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Publikationen »Whitehead, Christiania«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Whitehead, Christiania

RI opac: 35 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Late medieval devotion to saints from the north of England: new directions
Whitehead, ChristianiaHunter Blair, Hazel J.Renevey, Denis [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2022)

2Monographie  The Afterlife of St Cuthbert. Place, Texts and Ascetic Tradition, 690-1500
Whitehead, Christiania. - Cambridge (2020)

3Sammelwerk  Middle English Lyrics: New Readings of Short Poems,
Boffey, JuliaWhitehead, Christiania [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2018)

4Sammelwerk  Saints of North-East England, 600-1500
Whitehead, ChristianiaCoombe, Margaret [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2017)

5Sammelwerk  The medieval translator: lost in translation? ; actes du colloque de Lausanne = Traduire au Moyen Âge
Renevey, DenisWhitehead, Christiania [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2009)

6Monographie  Castles of the mind: a study of medieval architectural allegory
Whitehead, Christiania. - Cardiff (2003)

7Sammelwerk  Writing religious women: female spiritual and textual practices in late medieval England
Renevey, DenisWhitehead, Christiania [Hrsg.]. - Cardiff (2000)

8Buchbeitrag  The Song of Songs' Lyricism in Late Medieval England
Renevey, DenisWhitehead, Christiania. (2024) - In: The song of songs in European poetry (twelfth to seventeenth centuries) S. 81-104

9Buchbeitrag  ‘It satte me wel bet ay in a cave / To bidde and rede on holy seyntes lyves'. Women and Hagiography
Whitehead, Christiania. (2023) - In: Women and medieval literary culture. From the early Middle Ages to the fifteenth century S. 250-268

10Buchbeitrag  The Middle English Lyrics in Their European Context
Whitehead, Christiania. (2023) - In: The Routledge companion to medieval English literature S. 332-344

11Buchbeitrag  Reading the saint's church: a northern perspective.
Whitehead, Christiania. (2023) - In: Architectural representation in medieval textual and material culture S. 171-188

12Buchbeitrag  The Production of Northern Saints' Lives at Holm Cultram Abbey in Cumbria
Whitehead, Christiania. (2022) - In: Late medieval devotion to saints from the north of England. New directions S. 53-74

13Artikel  Durham manuscript compilations of northern saints' lives
Whitehead, Christiania. (2022) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 91 (2022) S. 28-52

14Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Whitehead, Christiania. (2022) - In: Late medieval devotion to saints from the north of England. New directions S. 17-33

15Buchbeitrag  Cuthbertinc hermits and North Sea merchant traders
Whitehead, Christiania. (2019) - In: Saints as intercessors between the wealthy and the divine S. 27-43

16Buchbeitrag  The Hermit and the Sailor: Readings of Scandinavia in North-East English Hagiography
Whitehead, Christiania. (2019) - In: Revisiting the medieval North of England. Interdisciplinary approaches S. 123-130

17Artikel  A Scottish or English Saint? The Shifting Sanctity of St Aebbe of Coldingham
Whitehead, Christiania. (2019) - In: New medieval literatures Bd. 19 (2019) S. 1-42

18Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Boffey, JuliaWhitehead, Christiania. (2018) - In: Middle English Lyrics. New Readings of Short Poems S. 1-11

19Buchbeitrag  Musical and poetical form in Stond wel, moder, under rode
Whitehead, Christiania. (2018) - In: Middle English Lyrics. New Readings of Short Poems S. 227-239

20Artikel  Translating the Northern English Saints within Late Medieval Vernacular Legendaries: Oswald, Cuthbert, Ninian
Whitehead, Christiania. (2018) - In: Viator Bd. 49, 2 (2018) S. 25-45

21Buchbeitrag  Regional, and with Attitude: The Middle English Metrical Life of St Cuthbert
Whitehead, Christiania. (2018) - In: Essays Roger Ellis S. 115-132

22Buchbeitrag  Visual and Verbal Vernacular Translations of Bede's Prose Life of St Cuthbert in Fifteenth-Century Northern England: The Carlisle Panel Paintings
Whitehead, Christiania. (2017) - In: What is an image in medieval and early modern England? S. 17-38

23Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Whitehead, ChristianiaCoombe, Margaret. (2017) - In: Saints of North-East England S. 1-17

24Buchbeitrag  The Late Fourteenth-Century English Mystics
Whitehead, Christiania. (2013) - In: The Wiley-Blackwell companion to Christian mysticism S. 357-372

25Buchbeitrag  Spiritual Healing: Healing Miracles Associated With the Twelfth-Century Northern Cult of St Cuthbert
Whitehead, Christiania. (2013) - In: Medieval and early modern literature, science and medicine S. 171-186

26Buchbeitrag  The Meditaciones of Ihe Monk of Farne
Whitehead, Christiania. (2013) - In: The medieval mystical tradition in England 8 S. 125-140

27Buchbeitrag  "A Great Woman m Our Future" Julian of Norwich's Functions in Late Twentieth-Century Spirituality
Whitehead, Christiania. (2009) - In: Julian of Norwich's legacy. Medieval mysticism and post-medieval reception S. 131-152

28Buchbeitrag  Geoffrey Chaucer
Whitehead, Christiania. (2009) - In: The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English literature S. 134-151

29Buchbeitrag  Middle English Religious Lyrics
Whitehead, Christiania. (2005) - In: A Companion to the Middle English Lyric S. 96-119

30Buchbeitrag  Columnae ... sunt episcopi. Pavimentum ... est vulgus: The Symbolic Translation of Ecclesiastical Architecture in Latin Liturgical Handbooks of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Whitehead, Christiania. (2003) - In: The medieval translator 8 S. 29-38

31Buchbeitrag  Bibliography
Renevey, DenisWhitehead, Christiania. (2000) - In: Writing religious women. Female spiritual and textual practices in late medieval England S. 245-262

32Buchbeitrag  Introduction: medieval spirituality and gender
Whitehead, Christiania. (2000) - In: Writing religious women. Female spiritual and textual practices in late medieval England S. 6-10, 15-17

33Buchbeitrag  A fortress and a shield: the representation of the Virgin in the "Château d'amour" of Robert Grosseteste
Whitehead, Christiania. (2000) - In: Writing religious women. Female spiritual and textual practices in late medieval England S. 109-132

34Artikel  Making a cloister of the soul in medieval religious treatises
Whitehead, Christiania. (1998) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 67 (1998) S. 1-29

35Artikel  Regarding the ark: revisions of architectural imagery in the writings of the Cloud author
Whitehead, Christiania. (1998) - In: Downside review Bd. 116, 404 (1998) S. 195-212

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