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Publikationen »Whittow, Mark«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Whittow, Mark

RI opac: 31 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Byzantium in the eleventh century. Being in between: Papers from the 45th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, Oxford, 24-6 March 2012
Lauxtermann, Marc D.Whittow, Mark [Hrsg.]. - Abingdon (2017)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Whittow, Mark. (2016)

3Monographie  The making of orthodox Byzantium, 600-1025
Whittow, Mark. - London [u.a.] (1996)

4Monographie  The social and political structure of the Maeander region on the eve of the Turkish invasions.
Whittow, Mark. - [University of Oxford] (1988)

5Buchbeitrag  The late Roman/early Byzantine Near East
Whittow, Mark. (2023) - In: The New Cambridge History of Islam 1 S. 72-97

6Buchbeitrag  Byzantium and the "feudal revolution"
Whittow, Mark. (2022) - In: Mélanges James Howard-Johnston S. 1-14

7Buchbeitrag  The Environmental Turn: Roll Over Chris Wickham?
Whittow, Mark. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 361-365

8Buchbeitrag  Pirenne, Muhammad, and Bohemond: Before Orientalism
Whittow, Mark. (2019) - In: Essays Christopher Tyerman S. 17-50

9Artikel  The Environmental Turn: Roll over Chris Wickham?
Whittow, Mark. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 179-182

10Buchbeitrag  Byzantium's Eurasian Policy in the Age of the Türk Empire
Whittow, Mark. (2018) - In: Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity. Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe, ca. 250-750 S. 271-286

11Buchbeitrag  The End of Antiquity in the Lykos Valley: Setting a New Agenda (Lykos Vadisi'nde Antik Çag'in Sonu: Yeni Bir Düsünce)
Whittow, Mark. (2018) - In: Geç antik çag'da Lykos vadisi ve çevresi S. 37-54

12Buchbeitrag  Sources of Knowledge: Cultures of Recording
Whittow, Mark. (2018) - In: The global Middle Ages S. 45-87

13Buchbeitrag  Staying on top in Byzantium, 963-1210
Whittow, Mark. (2017) - In: Mélanges Jean-Claude Cheynet S. 807-830

14Buchbeitrag  The second fall: the place of the eleventh century in Roman history
Whittow, Mark. (2017) - In: Byzantium in the eleventh century. Being in between S. 109-126

15Buchbeitrag  Rethinking the Jafnids: new approaches to Rome's Arab allies
Whittow, Mark. (2015) - In: Les Jafnides. Des rois arabes au service de Byzance (VIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne) S. 11-36

16Buchbeitrag  Ruling the Late Roman and Early Byzantine City: A Continuous History
Whittow, Mark. (2013) - In: The Formation of Classical Islam 1 S. 143-170

17Artikel  How Much Trade was Local, Regional and Inter-Regional? A Comparative Perspective on the Late Antique Economy
Whittow, Mark. (2013) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 10 (2013) S. 133-165

18Buchbeitrag  Motherhood and Power in Early Medieval Europe, West and East: The Strange Case of the Empress Eirene
Whittow, Mark. (2011) - In: Essays Henrietta Leyser S. 55-84

19Artikel  Early Medieval Byzantium and the End of the Ancient World
Whittow, Mark. (2009) - In: Journal of agrarian change Bd. 9 (2009) S. 134-153

20Buchbeitrag  The political geography of the Byzantine world. Geographical survey
Whittow, Mark. (2008) - In: The Oxford handbook of byzantine studies S. 219-231

21Buchbeitrag  The middle Byzantine economy (600-1204)
Whittow, Mark. (2007) - In: The Cambridge history of the Byzantine Empire c. 500 - 1492 S. 465-492

22Artikel  Nicopolis ad Istrum: Backward and Balkan?
Whittow, Mark. (2007) - In: Proceedings of the British Academy Bd. 141 (2007) S. 375-389

23Buchbeitrag  The life of St Lazaros of Galesion: founding and maintaining a successful monastery.
Whittow, Mark. (2007) - In: Founders and refounders of Byzantine monasteries S. 251-272

24Buchbeitrag  Decline and Fall? Studying Long-term Change in the East
Whittow, Mark. (2003) - In: Theory and practice in late antique archaeology S. 404-424

25Buchbeitrag  Recent research on the late-antique city in Asia Minor. The second half of the 6th-c. revisited
Whittow, Mark. (2001) - In: Recent Research in Late-Antique Urbanism S. 137-153

26Buchbeitrag  Rome and the Jafnids: Writing the History of a Sixth-Century Tribal Dynasty
Whittow, Mark. (1999) - In: The Roman and Byzantine Near East. Some Recent Archaeological Research Tl. 2 S. 207-224

27Buchbeitrag  Thrace
Whittow, Mark. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 726-727

28Buchbeitrag  Horses
Whittow, Mark. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world S. 498-499

29Buchbeitrag  How the east was lost: the background to the Komnenian reconquista
Whittow, Mark. (1996) - In: Alexios I Komnenos. Papers on the Second Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium S. 55-67

30Artikel  Rural fortifications in western Europe and Byzantium, tenth to twelfth century
Whittow, Mark. (1995) - In: Byzantinische Forschungen Bd. 21 (1995) S. 57-74

31Artikel  Ruling the late Roman and early Byzantine city: a continuous history.
Whittow, Mark. (1990) - In: Past and Present Bd. 129 (1990) S. 3-29

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