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Publikationen »Ziegler, Joseph«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ziegler, Joseph

RI opac: 54 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Ziegler, Joseph. (2016)

2Sammelwerk  Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages
Biller, PeterZiegler, Joseph [Hrsg.]. - York (2001)

3Monographie  Medicine and religion c. 1300: the case of Arnau de Vilanova
Ziegler, Joseph. - Oxford (1998)

4Monographie  Religion and medicine in the late 13th and 14th centuries, with particular reference to Arnau de Vilanova.
Ziegler, Joseph. - [University of Oxford] (1993)

5Monographie  Iob 14,4-5a als wichtigster Schriftbeweis für die These Neminem sine sorde et sine peccato esse (Cyprian test 3,54) bei den lateinischen christlichen Schriftstellern
Ziegler, Joseph. - München (1985)

6Monographie  Randnoten aus der Vetus Latina des Buches Iob in spanischen Vulgatabibeln
Ziegler, Joseph. - München (1980)

7Monographie  Antike und moderne lateinische Psalmenübersetzungen
Ziegler, Joseph. - München (1960)

8Artikel  Complexio and the Transformation of Learned Physiognomy ca. 1200-ca. 1500
Ziegler, Joseph. (2023) - In: Early science and medicine Bd. 28 (2023) S. 472-497

9Buchbeitrag  The Place of the Face in Pre-Modern Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2022) - In: L'éloquence du visage entre Orient et Occident S. 213-238

10Buchbeitrag  Astral Physiognomy in the Fifteenth Century: the Case of the Illuminated Opening Folio of Rolandus Scriptoris 'Reductorium Phisonomie
Ziegler, JosephRibeiro, Luis Campos. (2021) - In: The body as a mirror of the soul. Physiognomy from Antiquity to the Renaissance S. 183-206

11Buchbeitrag  The Study of Medieval Physiognomy: Present and Future
Ziegler, Joseph. (2021) - In: Le Moyen Âge et les sciences S. 389-412

12Buchbeitrag  The Ruler's Body in Pre-Modern Learned Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2019) - In: Macht der Natur - gemachte Natur. Realitäten und Fiktionen des Herrscherkörpers S. 135-164

13Buchbeitrag  Why Did the Patriarchs Live so Long? On the Role of the Bible in the Discourse on Longevity Around 1300
Ziegler, Joseph. (2018) - In: Longevity and immortality. Europe - Islam - Asia S. 79-112

14Buchbeitrag  Engelbert of Admont and the Longevity of the Antediluvians, c. 1300
Ziegler, Joseph. (2017) - In: Studi Chiara Crisciani S. 313-336

15Buchbeitrag  Cuius facies est deformis, mores habere bonos non potest nisi raro: Reflections on the Notion of Deformity in Medieval Learned Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2015) - In: Deformità fisica e identità della persona tra Medioevo ed età moderna S. 181-197

16Buchbeitrag  Phisonomia est lex nature: On the Nature of Character and Behaviour in Late Medieval Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2014) - In: La nature comme source de la morale au Moyen Âge S. 359-382

17Buchbeitrag  The Medieval Foundations of Renaissance Medical Ethics: The Case of Gabriele Zerbi's De cautelis medicorum
Ziegler, Joseph. (2014) - In: Medical ethics. Premodern negotiations between medicine and philosophy S. 117-130

18Buchbeitrag  The Biology of the Virtues in Medieval and Early Renaissance Theology and Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2013) - In: Im Korsett der Tugenden. Moral und Geschlecht im kulturhistorischen Kontext S. 3-24

19Buchbeitrag  Bodies, Diseases, and the Preservation of Health as Foci of Inter-Religious Encounters in the Middle Ages
Ziegler, Joseph. (2013) - In: Médecine et religion. Compétitions, collaborations, conflits S. 37-58

20Buchbeitrag  The Sciences of the Body around 1300 as a Locus of Theological and Spiritual Thought
Ziegler, Joseph. (2012) - In: The medieval paradigm. Religious, thought and philosophy S. 577-592

21Artikel  Measuring the Human Body in Medieval and Early Renaissance Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2011) - In: Micrologus Bd. 19 (2011) S. 349-369

22Buchbeitrag  Medicine and the Body at the Table in Fourteenth-Century Italy: Book one of Philip of Ferrara's Liber de introductione loquendi
Ziegler, Joseph. (2011) - In: Between text and patient. The medical enterprise S. 121-136

23Artikel  From Arnavdina to Practica summaria: towards recovering the hebrew version of Arnau de Vilanova's medical practice
Ziegler, Joseph. (2011 - 2013) - In: Arxiu de textos catalans antics Bd. 30 (2011/13) S. 459-480

24Buchbeitrag  Fourteenth-Century Instructions for Bedside Pastoral Care
Ziegler, Joseph. (2009) - In: Medieval Christianity in practice S. 103-108

25Buchbeitrag  Physiognomy, science, and proto-racism 1200-1500
Ziegler, Joseph. (2009) - In: The origins of racism in the West S. 181-199

26Buchbeitrag  Faith and the intellectuals I
Ziegler, Joseph. (2009) - In: Christianity in Western Europe c.1100-c.1500 S. 372-393

27Buchbeitrag  Hérédité et physiognomonie
Ziegler, Joseph. (2008) - In: L'hérédité entre Moyen Âge et époque moderne S. 245-272

