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Publikationen »Wilson, Christopher«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Wilson, Christopher

RI opac: 32 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Medieval Art and Architecture in the East Riding of Yorkshire
Wilson, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - London (1989)

2Monographie  The origins of the Perpendicular style and its development to circa 1360
Wilson, Christopher. - [University of London] (1980)

3Buchbeitrag  A Monument to St Edward the Confessor: Henry Ill's Great Chamber at Westminster and its Paintings
Wilson, Christopher. (2017) - In: Westminster. The art, architecture and archaeology of the Royal Abbey and Palace Tl. 2 S. 152-186

4Buchbeitrag  La cathédrale de Reims et l'abbatiale de Westminster
Wilson, Christopher. (2017) - In: La cathédrale de Reims (2017) S. 273-286

5Buchbeitrag  The Shrine of Saint Erkenwald on Paper and in Reality
Wilson, Christopher. (2017) - In: Saints and cults in medieval England S. 217-236

6Buchbeitrag  The Nave of St Margaret's Church, Cley-next-the-Sea
Wilson, Christopher. (2015) - In: Norwich. Medieval and early modern art, architecture and archaeology S. 362-363

7Buchbeitrag  Gothic metamorphosed: the choir of St Augustine's Abbey in Bristol and the renewal of European architecture around 1300
Wilson, Christopher. (2011) - In: The medieval art, architecture and history of Bristol Cathedral. An enigma explored S. 61-68

8Buchbeitrag  Orthodoxy, Religion and Architecture in the Early Sixteenth Century: The Patronage of Bishop Fox at Winchester Cathedral
Wilson, Christopher. (2011) - In: Liber Amicorum Paul Crossley 1 S. 89-109

9Buchbeitrag  Gothic Metamorphosed: The Choir of St Augustine's Abbey in Bristol and the Renewal of European Architecture around 1300
Wilson, Christopher. (2011) - In: The medieval art and architecture of Bristol cathedral. An Enigma explored S. 69-147

10Buchbeitrag  Gothic Architecture Transplanted: the Nave of the Temple Church in London
Wilson, Christopher. (2010) - In: The Temple Church in London S. 19-44

11Buchbeitrag  The chapter house of Westminster Abbey: harbinger of a new dispensation in English architecture?
Wilson, Christopher. (2010) - In: Westminster Abbey Chapter House. The history, art and architecture S. 40-65, 267-270

12Buchbeitrag  The architecture and ornament of the Westminster Retable as evidence of dating and origin
Wilson, Christopher. (2009) - In: The Westminster retable. History, technique, conservation S. 79-96

13Artikel  L'architecte bienfaiteur de la ville. Henry Yevele et la chapelle du London Bridge
Wilson, Christopher. (2009) - In: Revue de l'art Bd. 166 (2009) S. 43-52

14Artikel  A Mid-Fourteenth Century Contract for the Choir Roof of Glastonbury Abbey
Wilson, Christopher. (2008) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 88 (2008) S. 216-221

15Artikel  Calling the Tune? The Involvement of King Henry III in the Design of the Abbey Church at Westminster
Wilson, Christopher. (2008) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 161 (2008) S. 59-93

16Buchbeitrag  Not without Honour save in its own Country? Saint- Urbain at Troyes and its Contrasting French and English Posterities
Wilson, Christopher. (2007) - In: The year 1300 and the creation of a new European architecture S. 107-122

17Buchbeitrag  Lathe Gothic/Retro-Gothic: the third building phase of Melrose Abbey
Wilson, Christopher. (2006) - In: FS Peter Kurmann S. 393-409

18Buchbeitrag  Lausanne and Canterbury: A Special Relationship Re-considered
Wilson, Christopher. (2004) - In: Die Kathedrale von Lausanne und ihr Marienportal im Kontext der europäischen Gotik S. 89-124

19Buchbeitrag  The functional design of Henry VII's chapel: a reconstruction
Wilson, Christopher. (2003) - In: Westminster Abbey. The Lady Chapel of Henry VII S. 141-188

20Buchbeitrag  The royal lodgings of Edward III at Windsor Castle: form, function, representation
Wilson, Christopher. (2002) - In: Windsor. Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture in the Thames Valley S. 15-94

21Buchbeitrag  The Stellar Vaults of Glasgow Cathedral's Inner Crypt and Villard de Honnecourt's Chapter-House Plan: A Conundrum Revisited
Wilson, Christopher. (1998) - In: Medieval art and architecture in the Diocese of Glasgow S. 55-76

22Buchbeitrag  Rulers, artificers and shoppers: Richard II's remodelling of Westminster Hall, 1393-1399
Wilson, Christopher. (1997) - In: The regal image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych S. 33-59

23Buchbeitrag  The medieval monuments
Wilson, Christopher. (1995) - In: A History of Canterbury Cathedral S. 451-510

24Buchbeitrag  The designer of Henry VII's chapel, Westminster Abbey
Wilson, Christopher. (1995) - In: The reign of Henry VII S. 133-156

25Buchbeitrag  The early thirteenth-century architecture of Beverley Minster: cathedral splendours and Cistercian austerities
Wilson, Christopher. (1991) - In: Thirteenth Century England 3 S. 181-195

26Buchbeitrag  The tomb of Henry IV and the holy oil of St Thomas of Canterbury
Wilson, Christopher. (1990) - In: Studies Peter Kidson S. 181-190

27Buchbeitrag  The English response to French Gothic architecture, c. 1200-1350
Wilson, Christopher. (1987) - In: Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 S. 74-82

28Buchbeitrag  The Cistercians as "missionaries of Gothic" in Northern England
Wilson, Christopher. (1986) - In: Cistercian Art and Architecture in the British Isles S. 86-116

29Buchbeitrag  Abbot Serlo's church at Gloucester (1089 - 1100): its place in Romanesque architecture
Wilson, Christopher. (1985) - In: Medieval Art and architecture at Gloucester and Tewkesbury S. 53-83

30Buchbeitrag  The original setting of the apostle and prophet figures from St. Mary's Abbey, York
Wilson, Christopher. (1983) - In: Studies in Medieval Sculpture S. 100-121

31Buchbeitrag  The Neville Screen
Wilson, Christopher. (1980) - In: Medieval Art and Architecture at Durham Cathedral S. 90-104

32Buchbeitrag  The sources of the late twelfth-century work at Worcester Cathedral
Wilson, Christopher. (1978) - In: Medieval Art and Architecture at Worcester Cathedral S. 80-90

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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