à travers les archives de I'Homère de l'histoire
Vocino, Giorgia. (2021) - In: Le médiévisme érudit en France de la Révolution au second Empire S. 141-158

13Buchbeitrag  Due santi per una capitale. La leggenda altomedievale di Siro e Invenzio
Vocino, Giorgia. (2021) - In: Actum Ticini. Ricerche sull'alto Medioevo pavese S. 61-75

14Buchbeitrag  Between the Palace, the School and the Forum: Rhetoric and Court Culture in Late Lombard and Carolingian Italy
Vocino, Giorgia. (2021) - In: After Charlemagne. Carolingian Italy and its rulers S. 250-274

15Buchbeitrag  Ut hoc flagellum evadamus. Sublimating the Hungarian Threat in the Kingdom of Italy
Vocino, Giorgia. (2020) - In: Wissen und Bildung in einer Zeit bedrohter Ordnung S. 349-374

16Artikel  "On the life and continence of judges": the production and transmission of imperial legislation in late Ottonian Italy
Vocino, GiorgiaWest, Charles. (2019) - In: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen Âge Bd. 131, 1 (2019)

17Buchbeitrag  Migrant masters and their books. Italian scholars and knowledge transfer in post-Carolingian Europe
Vocino, Giorgia. (2019) - In: Using and Not Using the Past after the Carolingian Empire, c. 900-c. 1050 S. 241-261

18Buchbeitrag  Looking up to Rome: Romanness through the hagiography from the duchy of Spoleto
Vocino, Giorgia. (2018) - In: Transformations of Romanness. Early Medieval Regions and Identities S. 197-216

19Buchbeitrag  A Peregrinus's Vade Mecum: MS Bern 363 and the 'Circle of Sedulius Scottus'
Vocino, Giorgia. (2018) - In: The annotated book in the early Middle Ages. Practices of reading and writing S. 87-124

20Artikel  La leggenda dimenticata dei santi Siro e Ivenzio vescovi di Pavia. L'Ymnus sanctorum Syri et Hiventii
Vocino, Giorgia. (2017) - In: Bollettino della Società Pavese di Storia Patria Bd. 117 (2017) S. 313-350

21Buchbeitrag  Bishops in the mirror: from self-representation to episcopal model. The case of the eloquent bishops Ambrose of Milan and Gregory the Great
Vocino, Giorgia. (2016) - In: FS Mayke de Jong S. 331-349

22Buchbeitrag  Framing Ambrose in the resources of the past: the late antique and early medieval sources for a Carolingian portrait of Ambrose
Vocino, Giorgia. (2015) - In: The resources of the past in early medieval Europe S. 135-154

23Buchbeitrag  Les saints en lice: hagiographie et reliques entre Cividale et Grado à l'époque carolingienne
Vocino, Giorgia. (2015) - In: Compétition et sacré au haut Moyen Âge. Entre médiation et exclusion S. 273-294

24Buchbeitrag  Caccia al discepolo. Tradizioni apostoliche nella produzione agiografica dell'Italia settentrionale (VI-XI secolo)
Vocino, Giorgia. (2015) - In: Urban identities in Northern Italy, 800-1100 ca. S. 357-402

25Artikel  Under the aegis of the saints. Hagiography and power in early Carolingian northern Italy
Vocino, Giorgia. (2014) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 22 (2014) S. 26-52

26Buchbeitrag  Triginta autem Brixienses sunt episcopi quos meminimus. Mémoire épiscopale et hagiographie à l'époque carolingienne: le dossier de saint Filastre, évêque de Brescia
Vocino, Giorgia. (2012) - In: Hommage Michel Sot S. 313-328

27Buchbeitrag  Le traslazioni di reliquie in età carolingia (fine VIII-IX secolo). Uno studio comparativo
Vocino, Giorgia. (2011) - In: Del visibile credere. Pellegrinaggi, santuari, miracoli, reliquie S. 217-264

28Buchbeitrag  Hagiography as an Instrument for Political Claims in Carolingian Northern Italy: The Saint Syrus Dossier (BHL 7976 and 7978)
Vocino, Giorgia. (2011) - In: An age of saints? Power, conflict and dissent in early medieval Christianity S. 169-186

29Buchbeitrag  Reliques en route: Un moteur de mobilité à l'époque carolingienne (fin VIIIe - IXe siècle)
Vocino, Giorgia. (2010) - In: Des sociétés en mouvement. Migrations et mobilité au Moyen Âge S. 243-249

30Artikel  Le traslazioni di reliquie in età carolingia (fine VIII-IX secolo): uno studio comparativo
Vocino, Giorgia. (2008) - In: Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa Bd. 44 (2008) S. 207-255

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