Publikationen »Wilson, David Mackenzie«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Wilson, David Mackenzie
RI opac: 129 Einträge
1 | Manx crosses: a handbook of stone sculpture 500-1040 in the Isle of Man Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
2 | Aggersborg: the Viking-Age settlement and fortress Roesdahl, Else • Sindbæk, Søren Michael • Pedersen, Anne • Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
3 | The Vikings in the Isle of Man Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
4 | The Hoen Hoard: a Viking gold treasure of the ninth century Fuglesang, Signe Horn • Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Die Geschichte der nordischen Völker: die Welt der Germanen, Kelten, Wikinger, Slawen ; 400 - 1100 n.Chr. Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Le monde nordique: histoire et héritage des peuples de l'Europe du Nord Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
7 | Vikings and Gods in European Art Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
8 | Vikingatidens konst Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
9 | From Viking to crusader: the Scandinavians and Europe, 800-1200 Roesdahl, Else • Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
10 | Angelsächsische Kunst: frühchristliche Kultur vom 7. bis 11. Jahrhundert Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
11 | Anglo-Saxon Art from the Seventh Century to the Norman Conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
12 | Economic Aspects of the Viking Age Wilson, David Mackenzie • Caygill, Marjorie L. [Hrsg.]. |
13 | The Northern World. The History and Heritage of Northern Europe, A.D. 400-1100 Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
14 | The Viking achievement: the society and culture of early medieval Scandinavia Foote, Peter G. • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
15 | Vikingarna och folken i norr: historia och kulturell utveckling 400-1100 Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
16 | Kulturen im Norden: die Welt der Germanen, Kelten und Slawen 400 - 1100 n. Chr. Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
17 | Civil and military Engineering in Viking Age Scandinavia Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
18 | The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. |
19 | St. Ninian's Isle and its treasure Small, Alan • Thomas, Charles • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
20 | The Anglo-Saxons Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
21 | The Vikings and their Origins Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
22 | Reflections on the St. Ninian's Isle treasure Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
23 | Three Viking graves in the Isle of Man Bersu, Gerhard • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
24 | Viking Art Wilson, David Mackenzie • Klindt-Jensen, Ole. |
25 | Vikingetidens kunst Klindt-Jensen, Ole • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
26 | Anglo-Saxon Ornamental Metalwork, 700-1100, in the British Museum Wilson, David Mackenzie • Bruce-Mitford, Rupert Leo Scott • Page, Raymond I.. |
27 | The Manx arms in Canterbury Cathedral Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
28 | The Conversion of the Viking Settlers in the Isle of Man Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
29 | Early Finds of Viking Graves in the Isle of Man Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
31 | The Foundation and Early Years of the Society for Medieval Archaeology Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
32 | Stylistic Influences in Early Manx Sculpture Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
33 | The development of Viking art Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
34 | Jeilinge-style Sculpture in Northern England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
35 | The Isle of Man Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
36 | The recognition of Viking art Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
37 | Scandinavian Metalwork Westermann-Angerhausen, Hiltrud • Wilson, David Mackenzie • u.a.. |
38 | The Arhus rune-stones Roesdahl, Else • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
39 | Terminology Roesdahl, Else • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
40 | The Norsemen Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
41 | Art. Man Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
42 | The earliest animal styles of the Viking age Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
43 | Art. Kirk Braddan Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
44 | Art. Wikingerkunst Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
45 | The Viking Age in British literature and history in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
47 | The Viking Age in European art -- a note. Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
48 | The Viking Age in European art - a note Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
49 | Fifty years of Viking-Age archaeology. A Personal view Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
50 | Myter - i Helsingør / Mythen - in Helsingør / Myths - in Elsinore Roesdahl, Else • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
51 | Scandinavian ornamental influence in the Irish Sea region in the Viking Age Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
52 | The Vikings in Britain Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
53 | Reflections on the St Ninian's Isle Treasure Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
54 | Art. Man, Isle of Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
55 | The European view of the Vikings Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
56 | Die Skandinavier und die Britischen Inseln Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
57 | Skandinaverna och Brittiska öarna Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
58 | Bateman, Carrington and the Anglians in the Peak District Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
59 | The medieval moated sites of Cheshire Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
60 | England and the continent in the eighth century - an archaeological viewpoint Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
61 | Trade between England and Scandinavia and the continent Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
63 | The art of the Manx crosses of the Viking age. Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
64 | Sweden-England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
