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Publikationen »Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson

RI opac: 26 Einträge

1Sachtitel  Fasti ecclesiae Scoticanae medii aevi ad annum 1638
Watt, Donald Elmslie RobertsonMurray, Athol L. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2003)

2Monographie  Die Konzilien in Schottland bis zur Reformation: Medieval church councils in Scotland
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. - Paderborn [u.a.] (2001)

3Sachtitel  The heads of religious houses in Scotland from twelfth to sixteenth centuries
Watt, Donald Elmslie RobertsonShead, Norman F. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2001)

4Monographie  Medieval church councils in Scotland
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. - Edinburgh (2000)

5Monographie  Walter Bower, A History Book for Scots: Selections from Scotichronicon
Bower, Walter. Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1998)

6Sammelwerk  Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae occidentalis ab initio usque ad annum MXCXVIII. Bd. 1: Britannia, Scotia et Hibernia, Scandinavia. Tl. 1: Ecclesia Scotiana
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson [Hrsg.]. - Stuttgart (1991)

7Monographie  A biographical dictionary of Scottish graduates to A.D. 1410
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. - Oxford (1977)

8Sachtitel  Fasti ecclesiae Scoticanae medii aevi ad annum 1638
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson [Hrsg.]. - St Andrews (1969)

9Monographie  Scotsmen at universities between 1340 and 1410 and their subsequent careers: a study of the contribution of graduates to the public life of their country.
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. - [University of Oxford] (1957)

10Buchbeitrag  Scotland: religion and piety.
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (2003) - In: A companion to Britain in the later Middle Ages S. 396-410

11Artikel  Bagimond di Vezza and his "Roll"
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (2001) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 80 (2001) S. 1-23

12Artikel  A national treasure? The Scotichronicon of Walter Bower
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1997) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 76 (1997) S. 44-53

13Artikel  The Establishment of the Scottish Provincial Council
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1995 - 1996) - In: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum Bd. 27/28 (1995/96) S. 293-302

14Artikel  Bishops in the Isles before 1203: bibliography and biographical lists
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1994) - In: The Innes Review Bd. 45 (1994) S. 99-119

15Buchbeitrag  The provincial council of the Scottish church 1215-1472
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1993) - In: Essays G. W. S. Barrow S. 140-155

16Artikel  Abbot Walter Bower of Inchcolm and his Scotichronicon
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1992) - In: Records of the Scottish Church History Society Bd. 24 (1992) S. 286-304

17Buchbeitrag  The church in Scotland in 1137
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1988) - In: St. Magnus Cathedral and Orkney's Twelfth-Century Renaissance S. 25-35

18Buchbeitrag  Scottish university men of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1986) - In: Scotland and Europe 1200-1850 S. 1-18

19Buchbeitrag  The Papacy and Scotland in the Fifteenth Century
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1984) - In: The Church, Politics and Patronage in the Fifteenth Century S. 115-132

20Buchbeitrag  Education in the Highlands in the Middle Ages
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1981) - In: The Middle Ages in the highlands S. 79-90

21Artikel  Scottish student life abroad in the fourteenth century
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1980) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 59 (1980) S. 3-21

22Artikel  The minority of Alexander III of Scotland.
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1971) - In: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Ser. 5, Bd. 21 (1971) S. 1-23

23Artikel  University Graduates in Scottish Benefices before 1410
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1964) - In: Records of the Scottish Church History Society Bd. 15 (1964) S. 77-88

24Artikel  University Clerks and Rolls of Petitions for Benefices
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1959) - In: Speculum Bd. 34 (1959) S. 213-229

25Artikel  Scottish masters and students at Paris in the fourteenth century
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1955) - In: Aberdeen University review Bd. 36, 113 (1955) S. 169-180

26Artikel  Sources for Scottish history of the fourteenth century in the archives of the Vatican
Watt, Donald Elmslie Robertson. (1953) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 32 (1953) S. 101-122

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