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Publikationen »Woolf, Alex«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Woolf, Alex

RI opac: 47 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Battle of Carham: a thousand years on
McGuigan, NeilWoolf, Alex [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2018)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Woolf, Alex. (2016)

3Sammelwerk  Scandinavian Scotland - Twenty Years After: The Proceedings of a Day Conference held on 19 February 2007
Woolf, Alex [Hrsg.]. - St Andrews (2009)

4Monographie  From Pictland to Alba: 789 - 1070
Woolf, Alex. - Edinburgh (2007)

5Buchbeitrag  Agnates, Cognates, and the Community of the Realm in Medieval Norway and Iceland
Woolf, Alex. (2023) - In: Studies Jón Viðar Sigurðsson S. 297-308

6Buchbeitrag  England and the Insular World
Woolf, AlexMcGuigan, Neil. (2022) - In: The Cambridge companion to the age of William the Conqueror S. 32-51

7Buchbeitrag  British Ethnogenesis: A Late Antique Story
Woolf, Alex. (2020) - In: Celts, Romans, Britons. Classical and Celtic influence in the construction of British identities S. 19-30

8Artikel  Imagining English Origins
Woolf, Alex. (2018) - In: Quaestio insularis Bd. 18 (2018) S. 1-20

9Buchbeitrag  The Diocese of Lindisfarne: Organisation and Pastoral Care
Woolf, Alex. (2018) - In: The Battle of Carham. A thousand years on S. 231-240

10Buchbeitrag  Columbanus's Ulster education
Woolf, Alex. (2018) - In: Columbanus and the peoples of post-Roman Europe S. 91-99

11Buchbeitrag  The Scandinavian Intervention
Woolf, Alex. (2018) - In: The Cambridge History of Ireland. 1. 600-1550 S. 107-130

12Buchbeitrag  The Scottish and Irish church in the tenth to twelfth centuries
Woolf, Alex. (2017) - In: The Irish-Scottish world in the Middle Ages S. ??

13Artikel  On the nature of the Picts
Woolf, Alex. (2017) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 96 (2017) S. 214-217

14Buchbeitrag  'Plebs': Concepts of Community among Late Antique Britons
Woolf, Alex. (2016) - In: The Introduction of Christianity into the Early Medieval Insular World. Converting the Isles 1 S. 225-236

15Buchbeitrag  Sutton Hoo and Sweden Revisited
Woolf, Alex. (2015) - In: The long seventh century. Continuity and discontinuity S. 5-18

16Buchbeitrag  The Norwegian Empire: fact or fantasy?
Woolf, Alex. (2014) - In: The Lewis Chessmen. New Perspectives S. 151-168

17Buchbeitrag  The court poet in early Ireland
Woolf, Alex. (2013) - In: Essays Katherine Simms S. 377-388

18Buchbeitrag  Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Picts
Woolf, Alex. (2010) - In: FS William Gillies S. 439-452

19Buchbeitrag  Reporting Scotland in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Woolf, Alex. (2010) - In: Reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Language, literature, history S. 221-242

20Buchbeitrag  A dialogue of the deaf and the dumb: archaeology, history and philology
Woolf, Alex. (2009) - In: Approaching interdisciplinarity. Archaeology, history and the study of early medieval Britain

21Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Woolf, Alex. (2009) - In: St Ninian and the earliest Christianity in Scotland S. ??

22Buchbeitrag  Scotland
Woolf, Alex. (2009) - In: A companion to the Early Middle Ages. Britain and Ireland c. 500 - 1100 S. 249-267

23Buchbeitrag  'Fire from heaven: Divine Providence and Iron Age Hillforts in Early Medieval Britain
Woolf, Alex. (2008) - In: Monuments in the landscape S. 136-143

24Buchbeitrag  The cult of Moluag, the See of Mortlach and church organisation in northern Scotland in the eleventh and twelfth centuries
Woolf, Alex. (2007) - In: FS Colm Ó Baoill S. 299-310

