Publikationen »Walsh, Martin W.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Walsh, Martin W.
RI opac: 25 Einträge
1 | Mary of Nemmegen: the ca. 1518 translation and the Middle Dutch analogue, Mariken van Nieumeghen Davidson, Clifford • Broos, Antonius J. • Walsh, Martin W. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Everyman and its Dutch original, Elckerlijc Davidson, Clifford • Walsh, Martin W. • Broos, Ton J. [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Correspondences between the Florentine St Martin Play and the Ghirlandaio Frescoes in the Chapel of the Buonomini di San Martino Walsh, Martin W.. |
6 | Conquering Turk in Carnival Nürnberg: Hans Rosenplüt's "Des Turken Vasnachtspil" of 1456 Walsh, Martin W.. |
7 | The Festival Context of Villon's Pet au Deable: Martinmas in Late-Medieval Paris Walsh, Martin W.. |
8 | Eulenspiegel (Episode 13) as a Theater-Historical Document Walsh, Martin W.. |
9 | Rubin and Mercator: grotesque comedy in the German Easter plays. Walsh, Martin W.. |
10 | Moving Statues, Teleportation, and Rape: Some Space/Time Considerations in the Staging of Medieval Drama Walsh, Martin W.. |
11 | High places and travelling scenes: some observations on the staging of the York cycle Walsh, Martin W.. |
12 | Medieval English Martinmesse: The Archaeology of a Forgotten Festival Walsh, Martin W.. |
13 | The Urner Tellenspiel of 1512: strategies of early political drama Walsh, Martin W.. |
14 | The Perceval Casket as rite of passage Walsh, Martin W.. |
15 | Martín y muchos pobres: The Grotesque Image of the "Charity of St. Martin" in the Bosch and Breughel Schools Walsh, Martin W.. |
16 | The king his own fool: Robert of Cicyle Walsh, Martin W.. |
17 | Martin of Tours: a patron saint of medieval comedy Walsh, Martin W.. |
18 | Babio: toward a performance reconstruction of secular farce in twelfth-century England Walsh, Martin W.. |
19 | The Harlotry Players: teaching medieval drama through performance Walsh, Martin W.. |
20 | "Arthur cocu": comic abuse of the round table in fifteenth-century "Fastnachtspiele" Walsh, Martin W.. |
21 | Looking in on a lost drama: the case of "King Robert of Sicily" Walsh, Martin W.. |
22 | Divine cuckhold/holy fool: the comic image of Joseph in the English "Troubles" play Walsh, Martin W.. |
23 | Demon or deluded Messiah? The characterisation of Antichrist in the Chester Cycle Walsh, Martin W.. |
24 | Performing Dame Sirith: farce and fabliaux at the end of the thirteenth century Walsh, Martin W.. |
25 | Quacks, empirics, spiritual physicians: the dramatic functions of the "medicus" in 15th and 16th century "Fastnachtspiele" Walsh, Martin W.. |
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