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Publikationen »Wilson, David Mackenzie«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Wilson, David Mackenzie

RI opac: 129 Einträge

1Monographie  Manx crosses: a handbook of stone sculpture 500-1040 in the Isle of Man
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - Oxford (2018)

2Sammelwerk  Aggersborg: the Viking-Age settlement and fortress
Roesdahl, ElseSindbæk, Søren MichaelPedersen, AnneWilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - Højbjerg (2014)

3Monographie  The Vikings in the Isle of Man
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - s.l. (2008)

4Sammelwerk  The Hoen Hoard: a Viking gold treasure of the ninth century
Fuglesang, Signe HornWilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - Roma (2006)

5Sammelwerk  Die Geschichte der nordischen Völker: die Welt der Germanen, Kelten, Wikinger, Slawen ; 400 - 1100 n.Chr.
Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - München (2003)

6Sammelwerk  Le monde nordique: histoire et héritage des peuples de l'Europe du Nord
Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - Paris (2003)

7Monographie  Vikings and Gods in European Art
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - Aarhus (1997)

8Monographie  Vikingatidens konst
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - Lund (1995)

9Sammelwerk  From Viking to crusader: the Scandinavians and Europe, 800-1200
Roesdahl, ElseWilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1992)

10Monographie  Angelsächsische Kunst: frühchristliche Kultur vom 7. bis 11. Jahrhundert
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - Stuttgart (1986)

11Monographie  Anglo-Saxon Art from the Seventh Century to the Norman Conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - London (1984)

12Sammelwerk  Economic Aspects of the Viking Age
Wilson, David MackenzieCaygill, Marjorie L. [Hrsg.]. - London (1981)

13Sammelwerk  The Northern World. The History and Heritage of Northern Europe, A.D. 400-1100
Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - London (1980)

14Monographie  The Viking achievement: the society and culture of early medieval Scandinavia
Foote, Peter G.Wilson, David Mackenzie. - London (1980)

15Sammelwerk  Vikingarna och folken i norr: historia och kulturell utveckling 400-1100
Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - Stockholm (1980)

16Sammelwerk  Kulturen im Norden: die Welt der Germanen, Kelten und Slawen 400 - 1100 n. Chr.
Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - München (1980)

17Monographie  Civil and military Engineering in Viking Age Scandinavia
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - Greenwich (1978)

18Sammelwerk  The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England
Wilson, David Mackenzie [Hrsg.]. - London (1976)

19Sammelwerk  St. Ninian's Isle and its treasure (Vol. 1-2)
Small, AlanThomas, CharlesWilson, David Mackenzie. - London (1973)

20Monographie  The Anglo-Saxons
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - London (1971)

21Monographie  The Vikings and their Origins
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - London (1970)

22Monographie  Reflections on the St. Ninian's Isle treasure
Wilson, David Mackenzie. - Jarrow on Tyne (1969)

23Monographie  Three Viking graves in the Isle of Man
Bersu, GerhardWilson, David Mackenzie. - London (1966)

24Monographie  Viking Art
Wilson, David MackenzieKlindt-Jensen, Ole. - Ithaca, NY (1966)

25Monographie  Vikingetidens kunst
Klindt-Jensen, OleWilson, David Mackenzie. - København (1965)

26Monographie  Anglo-Saxon Ornamental Metalwork, 700-1100, in the British Museum
Wilson, David MackenzieBruce-Mitford, Rupert Leo ScottPage, Raymond I.. - London (1964)

27Artikel  The Manx arms in Canterbury Cathedral
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2019) - In: Isle of Man studies Bd. 16 (2019) S. ??

28Buchbeitrag  The Conversion of the Viking Settlers in the Isle of Man
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2014) - In: Conversion and identity in the Viking age S. 117-138

29Buchbeitrag  Early Finds of Viking Graves in the Isle of Man
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2013) - In: Studies James Graham-Campbell S. 663-684

30Buchbeitrag  The Roots of Medievalism in North-West Europe: National Romanticism, Architecture, Literature
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2013) - In: Manufacturing Middle Ages. Entangled history of medievalism S. 111-138

31Buchbeitrag  The Foundation and Early Years of the Society for Medieval Archaeology
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 11-22

32Buchbeitrag  Stylistic Influences in Early Manx Sculpture
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2009) - In: Anglo-Saxon-Irish Relations Before the Vikings S. 311-328

