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Publikationen »Wallace, David«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Wallace, David

RI opac: 66 Einträge

1Monographie  Geoffrey Chaucer: a new introduction
Wallace, David. - Oxford (2017)

2Sammelwerk  Europe: a literary history, 1348-1418 (Vol. 1-2)
Wallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Regeneration: A Literary History of Europe (1348-1418), (Vol. 1-2)
Wallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2016)

4Sammelwerk  A Literary History of Medieval Europe, 1348-1418 (Vol. 1-)
Wallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2016)

5Sammelwerk  From Beowulf to Caxton: studies in medieval languages and literature, texts and manuscripts
Matsushita, TomonoriSchmidt, Aubrey Vincent CarlyleWallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Bern [u.a.] (2011)

6Monographie  Strong women: life, text, and territory ; 1347 - 1645
Wallace, David. - Oxford (2011)

7Sammelwerk  Medieval Crime and Social Control
Hanawalt, Barbara A.Wallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Minneapolis, MN (1999)

8Sammelwerk  The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature
Wallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1999)

9Monographie  Chaucerian polity: absolutist lineages and associational forms in England and Italy
Wallace, David. - Stanford, Calif. (1997)

10Sammelwerk  Bodies and disciplines. Intersections of literature and history in fifteenth-century England
Hanawalt, Barbara A.Wallace, David [Hrsg.]. - Minneapolis, MN (1996)

11Buchbeitrag  Italy, poetry and the Hundred Years War
Wallace, David. (2024) - In: Literatures of the Hundred Years War S. 105-126

12Buchbeitrag  Origination and Mediation: Sicily
Wallace, David. (2023) - In: The Routledge companion to medieval English literature S. 186-198

13Artikel  "She Lives!": Jephthah's Daughter and Chaucer's Virginia, Jews and Gentiles, Bad Narrative, and Ending Happily
Wallace, David. (2023) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 58 (2023) S. 403-415

14Buchbeitrag  "Imperium", Commerce, and National Crusade: The Romance of Malory's "Morte" (Abridged)
Wallace, David. (2023) - In: Knight, Medieval Literature and Social Politics S. 321-332

15Buchbeitrag  Preface to Part II: Intellectuals, Leaders, Doctores
Wallace, David. (2020) - In: Women intellectuals and leaders in the middle ages S. 73-78

16Artikel  Medieval studies in troubled times: the 1930s
Wallace, David. (2020) - In: Speculum Bd. 95 (2020) S. 1-35

17Buchbeitrag  Oswald von Wolkenstein in the Context of Constance
Wallace, David. (2019) - In: Romania und Germania. Kulturelle und literarische Austauschprozesse S. 360-377

18Buchbeitrag  Italy
Wallace, David. (2019) - In: A new companion to Chaucer S. 213-226

19Artikel  Lives of Dante: why now?
Wallace, David. (2018) - In: Dante studies Bd. 136 (2018) S. 213-222

20Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 481-487

21Buchbeitrag  Calais
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 180-190

22Buchbeitrag  Constance
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 2 S. 655-682

23Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 2 S. 371-375

24Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 645-649

25Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 3-10

26Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 175-179

27Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 2 S. 3-11

28Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 2 S. 185-192

29Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 2 S. 479-485

30Buchbeitrag  Changing emotions in Troilus: the crucial year
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Love, history and emotion in Chaucer and Shakespeare S. 157-171

31Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, David. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 357-362

32Artikel  Nation/Translation: An Afterword
Wallace, David. (2015) - In: Interfaces. A journal of medieval European literatures Bd. 1 (2015) S. 348-362

33Buchbeitrag  Imperium, Commerce, and National Crusade: The Romance of Malory's Morte (Abridged)
Wallace, David. (2014) - In: Medieval literature. Criticism and debates S. 321-331

34Buchbeitrag  Performance and the Student Body
Wallace, David. (2014) - In: Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (2014) S. 160-164

35Buchbeitrag  Chaucer, Langland, and the Hundred Years' War
Wallace, David. (2012) - In: The medieval Python. The purposive and provocative work of Terry Jones S. 195-205

36Buchbeitrag  Afterword: sea, island, mud
Wallace, David. (2011) - In: The sea and Englishness in the Middle Ages S. 207-217

37Buchbeitrag  Nuns
Wallace, David. (2010) - In: Cultural reformations. Medieval and renaissance in literary history S. 505-523

