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Publikationen »Wixom, William D.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Wixom, William D.

RI opac: 60 Einträge

1Monographie  Late medieval sculpture in the Metropolitan: 1400 to 1530
Wixom, William D.. - New York, NY (2007)

2Monographie  Medieval sculpture at the Metropolitan
Wixom, William D.. - New York, NY (2005)

3Sammelwerk  Mirror of the medieval world
Wixom, William D.. - New York, NY (1999)

4Sammelwerk  The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era, A.D. 843-1261
Evans, Helen C.Wixom, William D. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1997)

5Sammelwerk  Nürnberg 1300-1550. Kunst der Gotik und der Renaissance
Bott, GerhardMontebello, Philippe deKahsnitz, RainerWixom, William D. [Hrsg.]. - München (1986)

6Monographie  Treasures from Medieval France
Wixom, William D.. - Cleveland (1967)

7Buchbeitrag  Medieval Art
Wixom, William D.. (2011) - In: The Ronald S. Lauder Collection S. 36-57

8Artikel  Late Medieval Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1400 - 1530
Wixom, William D.. (2007) - In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin Bd. 65, 4 (2007) S. 2-48

9Artikel  Medieval sculpture at the Metropolitan 800 to 1400
Wixom, William D.. (2005) - In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin Bd. 62, 4 (2005) S. 3-48

10Artikel  A Glimpse at the Fountains of the Middle Ages
Wixom, William D.. (2003) - In: Cleveland studies in the history of art Bd. 8 (2003) S. 6-23

11Artikel  Picturing the Apokalypse: Illustrated Leaves from a Medieval Spanish Manuscript
Wixom, William D.. (2002) - In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin Bd. 60, 4 (2002) S. 3-56

12Buchbeitrag  Europe in the 15th century: the later decades
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 182-219

13Buchbeitrag  Riemenschneider in America
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Tilman Riemenschneider. Master sculptor of the late middle ages S. 143-158

14Buchbeitrag  Europe in the 16th century
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 220-243

15Buchbeitrag  Europe of the invasions: 5th-11th century
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 40-51

16Buchbeitrag  The first Christian centuries: 4th-7th century
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 22-39

17Buchbeitrag  Europe in the 13th century
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 96-129

18Buchbeitrag  Europe (Pre-Carolingian through Romanesque): about 800-1200
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 52-81

19Buchbeitrag  Europe in the 14th century
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 130-165

20Buchbeitrag  Europe in the 15th century: the early decades
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 166-181

21Buchbeitrag  Later Byzantium: 8th-14th century
Wixom, William D.. (1999) - In: Wixom, Mirror of the medieval world S. 82-95

22Buchbeitrag  Byzantine art and the Latin West
Wixom, William D.. (1997) - In: The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era S. 434-449

23Buchbeitrag  Two cloisonné enamel pendants: the New York Temple Pendant and the Cleveland Enkolpion
Wixom, William D.. (1995) - In: Studies Kurt Weitzmann S. 659-667

24Artikel  A thirteenth century support figure of a seated friar
Wixom, William D.. (1993 - 1994) - In: Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte Bd. 46/47 (1993/94) S. 797ff.

25Buchbeitrag  In quinto scrinio de Cupro, A Copper Reliquary Chest Attributed to Canterbury: Style, Iconography, and Patronage
Wixom, William D.. (1992) - In: The Cloisters. Studies in honor of the fiftieth anniversary S. 195-228

26Artikel  Medieval sculpture at the Cloisters
Wixom, William D.. (1989) - In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin Ser. NS, Bd. 46, 3 (1989) S. 1-64

27Artikel  Medieval sculpture at the Cloisters
Wixom, William D.. (1988 - 1989) - In: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin Bd. 46, 3 (1988/89) S. 1-64

28Buchbeitrag  Some Italian sources for the decoration of the Rathaus screen in Nuremberg
Wixom, William D.. (1987) - In: FS Gerhard Bott S. 53-69

29Artikel  A late thirteenth-century English ivory virgin
Wixom, William D.. (1987) - In: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Bd. 50 (1987) S. 337-358

30Buchbeitrag  A saltcellar of crystal and gold of the thirteenth century
Wixom, William D.. (1987) - In: Hommage Hubert Landais S. 30-35

31Buchbeitrag  Traditional forms in Suger's contributions to the treasury of Saint-Denis
Wixom, William D.. (1986) - In: Abbot Suger and Saint-Denis. A Symposium S. 294-304

