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Publikationen »Zajc, Neža«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Zajc, Neža

RI opac: 7 Einträge

1Artikel  St. Maximus the greek (Arta, ca. 1470 - Moscow, 1556) and his byzantine worldview as his contribution to slavic intellectual ethical encoding
Zajc, Neža. (2020) - In: Konštantínove listy Bd. 13, 2 (2020) S. 99-110

2Artikel  The Byzantine-Poetic Path of the Works of St. Maximus the Greek (Mikhail Trivolis, *Arta, ca. 1470 - St. Maximus the Greek, † Moscow, 1556)
Zajc, Neža. (2018) - In: Studia Ceranea Bd. 8 (2018) S. 285-318

3Artikel  St. Maximus the Greek - Between Byzantine Monasticism and Athonite Ascetism (Mikhail Trivolis Arta, CA. 1470- St Maximus of Vatopaidi, St. Maximus the Greek, Sv. Maksim Grek, IIPEII. MAKCHM FPEK, MOSCOW, 1556)
Zajc, Neža. (2018) - In: Porphyra Bd. 27 (2018) S. 51-90

4Artikel  St Maximus the Greek (c. 1470-1556): Among Manuscripts, Books and Libraries in Early Renaissance
Zajc, Neža. (2017) - In: Keria Bd. 19, 1 (2017) S. 41-56

5Artikel  Some Notes on the Life and Works of Maxim the Greek (Michael Trivolis, ca 1470 - Maksim Grek, 1555/1556)
Zajc, Neža. (2016) - In: Scrinium. Revue de patrologie Bd. 12 (2016) S. 375-382

6Artikel  Some Notes on the Life and Works of Maxim the Greek
Zajc, Neža. (2015) - In: Scrinium. Revue de patrologie Bd. 11 (2015) S. 314-325

7Artikel  Saint Ambrose of Milan and the Establishment of Christianity within the Conventions of the New Language for the Christians
Zajc, Neža. (2014) - In: Vox patrum Bd. 61 (2014) S. 157-169

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