Publikationen »Ziegler, Joseph«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ziegler, Joseph
RI opac: 54 Einträge
1 | [Bibliographie] Ziegler, Joseph. |
2 | Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages Biller, Peter • Ziegler, Joseph [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Medicine and religion c. 1300: the case of Arnau de Vilanova Ziegler, Joseph. |
4 | Religion and medicine in the late 13th and 14th centuries, with particular reference to Arnau de Vilanova. Ziegler, Joseph. |
6 | Randnoten aus der Vetus Latina des Buches Iob in spanischen Vulgatabibeln Ziegler, Joseph. |
7 | Antike und moderne lateinische Psalmenübersetzungen Ziegler, Joseph. |
8 | Complexio and the Transformation of Learned Physiognomy ca. 1200-ca. 1500 Ziegler, Joseph. |
9 | The Place of the Face in Pre-Modern Physiognomy Ziegler, Joseph. |
11 | The Study of Medieval Physiognomy: Present and Future Ziegler, Joseph. |
12 | The Ruler's Body in Pre-Modern Learned Physiognomy Ziegler, Joseph. |
13 | Why Did the Patriarchs Live so Long? On the Role of the Bible in the Discourse on Longevity Around 1300 Ziegler, Joseph. |
14 | Engelbert of Admont and the Longevity of the Antediluvians, c. 1300 Ziegler, Joseph. |
16 | Phisonomia est lex nature: On the Nature of Character and Behaviour in Late Medieval Physiognomy Ziegler, Joseph. |
20 | The Sciences of the Body around 1300 as a Locus of Theological and Spiritual Thought Ziegler, Joseph. |
21 | Measuring the Human Body in Medieval and Early Renaissance Physiognomy Ziegler, Joseph. |
24 | Fourteenth-Century Instructions for Bedside Pastoral Care Ziegler, Joseph. |
25 | Physiognomy, science, and proto-racism 1200-1500 Ziegler, Joseph. |
26 | Faith and the intellectuals I Ziegler, Joseph. |
27 | Hérédité et physiognomonie Ziegler, Joseph. |
28 | The Beginning of Medieval Physiognomy: The Case of Michael Scotus Ziegler, Joseph. |
29 | The Scientific Context of Dante's Embryology Ziegler, Joseph. |
30 | Philosophers and Physicians on the Scientific Validity of Latin Physiognomy, 1200-1500 Ziegler, Joseph. |
31 | Art. Fisiognomica Ziegler, Joseph. |
32 | Sexuality and the sexual organs in Latin physiognomy 1200-1500 Ziegler, Joseph. |
33 | Skin and Character in Medieval and Early Renaissance Physiognomy Ziegler, Joseph. |
35 | Sexuality and the Sexual Organs in Latin Physiognomy 1200-1500 Ziegler, Joseph. |
36 | Médecine et physiognomonie du XIVe au début du XVIe siècle Ziegler, Joseph. |
37 | Nord-Sud: La médecine parisienne dans son contexte européen. À propos de la médecine médiévale dans le cadre parisien de Danielle Jacquart Ziegler, Joseph • Weill-Parot, Nicolas. |
38 | Oath, Jewish Ziegler, Joseph. |
39 | The measure of multitude: Population in medieval thought Biller, Peter • Ziegler, Joseph. |
40 | Text and context: on the rise of physiognomic thought in the later Middle Ages Ziegler, Joseph. |
41 | Religion and medicine in the Middle Ages Ziegler, Joseph. |
42 | Medicine and immortality in terrestrial paradise Ziegler, Joseph. |
43 | "Ut Dicunt Medici": medical knowledge and theological debates in the second half of the thirteenth century Ziegler, Joseph. |
44 | Practitioners and saints: medical men in canonization processes in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries Ziegler, Joseph. |
45 | Steinschneider (1816-1907) revised: on the translation of medical writings from Latin into Hebrew Ziegler, Joseph. |
46 | Arnau de Vilanova: a case-study of a theologizing physician Ziegler, Joseph. |
47 | Arnau de Vilanova: a case-study of a theologizing physician Ziegler, Joseph. |
48 | Medical similes in religious discourse: The case of Giovanni di San Gimignano OP (ca. 1260-ca. 1333) Ziegler, Joseph. |
49 | Reflections on the Jewry Oath in the Middle Ages Ziegler, Joseph. |
50 | Reflections on the Jewry Oath in the Middle Ages Ziegler, Joseph. |
51 | Ursprüngliche Lesarten im griechischen Sirach Ziegler, Joseph. |
52 | Judentum in Alexandria und Philo Ziegler, Joseph. |
54 | Die Septuaginta Hieronymi im Buch des Propheten Jeremias Ziegler, Joseph. |
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