38Buchbeitrag  Problematics of European Literary History, 1348-140
Wallace, David. (2009) - In: The Construction of Textual Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Literature S. 83-110

39Buchbeitrag  Griselde before Chaucer: Love between Men, Women, and Farewell Art
Wallace, David. (2009) - In: FS Winthrop Wetherbee S. 207-222

40Buchbeitrag  Sir Thomas Malory
Wallace, David. (2009) - In: The Cambridge companion to medieval English literature, 1150-1500 S. 229-242

41Artikel  New Chaucer Topographies
Wallace, David. (2007) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 29 (2007) S. 1-20

42Artikel  Imperium, Commerce, and National Crusade: The Romance of Malory's Morte
Wallace, David. (2006) - In: New medieval literatures Bd. 8 (2006) S. 45-65

43Artikel  Oxford English Literary History
Wallace, David. (2005) - In: The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Bd. 35 (2005) S. 13-23

44Buchbeitrag  Response to Genelle Gertz-Robinson: 'Stepping into the Pulpit?'
Wallace, David. (2005) - In: Voices in dialogue. Reading women in the Middle Ages S. 483-491

45Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's Italian Inheritance
Wallace, David. (2003) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer (2) S. 36-57

46Buchbeitrag  Dante in England
Wallace, David. (2003) - In: Dante for the new millennium S. 422-434

47Buchbeitrag  Chaucer and Deschamps, translation and the Hundred Year's War
Wallace, David. (2003) - In: The medieval translator 8 S. 179-188

48Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wallace, DavidDinshaw, Carolyn. (2003) - In: The Cambridge companion to medieval women's writing S. 1-10

49Buchbeitrag  Afterword
Wallace, David. (2002) - In: Images, idolatry and iconoclasm in late medieval England S. 207-214

50Buchbeitrag  The making of "Troilus and Criseyde"
Wallace, David. (2001) - In: Essays on the art of Chaucer's verse S. 297-338

51Artikel  Response
Wallace, David. (2001) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 23 (2001) S. 513-519

52Buchbeitrag  Afterword
Wallace, David. (2000) - In: The Decameron and the Canterbury tales: new essays on an old question S. 317-320

53Buchbeitrag  Italy
Wallace, David. (2000) - In: A companion to Chaucer S. 218-234

54Buchbeitrag  Dante in Somerset: ghosts, historiography, periodisation
Wallace, David. (1999) - In: New Medieval Literatures 3 S. 9-38

55Artikel  Dante in Somerset: Ghosts, Historiography, Periodization
Wallace, David. (1999) - In: New medieval literatures Bd. 3 (1999) S. 9-38

56Artikel  In Flaundres
Wallace, David. (1997) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 19 (1997) S. 63-91

57Buchbeitrag  Dante in English
Wallace, David. (1993) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Dante S. 237-258

58Buchbeitrag  Troilus and the Filostrato: Chaucer as translator of Boccaccio
Wallace, David. (1992) - In: Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, "Subgit to alle Poesye". Essays in Criticism S. 257-267

59Buchbeitrag  Chaucer and the absent city
Wallace, David. (1992) - In: Chaucer's England. Literature in Historical Context S. 59-90

60Buchbeitrag  Cleanness and the terms of terror
Wallace, David. (1991) - In: Text and Matter. New Critical Perspectives of the Pearl-Poet S. 93-104

61Buchbeitrag  Writing the tyrant's death: Chaucer, Bernabò Visconti and Richard II
Wallace, David. (1991) - In: Poetics. Theory and Practice in Medieval English Literature S. 117-130

62Artikel  Chaucer's body politic: social and narrative self-regulation
Wallace, David. (1990) - In: Exemplaria Bd. 2 (1990) S. 221-240

63Buchbeitrag  Chaucer's continental inheritance: the early poems and Troilus and Criseyde
Wallace, David. (1986) - In: The Cambridge Chaucer companion S. 19-37

64Artikel  Chaucer and the European "Rose"
Wallace, David. (1984) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer. Proceedings Bd. 1 (1984) S. 61-67

65Artikel  Chaucer's "ambages"
Wallace, David. (1984) - In: American notes and queries Bd. 23, 1-2 (1984) S. 1-4

66Buchbeitrag  Mystics and Followers in Siena and East Anglia: A Study in Taxonomy, Class and Cultural Mediation
Wallace, David. (1984) - In: The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England (1984) S. 169-191

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