33Buchbeitrag  The development of Viking art
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2008) - In: The Viking world (2008) S. 323-340

34Buchbeitrag  Jeilinge-style Sculpture in Northern England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2008) - In: Essays Signe Horn Fuglesang S. 21-30

35Buchbeitrag  The Isle of Man
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2008) - In: The Viking world (2008) S. 385-390

36Buchbeitrag  The recognition of Viking art
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2007) - In: Cultural interaction between east and west S. 312-315

37Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian Metalwork
Westermann-Angerhausen, HiltrudWilson, David Mackenzieu.a.. (2006) - In: The Hoen Hoard. A Viking gold treasure of the ninth century S. 103-130

38Buchbeitrag  The Arhus rune-stones
Roesdahl, ElseWilson, David Mackenzie. (2006) - In: FS Gillian Fellows-Jensen S. 208-229

39Buchbeitrag  Terminology
Roesdahl, ElseWilson, David Mackenzie. (2003) - In: Borg in Lofoten. A Chieftain's farm in North Norway S. 19-20

40Buchbeitrag  The Norsemen
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2002) - In: Who are the Scots? (2002) S. 74-84

41Buchbeitrag  Art. Man
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2001) - In: Hoops Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde Tl. 19 S. Sp. 205-208

42Buchbeitrag  The earliest animal styles of the Viking age
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2001) - In: Tiere, Menschen, Götter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption S. 131-156

43Buchbeitrag  Art. Kirk Braddan
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (2000) - In: Hoops Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde Tl. 16 S. Sp. 585-586

44Buchbeitrag  Art. Wikingerkunst
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1998) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 9 S. Sp. 106-110

45Artikel  The Viking Age in British literature and history in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1996) - In: Acta Iutlandica Bd. 71, 1 (1996) S. 58-71

46Buchbeitrag  The Viking Age in British literature and history in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1996) - In: The Waking of Angantyr. The Scandinavian Past in European Culture S. 58-71

47Buchbeitrag  The Viking Age in European art -- a note.
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1996) - In: The Waking of Angantyr. The Scandinavian Past in European Culture S. 176-191

48Artikel  The Viking Age in European art - a note
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1996) - In: Acta Iutlandica Bd. 71, 1 (1996) S. 176-191

49Buchbeitrag  Fifty years of Viking-Age archaeology. A Personal view
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1996) - In: Beretning fra femtende tværfaglige vikingesymposium S. ??

50Buchbeitrag  Myter - i Helsingør / Mythen - in Helsingør / Myths - in Elsinore
Roesdahl, ElseWilson, David Mackenzie. (1995) - In: Myternes Genforening S. 10-25

51Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian ornamental influence in the Irish Sea region in the Viking Age
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1995) - In: The Middle Ages in the North-West S. 37-57

52Buchbeitrag  The Vikings in Britain
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1994) - In: Ausgewählte Probleme europäischer Landnahmen Tl. 2 S. 81-94

53Buchbeitrag  Reflections on the St Ninian's Isle Treasure
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1994) - In: Bede and his World. The Jarrow Lectures Tl. 1 S. 247-265

54Buchbeitrag  Art. Man, Isle of
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 404-405

55Buchbeitrag  The European view of the Vikings
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1993) - In: Beretning fra tolvte tværfaglige vikingesymposium S. ??

56Buchbeitrag  Die Skandinavier und die Britischen Inseln
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1992) - In: Wikinger, Waräger, Normannen. Die Skandinavier und Europa 800-1200 S. 96-100, 102-105

57Buchbeitrag  Skandinaverna och Brittiska öarna
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1992) - In: Från vikingar till korsfarare S. 96-105

58Buchbeitrag  Bateman, Carrington and the Anglians in the Peak District
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1987) - In: Essays Denis Stuart S. 5-20

59Artikel  The medieval moated sites of Cheshire
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1987) - In: Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society Bd. 84 (1987) S. 143-154

60Buchbeitrag  England and the continent in the eighth century - an archaeological viewpoint
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1986) - In: Angli e Sassoni al di qua e al di là del mare Tl. 1 S. 219-244

61Buchbeitrag  Trade between England and Scandinavia and the continent
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1985) - In: Untersuchungen zu Handel und Verkehr der vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Zeit 3 S. 255-269

