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Publikationen »Yeager, Robert F.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Yeager, Robert F.

RI opac: 95 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  "Of latine and of othire lare": essays in honour of David R. Carlson
Green, Richard FirthYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2022)

2Sammelwerk  John Gower in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Driver, Martha W.Pearsall, Derek AlbertYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2020)

3Sammelwerk  John Gower: others and the self
Peck, Russell A.Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2017)

4Sammelwerk  The Routledge research companion to John Gower
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaGastle, Brian W.Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - London (2017)

5Sammelwerk  John Gower in England and Iberia: Manuscripts, Influences, Reception
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - London (2014)

6Sammelwerk  Essays on aesthetics and medieval literature in honor of Howell Chickering
Hill, John M.Wheeler, BonnieYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2014)

7Sammelwerk  Teaching "Beowulf" in the Twenty-First Century
Chickering, Howell D.Frantzen, Allen J.Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Tempe, Ariz. (2014)

8Sammelwerk  The medieval Python: the purposive and provocative work of Terry Jones
Takamiya, ToshiyukiYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2012)

9Monographie  The French balades
Gower, John. Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2011)

10Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.Gastle, Brian W. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2011)

11Sammelwerk  John Gower, trilingual poet: language, translation, and tradition
Dutton, Elisabeth M.Hines, JohnYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (2010)

12Sammelwerk  On John Gower: essays at the millennium
Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2007)

13Monographie  The minor Latin works
Gower, John. Yeager, Robert F.Livingston, Michael [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2005)

14Sammelwerk  Speaking images: essays in honor of V.A. Kolve
Yeager, Robert F.Morse, Charlotte Cook [Hrsg.]. - Asheville, NC (2001)

15Sammelwerk  Re-Visioning Gower
Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Asheville, NC (1998)

16Monographie  A concordance to the French poetry and prose of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.West, MarkHinson, Robin L.. - East Lansing, Mich. (1997)

17Sammelwerk  The Endless Knot: Essays on Old and Middle English in Honor of Marie Borroff
Tavormina, Mary TeresaYeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1996)

18Sammelwerk  Chaucer and Gower: Difference, Mutuality, Exchange
Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Victoria (1991)

19Monographie  John Gower's poetic: the search for a new Arion
Yeager, Robert F.. - Cambridge, UK [u.a.] (1990)

20Sammelwerk  John Gower - Recent Readings. Papers presented at the meetings of the John Gower Society at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 1983-1988
Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (1989)

21Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching "Beowulf"
Bessinger, Jess B. jr.Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1984)

22Sammelwerk  Fifteenth-Century Studies. Recent Essays
Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - Hamden, Conn. (1984)

23Monographie  John Gower Materials: A Bibliography through 1979
Yeager, Robert F.. - New York, NY (1981)

24Monographie  John Gower's poetic
Yeager, Robert F.. - [Yale University] (1976)

25Buchbeitrag  John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2023) - In: The Oxford history of poetry in English 2. Medieval poetry 1100-1400 S. 440-456

26Artikel  Derek Pearsall and John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2023) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 58 (2023) S. 481-493

27Artikel  The Cross in London, British Library MS Harley 2253
Yeager, Robert F.. (2023) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 70 (2023) S. 51-54

28Artikel  Real Biblioteca, El Escorial MS Q.II.6: The Travels of an English Manuscript
Yeager, Robert F.. (2022) - In: Journal of the Early Book Society for the study of manuscripts and printing history Bd. 25 (2022) S. 39-74

29Artikel  A New Mnemonic for the Date of Easter
Yeager, Robert F.. (2022) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 69 (2022) S. 77-78

30Artikel  Avant la lettre: Philip Perry, Reconversionist Aesthetics, and the Medieval Literary
Sáez Hidalgo, AnaYeager, Robert F.. (2022) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 121 (2022) S. 480-512

31Buchbeitrag  John Gower's Use of the Ovide moralisé: a Reconsideration
Yeager, Robert F.. (2022) - In: Réécritures et adaptations de l''Ovide moralisé' (XIVe-XVIIe siècle) S. 51-67

32Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of R.F. Yeager's Writings
Yeager, Robert F.. (2020) - In: FS Robert F. Yeager S. 229-236

33Buchbeitrag  Gower's 'Epistle to Archbishop Arundel': The Evidence of Oxford, All Souls College, MS 98
Yeager, Robert F.. (2019) - In: Essays Julia Boffey S. 13-34

34Artikel  Catholic (?) Printer, Catholic (?) Owners: The Robbins Library Berthelette Confessio Amantis (1554)
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaYeager, Robert F.. (2019) - In: Journal of the Early Book Society for the study of manuscripts and printing history Bd. 22 (2019) S. 115-150

35Buchbeitrag  John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2019) - In: The Cambridge companion to Medieval English law and literature S. 148-166

