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Publikationen »Williams, Steven J.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Williams, Steven J.

RI opac: 24 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Williams, Steven J.. (2016)

2Monographie  The secret of secrets: the scholarly career of a pseudo-Aristotelian text in the Latin Middle Ages
Williams, Steven J.. - Ann Arbor, Mich. (2003)

3Monographie  The scholarly career of the pseudo-Aristotelian "Secretum secretorum" in the thirteenth and early fourteenth century
Williams, Steven J.. - [Northwestern University] (1991)

4Buchbeitrag  The Pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets as a Mirror of Princes: A Cautionary Tale
Williams, Steven J.. (2022) - In: A Critical Companion to ‘Mirrors for Princes' in Literature S. 376-402

5Buchbeitrag  The Pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets: Encyclopedia or Book of Knowledge?
Williams, Steven J.. (2021) - In: Books of knowledge in late medieval Europe. Circulation and reception of popular texts S. 11-34

6Buchbeitrag  Two Independent Textual Traditions? The Pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets and the Alexander Legend
Williams, Steven J.. (2015) - In: Trajectoires européennes du Secret des secrets du Pseudo-Aristote (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) S. 27-55

7Buchbeitrag  Like Father, Like Son? The Life and Reign of Manfred, King of Sicily
Williams, Steven J.. (2014) - In: Translating at the court. Bartholomew of Messina and cultural life at the court of Manfred S. 1-30

8Buchbeitrag  Roger Bacon in Context: Empiricism in the High Middle Ages
Williams, Steven J.. (2011) - In: Expertus sum. L'expérience par les sens dans la philosophie naturelle médiévale S. 123-144

9Buchbeitrag  Aristotle in the Medieval Classroom: Students, Teaching, and Educational Change in the Schools of Paris in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Williams, Steven J.. (2011) - In: The Classics in the Medieval and Renaissance Classroom S. 223-243

10Buchbeitrag  Public Stage and Private Space. The Court as a Venue for the Discussion, Display, and Demonstration of Science and Technology in the Later Middle Ages
Williams, Steven J.. (2008) - In: I saperi nelle corti S. 459-486

11Buchbeitrag  Aristotle, Translations of
Williams, Steven J.. (2008) - In: The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History Tl. 1 S. 46

12Buchbeitrag  The Pseudo-Aristotelian "Secret of Secrets" as a Didactic Text
Williams, Steven J.. (2008) - In: What nature does not teach S. 41-57

13Buchbeitrag  Esotericism, Marvels, and the Medieval Aristotle
Williams, Steven J.. (2006) - In: Il segreto (2006) S. 171-191

14Buchbeitrag  Giving Advice and Taking It:The Reception by Rulers of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum Secretorum as a Speculum Principis
Williams, Steven J.. (2004) - In: Consilium. Teorie e pratiche del consigliare nella cultura medievale S. 139-180

15Artikel  Reflections on the pseudo-Aristotelian "Secretum Secretorum" as an astrological text
Williams, Steven J.. (2004) - In: Micrologus Bd. 12 (2004) S. 407-434

16Buchbeitrag  Reflections on the Pseudo-Aristotelian "Secretum secretorum" as an Astrological Text.
Williams, Steven J.. (2004) - In: Il sole e la luna S. 407-434

17Buchbeitrag  The vernacular tradition of the pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets in the Middle Ages: translations, manuscripts, readers
Williams, Steven J.. (2003) - In: Filosofia in volgare nel medioevo S. 451-482

18Buchbeitrag  Philip of Tripoli's translation of the Pseudo-Aristotelian "Secretum secretorum" viewed within the context of intellectual activity in the Crusader Levant
Williams, Steven J.. (2000) - In: Occident et Proche-Orient. Contacts scientifiques au temps des Croisades S. 79-94

19Buchbeitrag  Roger Bacon and the Secret of Secrets
Williams, Steven J.. (1997) - In: Roger Bacon and the Sciences S. 365-393

20Buchbeitrag  Repenser l'intention et l'effet des décrets de 1231 du pape Grégoire IX sur l'étude des libri naturales d'Aristote à l'Université de Paris
Williams, Steven J.. (1997) - In: L'enseignement de la philosophie au XIIIe siècle S. 139-166

21Artikel  Defining the Corpus Aristotelicum: scholastic awareness of Aristotelian spuria in the High Middle Ages
Williams, Steven J.. (1995) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 58 (1995) S. 29-51

22Artikel  The early circulation of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets in the west: the papal and imperial courts
Williams, Steven J.. (1994) - In: Micrologus Bd. 2 (1994) S. 127-144

23Artikel  Roger Bacon and His Edition of the Pseudo-Aristotelian "Secretum secretorum"
Williams, Steven J.. (1994) - In: Speculum Bd. 69 (1994) S. 57-73

24Buchbeitrag  Prima diffusione dell pseudo-aristotelico Secretum Secretorum in Occidente: corte papale e corte imperiale
Williams, Steven J.. (1994) - In: Federico II e le scienze S. 459-474

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