66 | A bone pin from Sconsburgh, Dunrossness Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
67 | The Vikings strike. Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
68 | Danish kings and England in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries - economic implications Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
69 | The art of the Vikings Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
70 | Art. Angelsachsen. B. Archäologische Erforschung des angelsächsischen England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
71 | Einleitung Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
72 | Die Wikinger Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
73 | The Viking adventure Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
74 | The dating of Viking art in England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
75 | The art and archaeology of Bedan Northumbria Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
76 | Defence in the Viking age Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
77 | The Scandinavians in England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
78 | Scandinavian Settlement in the North and West of the British Isles. An Archaeological Point-of-View Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
79 | Craft and industry Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
80 | Introduction Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
81 | Frontier dykes in the Wrexham area, recent work, 1972 Hill, David • Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
82 | Art of the Viking age: the Rosc exhibition in Dublin Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
83 | Medieval Britain in 1970: Pre-conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
84 | An Anglo-Saxon playing piece from Bawdsey Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
85 | Medieval Britain in 1969: Pre-conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
86 | Manx memorial stones of the viking period Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
87 | East and West: a comparison of Viking settlement Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
88 | An early representation of St. Olaf Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
89 | Medieval Britain in 1968 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, D. Gillian. |
90 | Archaeological evidence for the Viking settlements and raids in England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
91 | Medieval Britain in 1967: Pre-conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
92 | The Vikings' Relationship with Christianity in Northern England Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
93 | Medieval Britain in 1966: I Pre-Conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
94 | Medieval Britain in 1965. 1. Pre-Conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
95 | A medieval boat from Kentmere, Westmorland Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
96 | Medieval Britain in 1964. I. Pre-Conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
97 | Some neglected Anglo-Saxon words Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
98 | Two 10th-century bronze objects Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
99 | From the vigorous north: the Norsemen and their forerunners Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
100 | On the dating of two spurs Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
101 | Two 9th Century Strap-ends from York Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
102 | A Frankish axe-head from Germany Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
103 | Medieval Britain in 1962 and 1963. 1, Pre-conquest Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
104 | Medieval Britain in 1961 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, D. Gillian. |
105 | Anglo-Saxon Rural Economy: A Survey of the Archaeological Evidence and a Suggestion Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
106 | Medieval Britain in 1960 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, D. Gillian. |
107 | The Trewhiddle Hoard Wilson, David Mackenzie • Blunt, Christopher Evelyn. |
108 | An Anglo-Saxon bookbinding at Fulda (Codex Bonifatianus I) Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
109 | The Kings School, Canterbury, disc brooch Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
110 | Hiberno-Saxon Imports at Lejre Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
111 | An Anglo-Saxon Ivory Comb Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
112 | Medieval Britain in 1959 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, John G.. |
113 | Medieval Britain in 1958 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, John G.. |
114 | A Group of Anglo-Saxon Amulet Rings Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
115 | Almgren and Chronology. A Summary and some Comments Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
116 | An early Carolingian finger-ring Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
117 | A group of Penannular Brooches of the Viking Period. Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
118 | Medieval Britain in 1957 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, John G.. |
119 | Some Archaeological Additions and Corrections to J D A Thompson, Inventory of British Coin Hoards Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
120 | An Inlaid Iron Folding Stool in the British Museum Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
121 | An unpublished fragment from the Goldsborough hoard Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
122 | Medieval Britain in 1956 Wilson, David Mackenzie • Hurst, John G.. |
123 | A bronze mounting from Oxshott Wood, Surrey Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
124 | Two plates from a late Saxon casket Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
125 | An Anglo-Saxon grave near Dartford, Kent Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
126 | The Polsingford ring Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
127 | The initial excavation of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Melbourn, Cambridgeshire Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
128 | An Irish Mounting in The National Museum, Copenhagen Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
129 | Two silver panels from an anglo-Saxon casket Wilson, David Mackenzie. |
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