28Buchbeitrag  The Beginning of Medieval Physiognomy: The Case of Michael Scotus
Ziegler, Joseph. (2008) - In: Kulturtransfer und Hofgesellschaft im Mittelalter S. 299-322

29Buchbeitrag  The Scientific Context of Dante's Embryology
Ziegler, Joseph. (2007) - In: Dante and the human body. Eight essays S. 61-88

30Artikel  Philosophers and Physicians on the Scientific Validity of Latin Physiognomy, 1200-1500
Ziegler, Joseph. (2007) - In: Early science and medicine Bd. 12 (2007) S. 285-312

31Buchbeitrag  Art. Fisiognomica
Ziegler, Joseph. (2005) - In: Enciclopedia fridericiana

32Buchbeitrag  Sexuality and the sexual organs in Latin physiognomy 1200-1500
Ziegler, Joseph. (2005) - In: Sexuality and Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe S. 83-107

33Buchbeitrag  Skin and Character in Medieval and Early Renaissance Physiognomy
Ziegler, Joseph. (2005) - In: La pelle umana S. 511-536

34Buchbeitrag  Chemical medicine in the medical writings of Arnau de Vilanova / Alchemy in Practica summaria A footnote to Michael McVaugh's contribution
McVaugh, Michael RogersZiegler, Joseph. (2005) - In: Actes de la "II Trobada Internacional d'Estudis sobre Arnau de Vilanova" S. 239-267

35Artikel  Sexuality and the Sexual Organs in Latin Physiognomy 1200-1500
Ziegler, Joseph. (2005) - In: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance history Ser. 3, Bd. 2 (2005) S. ??

36Artikel  Médecine et physiognomonie du XIVe au début du XVIe siècle
Ziegler, Joseph. (2004) - In: Médiévales Bd. 46 (2004) S. 89-108

37Artikel  Nord-Sud: La médecine parisienne dans son contexte européen. À propos de la médecine médiévale dans le cadre parisien de Danielle Jacquart
Ziegler, JosephWeill-Parot, Nicolas. (2002) - In: Médiévales Bd. 43 (2002) S. 147-162

38Buchbeitrag  Oath, Jewish
Ziegler, Joseph. (2002) - In: Medieval Jewish civilization. An encyclopedia S. 483-487

39Artikel  The measure of multitude: Population in medieval thought
Biller, PeterZiegler, Joseph. (2002) - In: Medical history Bd. 46 (2002) S. 427-430

40Buchbeitrag  Text and context: on the rise of physiognomic thought in the later Middle Ages
Ziegler, Joseph. (2001) - In: Essays Amnon Linder S. 159-182

41Buchbeitrag  Religion and medicine in the Middle Ages
Ziegler, Joseph. (2001) - In: Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages S. 3-14

42Buchbeitrag  Medicine and immortality in terrestrial paradise
Ziegler, Joseph. (2001) - In: Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages S. 201-242

43Artikel  "Ut Dicunt Medici": medical knowledge and theological debates in the second half of the thirteenth century
Ziegler, Joseph. (1999) - In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Bd. 73 (1999) S. 208-237

44Artikel  Practitioners and saints: medical men in canonization processes in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries
Ziegler, Joseph. (1999) - In: Social history of medicine Bd. 12 (1999) S. 191-225

45Artikel  Steinschneider (1816-1907) revised: on the translation of medical writings from Latin into Hebrew
Ziegler, Joseph. (1997) - In: Medieval encounters Bd. 3 (1997) S. 94-102

46Buchbeitrag  Arnau de Vilanova: a case-study of a theologizing physician
Ziegler, Joseph. (1995) - In: Actes de la "I Trobada Internacional d'Estudis sobre Arnau de Vilanova" Tl. 2 S. 249-303

47Artikel  Arnau de Vilanova: a case-study of a theologizing physician
Ziegler, Joseph. (1995) - In: Arxiu de textos catalans antics Bd. 14 (1995) S. 249-303

48Artikel  Medical similes in religious discourse: The case of Giovanni di San Gimignano OP (ca. 1260-ca. 1333)
Ziegler, Joseph. (1995) - In: Science in context Bd. 8 (1995) S. 103-131

49Artikel  Reflections on the Jewry Oath in the Middle Ages
Ziegler, Joseph. (1992) - In: Studies in church history Bd. 29 (1992) S. 209-220

50Buchbeitrag  Reflections on the Jewry Oath in the Middle Ages
Ziegler, Joseph. (1992) - In: Christianity and judaism S. 209-220

51Buchbeitrag  Ursprüngliche Lesarten im griechischen Sirach
Ziegler, Joseph. (1964) - In: Mélanges Eugène Tisserant Tl. 1 S. 461-487

52Buchbeitrag  Judentum in Alexandria und Philo
Ziegler, Joseph. (1963) - In: Koptische Kunst. Christentum am Nil S. 37-41

53Artikel  Jeremias-Zitate in Väter-Schriften. zugleich grundsätzliche Betrachtungen über Schrift-Zitate in Väter-Ausgaben
Ziegler, Joseph. (1957) - In: Historisches Jahrbuch Bd. 77 (1957) S. 347-357

54Buchbeitrag  Die Septuaginta Hieronymi im Buch des Propheten Jeremias
Ziegler, Joseph. (1952) - In: FS Alban Dold S. 13-24

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