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Publikationen »Wexler, Paul«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Wexler, Paul

RI opac: 20 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Jewish and Non-Jewish Creators of "Jewish" Languages; with Special Attention to Judaized Arabic, Chinese, German, Greek, Persian, Portuguese, Slavic (Modern Hebrew/Yiddish), Spanish, and Karaite, and Semitic Hebrew/Ladino. A Collection of Reprinted Articles from across Four Decades with a Reassessment
Wexler, Paul. - Wiesbaden (2006)

2Monographie  Two-Tiered Relexification in Yiddish: Jews, Sorbs, Khazars, and the Kiev-Polessian Dialect
Wexler, Paul. - Berlin; New York (2002)

3Sammelwerk  Studia Linguistica et Orientalia Memoriae Haim Blanc Dedicata
Wexler, PaulBorg, AlexanderSomekh, Sasson [Hrsg.]. - Wiesbaden (1989)

4Monographie  Three heirs to a Judeo-Latin legacy: Judeo-Ibero-Romance, Yiddish, and Rotwelsch
Wexler, Paul. - Wiesbaden (1988)

5Buchbeitrag  The Role of the Silk Roads in the Creation of Secret Languages of Trade: Yiddish, Lachoudisch / Lekodesch, Lotera'i, Abdal, Eynu, (Judeo-)Berber, (Judeo-)Arabic, etc.
Wexler, Paul. (2013) - In: Knaanic language. Structure and historical background S. 318-336

6Buchbeitrag  Yiddish Evidence for the Khazar Component in the Ashkenazic Ethnogenesis
Wexler, Paul. (2007) - In: The World of the Khazars. New Perspectives S. 387-398

7Buchbeitrag  Why there may have been contacts between Slovenes and Jews before 1000 A.D.
Wexler, Paul. (2006) - In: Wexler, Jewish and Non-Jewish Creators of "Jewish" Languages S. 704-715

8Buchbeitrag  Terms for 'synagogue' in Hebrew and Jewish languages. Explorations in historical interlinguistics
Wexler, Paul. (2006) - In: Wexler, Jewish and Non-Jewish Creators of "Jewish" Languages S. 106-140

9Buchbeitrag  Relexification and the case of Yiddish and its four offspring: Medieval Ashkenazic and Modern Hebrew, Germand Rotwelsch and Esperanto
Wexler, Paul. (2006) - In: Wexler, Jewish and Non-Jewish Creators of "Jewish" Languages S. xxxixff.

10Buchbeitrag  Languages in contact: the case of Rotwelsch amd the two "Yiddishes"
Wexler, Paul. (1995) - In: In and Out of the Ghetto. Jewish-Gentile Relations S. 109-124

11Buchbeitrag  Uncovering the Origins of the Judeo-Ibero-Romance Languages
Wexler, Paul. (1993) - In: New Horizons in Sephardic Studies S. 211-214

12Buchbeitrag  Jewish historical linguistics: 1981-1991-2001
Wexler, Paul. (1993) - In: Historical Linguistics 1991 S. 343-361

13Artikel  The reconstruction of pre-Ashkenazic Jewish settlements in the Slavic lands in the light of linguistic sources.
Wexler, Paul. (1986) - In: Polin Bd. 1 (1986) S. 3-18

14Artikel  The role of Yiddish in the recovery of Slavic linguistic history
Wexler, Paul. (1985) - In: Die Welt der Slaven Ser. NS, Bd. 9 (1985) S. 1-23

15Artikel  Kristang as a tool for recovering the mid-15th-century Portuguese reconnaissance language
Wexler, Paul. (1983 - 1984) - In: Romance philology Bd. 37 (1983/84) S. 139-150

16Artikel  Hebräische und aramäische Elemente in den slavischen Sprachen: Wege, Chronologien und Diffusionsgebiete
Wexler, Paul. (1983) - In: Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie Bd. 43 (1983) S. 229-279

17Artikel  Terms for "synagoge" in Hebrew and Jewish languages: Explorations in historical Jewish interlinguistics
Wexler, Paul. (1981) - In: Revue des études juives Bd. 140 (1981) S. 101-138

18Artikel  Jewish onomastics - achievements and challenges
Wexler, Paul. (1979) - In: Onoma Bd. 23 (1979) S. 96-113

19Artikel  Ascertaining the position of Judezmo within Ibero-Romance
Wexler, Paul. (1977) - In: Vox Romanica Bd. 36 (1977) S. 162-195

20Artikel  Explorations in Byelorussian, historical bilingual dialectology and onomastics
Wexler, Paul. (1974) - In: The Slavonic and East European review Bd. 52 (1974) S. 481-499

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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