62Buchbeitrag  A note on OE "hearg" and "weoh" as place-name elements representing diffent types of pagan Saxon worship sites
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1985) - In: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 4 S. 179-183

63Buchbeitrag  The art of the Manx crosses of the Viking age.
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1983) - In: The Viking Age in the Isle of Man S. 175-187

64Buchbeitrag  Sweden-England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1983) - In: Vendel Period Studies. Transactions of the Boat-grave Symposium in Stockholm S. 163-166

65Artikel  Excavations of a medieval moated site at Buttery House Lane, Davenport Green, Greater Manchester: a summary report
Wilson, David MackenzieTaylor, Beryl R.. (1983) - In: Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society Bd. 82 (1983) S. 121-146

66Buchbeitrag  A bone pin from Sconsburgh, Dunrossness
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1983) - In: Studies R. B. K. Stevenson S. 343-349

67Buchbeitrag  The Vikings strike.
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1981) - In: The Vikings in England and in their Danish Homeland S. 14-18

68Buchbeitrag  Danish kings and England in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries - economic implications
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1981) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 3 S. 188-196, 234

69Artikel  The art of the Vikings
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1980) - In: Apollo Ser. NS, Bd. 111, 218, (1980) S. 315 - 318

70Buchbeitrag  Art. Angelsachsen. B. Archäologische Erforschung des angelsächsischen England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1980) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 1 S. Sp. 620-622

71Buchbeitrag  Einleitung
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1980) - In: Kulturen im Norden. Die Welt der Germanen, Kelten und Slawen - 400-1100 n. Chr. S. 9-14

72Buchbeitrag  Die Wikinger
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1980) - In: Kulturen im Norden. Die Welt der Germanen, Kelten und Slawen - 400-1100 n. Chr. S. 159-182

73Buchbeitrag  The Viking adventure
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1980) - In: The Northern World. The History and Heritage of Northern Europe S. 159-182

74Buchbeitrag  The dating of Viking art in England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1978) - In: Anglo-Saxon and Viking age sculpture and its context S. 135-144

75Buchbeitrag  The art and archaeology of Bedan Northumbria
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1978) - In: Bede and Anglo-Saxon England S. 1-22

76Buchbeitrag  Defence in the Viking age
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1976) - In: Problems in Economic and Social Archaeology S. 439-445

77Buchbeitrag  The Scandinavians in England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1976) - In: The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England S. 393-403

78Artikel  Scandinavian Settlement in the North and West of the British Isles. An Archaeological Point-of-View
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1976) - In: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Ser. 5, Bd. 26 (1976) S. 95-113

79Buchbeitrag  Craft and industry
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1976) - In: The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England S. 253-281

80Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1976) - In: The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England S. 1-22

81Artikel  Frontier dykes in the Wrexham area, recent work, 1972
Hill, DavidWilson, David Mackenzie. (1975) - In: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society Bd. 58 (1975) S. 93-96

82Artikel  Art of the Viking age: the Rosc exhibition in Dublin
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1971) - In: Apollo Ser. NS, Bd. 94, 116, (1971) S. 254-261

83Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1970: Pre-conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1971) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 15 (1971) S. 124-137

84Artikel  An Anglo-Saxon playing piece from Bawdsey
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1970 - 1972) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology Bd. 32 (1970/72) S. 38-42

85Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1969: Pre-conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1970) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 14 (1970) S. 155-164

86Artikel  Manx memorial stones of the viking period
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1970 - 1973) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 18 (1970/73) S. 1-18

87Buchbeitrag  East and West: a comparison of Viking settlement
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1970) - In: Varangian Problems. Report on the First International Symposium S. 107-120

88Buchbeitrag  An early representation of St. Olaf
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1969) - In: Studies G. N. Garmonsway S. 141-145

89Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1968
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, D. Gillian. (1969) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 13 (1969) S. 230-287

90Artikel  Archaeological evidence for the Viking settlements and raids in England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1968) - In: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Bd. 2 (1968) S. 291-304

91Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1967: Pre-conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1968) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 12 (1968) S. 155-163

92Artikel  The Vikings' Relationship with Christianity in Northern England
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1967) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Ser. 3, Bd. 30 (1967) S. 37-46

93Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1966: I Pre-Conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1967) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 11 (1967) S. 262-272

94Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1965. 1. Pre-Conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1966) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 10 (1966) S. 168-176