32Buchbeitrag  Nürnberger Messingarbeiten
Wixom, William D.. (1986) - In: Nürnberg 1300-1550 S. 75-80

33Buchbeitrag  The Art of Nuremberg Brass Work
Wixom, William D.. (1986) - In: Gothic and Renaissance art in Nuremberg S. 75-80

34Buchbeitrag  Les oeuvres occidentales
Wixom, William D.. (1984) - In: Le trésor de Saint-Marc de Venise S. 231-232

35Artikel  A Middle Byzantine ivory liturgical pyx
Wixom, William D.. (1981) - In: Gesta Bd. 20 (1981) S. 43-49

36Artikel  Romanesque sculpture in American collections. XVIII. The Cleveland Museum of Art
Wixom, William D.. (1979) - In: Gesta Bd. 18 (1979) S. 37-55

37Artikel  Leaves from a Prague antiphonary
Wixom, William D.. (1977) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 64, 10 (1977) S. 310-324

38Buchbeitrag  A Theodosian steelyard weight
Wixom, William D.. (1976) - In: Essays Sumner McKnight Crosby S. 273-278

39Artikel  Two thirteenth-century walnut angels
Wixom, William D.. (1974) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 61, 3 (1974) S. 82-96

40Artikel  A Gothic Madonna from Lorraine
Wixom, William D.. (1974) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 61, 10 (1974) S. 343-349

41Buchbeitrag  A lion aquamanile in Cleveland
Wixom, William D.. (1973) - In: FS Hanns Swarzenski S. 253-260

42Artikel  A masterpiece attributed to Andrea Pisano
Wixom, William D.. (1972) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 59, 10 (1972) S. 262-283

43Artikel  A wax bozzetto close to Leonardo da Vinci
Wixom, William D.. (1971) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 58, 4 (1971) S. 115-122

44Artikel  The enthroned Madonna with the writing Christ Child
Wixom, William D.. (1970) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 57, 9 (1970) S. 287-302

45Artikel  Four late Gothic additions to the medieval treasury
Wixom, William D.. (1969) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 56, 9 (1969) S. 320-331

46Artikel  A manuscript painting from Cluny
Wixom, William D.. (1969) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 56, 4 (1969) S. 130-135

47Artikel  An Ottonian ivory book cover
Wixom, William D.. (1968) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 55, 9 (1968) S. 274-289

48Artikel  Three Gothic sculptures
Wixom, William D.. (1966) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 53, 9 (1966) S. 348-355

49Artikel  The hours of Charles the Noble
Wixom, William D.. (1965) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 52, 3 (1965) S. 50-83

50Artikel  The Byzantine art exhibition at Athens
Wixom, William D.. (1964) - In: The art quarterly (Detroit) Bd. 27, 4 (1964) S. 444-474

51Artikel  Twelve masterpieces of medieval and Renaissance book illumination. A catalogue to the exhibition: March 17-May 17, 1964
Wixom, William D.. (1964) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 51, 3 (1964) S. 42-63

52Artikel  A missal for a king: a first exhibition
Wixom, William D.. (1963) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 50, 7 (1963) S. 158-173

53Artikel  A fourteenth-century Madonna and Child
Wixom, William D.. (1963) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 50, 1 (1963) S. 14-22

54Artikel  A Dutch Crucifixion miniature
Wixom, William D.. (1963) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 50, 4 (1963) S. 58-64

55Artikel  A Venetian tazza with putti
Wixom, William D.. (1962) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 49, 2 (1962) S. 24-32

56Artikel  Traditions in the Chaumont tapestries
Wixom, William D.. (1961) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 48, 7 (1961) S. 182-190

57Artikel  A Venetian Mariegola miniature
Wixom, William D.. (1961) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 48, 8 (1961) S. 206-211

58Artikel  "Two Lindenwood sculptures" by Tilmann Riemenschneider
Wixom, William D.. (1959) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 46, 9 (1959) S. 188-196

59Artikel  The Helmarshausen Latin gospels
Wixom, William D.. (1959) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 46, 4 (1959) S. 58-59

60Artikel  Two Lindenwood sculptures by Tilman Riemenschneider
Wixom, William D.. (1959) - In: The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art Bd. 46 (1959) S. 189-198

Alphabetisches Register

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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