36Buchbeitrag  Amans the Memorious
Yeager, Robert F.. (2018) - In: Essays James M. Dean S. 91-105

37Buchbeitrag  The Riddle of'Apollonius': 'A Bok for King Richardes Sake'
Yeager, Robert F.. (2018) - In: Tribute Helen Cooper (2018) S. 103-114

38Artikel  The "Strophe d'Hélinand" and John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2018) - In: Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes Bd. 36 (2018) S. 115-133

39Buchbeitrag  Gower's religions
Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: The Routledge research companion to John Gower S. 56-74

40Buchbeitrag  Twenty-First Century Gower: The Theology of Marriage in John Gower's Traitié and the Turn toward French
Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: Essays Jocelyn Wogan-Browne S. 257-271

41Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Gower scholarship then and now
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaGastle, Brian W.Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: The Routledge research companion to John Gower S. 1-5

42Buchbeitrag  Gower's Jews
Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: John Gower. Others and the self S. 183-203

43Buchbeitrag  Influences de Deschamps sur ses contemporains anglais, Chaucer et Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: Le rayonnement de la cour des premiers Valois à l'époque d'Eustache Deschamps S. 69-80

44Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Peck, Russell A.Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: John Gower. Others and the self S. 1-4

45Buchbeitrag  John Gower's Poetry and the 'Lawyerly Habit of Mind'
Yeager, Robert F.. (2015) - In: Theorizing legal personhood in late medieval England S. 71-93

46Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Chickering, Howell D.Frantzen, Allen J.Yeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: Teaching "Beowulf" in the Twenty-First Century S. 1-3

47Artikel  Philip Perry's Schools Manuscript and the Invention of the Recusant Middle Ages
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaYeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: Viator Bd. 45, 2 (2014) S. 373-397

48Buchbeitrag  Art for Art's Sake: Aesthetic Decisions in John Gower's Cinkante Balades
Yeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: Essays Howell Chickering S. 179-193

49Buchbeitrag  Le Songe Vert, BL Add. MS 34114 (the Spalding Manuscript), Bibliothèque de la ville de Clermont, MS 249 and John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: FS Toshiyuki Takamiya S. 75-87

50Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaYeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception S. 1-16

51Buchbeitrag  Teaching Beowulf in the British Literature Survey Course
Yeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: Teaching "Beowulf" in the Twenty-First Century S. 89-96

52Buchbeitrag  Spanish Literary Influence in England: John Cower and Pedro Alfonso
Yeager, Robert F.. (2014) - In: John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception S. 119-130

53Buchbeitrag  Gowerian Laughter
Yeager, Robert F.. (2013) - In: Traditions and innovations in the study of Middle English literature S. 144-153

54Buchbeitrag  Gower in winter: last poems
Yeager, Robert F.. (2012) - In: The medieval Python. The purposive and provocative work of Terry Jones S. 87-103

55Buchbeitrag  Teaching "The Tale of Constance" in Context
Yeager, Robert F.. (2011) - In: Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower S. 159-171

56Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Gower in Context
Yeager, Robert F.Gastle, Brian W.. (2011) - In: Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower S. 1-5

57Buchbeitrag  Gower's Triple Tongue (2): Teaching the Balades
Yeager, Robert F.. (2011) - In: Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower S. 100-103

58Buchbeitrag  Teaching "The Tale of Constance" in Context'
Yeager, Robert F.. (2011) - In: Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower S. 159-171

59Buchbeitrag  John Gower's French and His Readers
Yeager, Robert F.. (2010) - In: John Gower, trilingual poet. Language, translation, and tradition S. 304-314

60Buchbeitrag  The Poetry of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2010) - In: A companion to medieval poetry S. 476-496

61Buchbeitrag  Shakespeare as Medievalist: What It Means for Performing Pericles
Yeager, Robert F.. (2009) - In: Shakespeare and the Middle Ages S. 215-231

62Buchbeitrag  Alain of Lille's Use of 'Naufragium' in De Planctu Naturae
Yeager, Robert F.. (2009) - In: FS Winthrop Wetherbee S. 86-108

63Artikel  John Gower's Iberian footprint: the manuscripts
Yeager, Robert F.. (2009) - In: Selim Bd. 16 (2009) S. 91-102

64Buchbeitrag  John Gower's French and his Readers
Yeager, Robert F.. (2009) - In: Language and culture in medieval Britain. The French of England S. 135-148

65Buchbeitrag  Chaucer Translates the Matter of Spain
Yeager, Robert F.. (2007) - In: England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th - 15th century S. 189-214

66Buchbeitrag  The Politics of Strengthe and Vois in Gower's Loathly Lady Tale
Yeager, Robert F.. (2007) - In: The English "Loathly Lady" tales. Boundaries, traditions, motifs S. 42-72

67Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Yeager, Robert F.. (2007) - In: On John Gower. Essays at the millennium S. VIIff.

