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Publikationen »Willis, Geoffrey G.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Willis, Geoffrey G.

RI opac: 11 Einträge

1Monographie  A history of early Roman liturgy to the death of pope Gregory the Great
Willis, Geoffrey G.. - London (1994)

2Sammelwerk  Essays in Early Roman Liturgy
Willis, Geoffrey G.. - London (1964)

3Monographie  The Turin fragments of Tyconius' commentary on Revelation
Tyconius <Afer>. Lo Bue, FrancescoWillis, Geoffrey G. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1963)

4Monographie  St. Augustine's New Testament text
Willis, Geoffrey G.. - [University of Nottingham] (1950)

5Monographie  An analysis, with commentary, of St. Augustine of Hippo's treatises on marriage.
Willis, Geoffrey G.. - [University of Manchester] (1939)

6Artikel  The Roman Canon of the Mass at the end of the sixth century
Willis, Geoffrey G.. (1980) - In: Downside review Bd. 98, 331 (1980) S. 124-137

7Artikel  The petition for the spirit in Roman ordination prayers
Willis, Geoffrey G.. (1974) - In: Downside review Bd. 92, 309 (1974) S. 265-268

8Artikel  The "cursus" of the "Psalter collects"
Willis, Geoffrey G.. (1970) - In: The journal of theological studies Ser. NS, Bd. 21 (1970) S. 408-412

9Artikel  Textual Divisions in the Book of Mulling
Willis, Geoffrey G.. (1966) - In: The journal of theological studies Ser. NS, Bd. 17 (1966) S. 89-95

10Artikel  "Cursus" in the Roman Canon
Willis, Geoffrey G.. (1965) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 2 (1965) S. 149-153

11Artikel  What is "Mediana" Week?
Willis, Geoffrey G.. (1965) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 1 (1964) S. 114-117

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