95Artikel  A medieval boat from Kentmere, Westmorland
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1966) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 10 (1966) S. 81-88

96Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1964. I. Pre-Conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1965) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 9 (1965) S. 170-178

97Artikel  Some neglected Anglo-Saxon words
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1965) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 9 (1965) S. 32-54

98Artikel  Two 10th-century bronze objects
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1965) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 9 (1965) S. 154-156

99Buchbeitrag  From the vigorous north: the Norsemen and their forerunners
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1965) - In: The dark ages. The making of European civilization S. 219-240

100Artikel  On the dating of two spurs
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1965) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 45 (1965) S. 111-112

101Artikel  Two 9th Century Strap-ends from York
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1964) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 8 (1964) S. 214-216

102Artikel  A Frankish axe-head from Germany
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1964) - In: The British Museum quarterly Bd. 28 (1964) S. 30-32

103Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1962 and 1963. 1, Pre-conquest
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1964) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 8 (1964) S. 231-241

104Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1961
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, D. Gillian. (1962) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 6/7 (1962) S. 306-349

105Artikel  Anglo-Saxon Rural Economy: A Survey of the Archaeological Evidence and a Suggestion
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1962) - In: The agricultural history review Bd. 10 (1962) S. 65-79

106Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1960
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, D. Gillian. (1961) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 5 (1961) S. 309-339

107Artikel  The Trewhiddle Hoard
Wilson, David MackenzieBlunt, Christopher Evelyn. (1961) - In: Archaeologia or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity Bd. 98 (1961) S. 75-122

108Artikel  An Anglo-Saxon bookbinding at Fulda (Codex Bonifatianus I)
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1961) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 41 (1961) S. 199-217

109Artikel  The Kings School, Canterbury, disc brooch
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1960) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 4 (1960) S. 16-28

110Buchbeitrag  Hiberno-Saxon Imports at Lejre
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1960) - In: Beowulf and Lejre S. 139-142

111Artikel  An Anglo-Saxon Ivory Comb
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1960) - In: The British Museum quarterly Bd. 22 (1960) S. 17-18

112Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1959
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, John G.. (1960) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 4 (1960) S. 134-165

113Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1958
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, John G.. (1959) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 3 (1959) S. 295-326

114Buchbeitrag  A Group of Anglo-Saxon Amulet Rings
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1959) - In: Studies Bruce Dickins S. 159-170

115Artikel  Almgren and Chronology. A Summary and some Comments
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1959) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 3 (1959) S. 112-119

116Artikel  An early Carolingian finger-ring
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1958) - In: The British Museum quarterly Bd. 21 (1958) S. 80-82

117Buchbeitrag  A group of Penannular Brooches of the Viking Period.
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1958) - In: The Viking Congress 3 S. 95-106

118Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1957
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, John G.. (1958) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 2 (1958) S. 183-213

119Artikel  Some Archaeological Additions and Corrections to J D A Thompson, Inventory of British Coin Hoards
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1958) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 2 (1958) S. 169-171

120Artikel  An Inlaid Iron Folding Stool in the British Museum
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1957) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 1 (1957) S. 39-56

121Artikel  An unpublished fragment from the Goldsborough hoard
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1957) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 37 (1957) S. 72-73

122Artikel  Medieval Britain in 1956
Wilson, David MackenzieHurst, John G.. (1957) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 1 (1957) S. 147-171

123Artikel  A bronze mounting from Oxshott Wood, Surrey
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1956) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 36 (1956) S. 70-71

124Artikel  Two plates from a late Saxon casket
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1956) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 36 (1956) S. 31-39

125Artikel  An Anglo-Saxon grave near Dartford, Kent
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1956) - In: Archaeologia Cantiana Bd. 70 (1956) S. 187-191

126Artikel  The Polsingford ring
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1956) - In: The British Museum quarterly Bd. 20 (1956) S. 90-92

127Artikel  The initial excavation of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Melbourn, Cambridgeshire
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1955) - In: Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society Bd. 49 (1955) S. 29-42

128Artikel  An Irish Mounting in The National Museum, Copenhagen
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1955) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 26 (1955) S. 163-172

129Artikel  Two silver panels from an anglo-Saxon casket
Wilson, David Mackenzie. (1955) - In: The British Museum quarterly Bd. 20 (1955) S. 47-50

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