25Buchbeitrag  The expulsion of the Irish from Dyfed
Woolf, Alex. (2007) - In: Ireland and Wales in the Middle Ages S. 102-115

26Buchbeitrag  The wood beyond the world: Jämtland and the Norwegian kings
Woolf, Alex. (2007) - In: FS Barbara E. Crawford S. 153-166

27Buchbeitrag  Apartheid and Economics in Anglo-Saxon England
Woolf, Alex. (2007) - In: Britons in Anglo-Saxon England S. 115-129

28Buchbeitrag  Cruthni
Woolf, Alex. (2005) - In: Medieval Ireland. An encyclopedia S. 116-118

29Buchbeitrag  Ulaid
Woolf, Alex. (2005) - In: Medieval Ireland. An encyclopedia S. 493-494

30Buchbeitrag  Amlaíb Cuarán (fl. c. 940-981)
Woolf, Alex. (2005) - In: Medieval Ireland. An encyclopedia S. 14-15

31Buchbeitrag  Onuist son of Uurguist: "tyrannus carnifex" or a David for the Picts?
Woolf, Alex. (2005) - In: Aethelbald and Offa. Two eighth-century kings of Mercia S. 35-42

32Artikel  Caedualla rex brettonum and the passing of the Old North
Woolf, Alex. (2004) - In: Northern History Bd. 41 (2004) S. 5-24

33Buchbeitrag  The Age of Sea-Kings: 900-1300
Woolf, Alex. (2004) - In: The Argyll Book S. 94-109

34Buchbeitrag  The diocese of the Sudreyar
Woolf, Alex. (2003) - In: Ecclesia Nidrosiensis 1153-1537 S. 171-182

35Buchbeitrag  The Britons: from Romans to barbarians.
Woolf, Alex. (2003) - In: Regna and gentes. The relationship between late antique and early medieval peoples and kingdoms S. 345-380

36Artikel  An interpolation in the text of Gildas's De excidio Britanniae
Woolf, Alex. (2002) - In: Peritia Bd. 16 (2002) S. 161-167

37Buchbeitrag  Amlaíb Cuarán and the Gael, 941-81
Woolf, Alex. (2002) - In: Medieval Dublin 3 S. 34-43

38Buchbeitrag  The kings of the English from earliest times to 1066
Woolf, Alex. (2001) - In: The kings and queens of England S. 15-44

39Buchbeitrag  View from the west: an Irish perspective on West Saxon dynastic practice.
Woolf, Alex. (2001) - In: Edward the Elder 899-924 S. 89-101

40Buchbeitrag  The Verturian hegemony: a mirror in the north
Woolf, Alex. (2001) - In: Mercia. An Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in Europe S. 106-112

41Artikel  The 'Moray Question' and the Kingship of Alba in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries
Woolf, Alex. (2000) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 79 (2000) S. 145-164

42Buchbeitrag  Community, identity and kingship in early England
Woolf, Alex. (2000) - In: Social identity in early medieval Britain S. 91-109

43Buchbeitrag  The Russes, the Byzantines, and middle-Saxon emporia
Woolf, Alex. (1999) - In: Anglo-Saxon Trading Centres. Beyond the Emporia S. 63-75

44Artikel  Pictish matriliny reconsidered
Woolf, Alex. (1998) - In: The Innes Review Bd. 49 (1998) S. 147-167

45Artikel  Sharing a Drink with Marcel Mauss: The Uses and Abuses of Alcohol in Early Medieval Europe
Woolf, AlexEldridge, Roy. (1994) - In: Journal of European archaeology Bd. 2 (1994) S. 327-340

46Artikel  Three men and a boat: Sutton Hoo and the East Saxon kingdom
Pearson, Michael ParkerVan de Noort, RobertWoolf, Alex. (1993) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 22 (1993) S. 27-50

47Artikel  Cille Donnain: a late Norse church in South Uist
Fleming, Andrew J.Woolf, Alex. (1992) - In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Bd. 122 (1992) S. 329-350

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