68Buchbeitrag  Gower, John (1330?-1408)
Yeager, Robert F.. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 265-268

69Artikel  Gower's French Audience: The Mirour de l'Omme
Yeager, Robert F.. (2006) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 41 (2006) S. 111-137

70Buchbeitrag  Books and authority
Yeager, Robert F.. (2005) - In: A Concise Companion to Chaucer S. 51-67

71Artikel  John Gower's Audience: The Ballades
Yeager, Robert F.. (2005) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 40 (2005) S. 81-110

72Artikel  Chaucer's "To His Purse": Begging, or Begging Off?
Yeager, Robert F.. (2005) - In: Viator Bd. 36 (2005) S. 373-414

73Buchbeitrag  'Saving the appearances' II: another look at Chaucer's "Complaint to his purse"
Yeager, Robert F.. (2005) - In: Essays Emerson Brown S. 151-164

74Buchbeitrag  John Gower's French
Yeager, Robert F.. (2004) - In: A Companion to Gower S. 137-151

75Artikel  Gower's Lancastrian Affinity: The Iberian Connection
Yeager, Robert F.. (2004) - In: Viator Bd. 35 (2004) S. 483-516

76Artikel  Death Is a Lady: The Regement of Princes as Gendered Political Commentary
Yeager, Robert F.. (2004) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 26 (2004) S. 147-194

77Buchbeitrag  Gower's Images: "The Tale of Constance" and "The Man of Law's Tale"
Yeager, Robert F.. (2001) - In: Essays V. A. Kolve S. 525-558

78Buchbeitrag  Politics and the French Language in England during the Hundred Years' War: The Case of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (2000) - In: Inscribing the Hundred Years' War in French and English Cultures S. 127-157

79Buchbeitrag  The body politic and the politics of bodies in the poetry of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (1999) - In: The Body and the Soul in Medieval Literature S. 145-165

80Buchbeitrag  Art. Gower, John (1330?-1408)
Yeager, Robert F.. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 321-324

81Buchbeitrag  "Scripture veteris capiunt exempla futuri": John Gower's transformation of a fable of Avianus
Yeager, Robert F.. (1997) - In: Essays Russell Peck S. 341-353

82Buchbeitrag  Ben Jonson's English Grammar and John Gower's reception in the seventeenth century
Yeager, Robert F.. (1995) - In: Essays Marie Borroff S. 227-239

83Buchbeitrag  English, Latin and the text as "other": the page as sign in the work of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (1993) - In: Medieval English Poetry S. 203-216

84Buchbeitrag  Learning to Speak in Tongues: Writing Poetry for a Trilingual Culture
Yeager, Robert F.. (1991) - In: Chaucer and Gower. Difference, Mutuality, Exchange S. 115-129

85Buchbeitrag  Did Gower write cento?
Yeager, Robert F.. (1989) - In: John Gower - Recent Readings S. 113-132

86Artikel  "Pax poetica": on the pacifism of Chaucer and Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (1987) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 9 (1987) S. 97-119

87Artikel  John Gower and the uses of allusion
Yeager, Robert F.. (1984) - In: Studi umanistici Piceni Bd. 4 (1984) S. 201-213

88Artikel  O moral Gower: Chaucer's dedication of Troilus and Criseyde.
Yeager, Robert F.. (1984) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 19 (1984) S. 87-99

89Artikel  Literary theory at the close of the Middle Ages: William Caxton and William Thynne
Yeager, Robert F.. (1984) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 6 (1984) S. 135-164

90Artikel  Aspects of gluttony in Chaucer and Gower
Yeager, Robert F.. (1984) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 81 (1984) S. 42-55

91Artikel  British Library Additional MS. 5141: an unnoticed Chaucer vita
Yeager, Robert F.. (1984) - In: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance studies Bd. 14 (1984) S. 261-281

92Buchbeitrag  The poetry of John Gower: important studies, 1960-1983
Yeager, Robert F.. (1984) - In: Fifteenth-Century Studies. Recent Essays S. 3-28

93Artikel  John Gower and the exemplum form: tale models in the "Confessio amantis"
Yeager, Robert F.. (1982) - In: Mediaevalia Bd. 8 (1982) S. 307-335

94Artikel  "Oure englisshe" and everyone's Latin: the "Fasciculus Morum" and Gower's "Confessio Amantis"
Yeager, Robert F.. (1981) - In: South Atlantic review Bd. 46 (1981) S. 41-53

95Artikel  Old English morphology studies in the eighties: notes toward a current definition of the field.
Yeager, Robert F.. (1981) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 14, 2 (1981) S. 44-45

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