RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 28


Thesaurusbegriffe: 139734082

1Monographie  The forgotten hermitage of Skellig Michael
Horn, Walter WilliamMarshall, Jenny WhiteRourke, Grellan D.. - Berkeley, Calif. (1990)

2Artikel  The plan of St. Gall and the theory of the program of Carolingian art
Nees, LawrenceHorn, Walter WilliamBorn, Ernest. (1986) - In: Gesta Bd. 25 (1986) S. 1-8

3Artikel  The medieval monastery as a setting for the production of manuscripts
Horn, Walter William. (1986) - In: The journal of the Walters Art Gallery Bd. 44 (1986) S. 16-47

4Artikel  The cruck-built barn of Frocester Court Farm, Gloucestershire, England.
Charles, Frederick William BoltonHorn, Walter William. (1983) - In: Architectural history Bd. 42 (1983) S. 211-237

5Buchbeitrag  Survival, revival, transformation: the dialectic of development in architecture and other arts
Horn, Walter William. (1982) - In: Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century S. 711-727

6Monographie  The Plan of St. Gall: A Study of the Architecture and Economy and Life in a Paradigmatic Carolingian Monastery
Horn, Walter WilliamBorn, Ernest. Braunfels, Wolfgang [Bearb.]. - Berkeley, Calif. (1979)

7Buchbeitrag  The domesday of St. Paul's Cathedral, London: a portrait of manorial architecture in twelfth century England
Born, ErnestHorn, Walter William. (1979) - In: Studies Charles W. Jones Tl. 2 S. 343-417

8Artikel  Waterpower and the Plan of St. Gall
Horn, Walter William. (1975) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 1 (1975) S. 219-258

9Artikel  On the Selective Use of Sacred Numbers and the Creation of a New Aesthetic in Carolingian Architecture
Horn, Walter William. (1975) - In: Viator Bd. 6 (1975) S. 351-390

10Buchbeitrag  New theses about the plan of St. Gall. A summary of recent views
Horn, Walter WilliamBorn, Ernest. (1974) - In: Die Abtei Reichenau. Neue Beiträge S. 407-480

11Artikel  On the origins of the Medieval cloister
Horn, Walter William. (1973) - In: Gesta Bd. 12 (1973) S. 13-52

12Buchbeitrag  Two early medieval monasteries
Horn, Walter William. (1973) - In: FS Hanns Swarzenski S. 53-66

13Artikel  The cruck-built barn of Leigh Court, Worcestershire, England.
Charles, Frederick William BoltonHorn, Walter William. (1973) - In: Architectural history Bd. 32 (1973) S. 5-29

14Artikel  A Victim of Fire. The 15th Century Manor Barn of Nettlestead, Kent
Horn, Walter WilliamBorn, Ernest. (1969) - In: Aachener Kunstblätter Bd. 39 (1969) S. 160-180

15Buchbeitrag  The barn of the cistercian grange of Vaulerent (Seine-et-Oise), France
Horn, Walter William. (1968) - In: FS Ulrich Middeldorf S. 24-31

16Artikel  The cruck-built barn of Middle Littleton in Worcestershire, England
Horn, Walter William. (1966) - In: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Bd. 25 (1966) S. 221-239

17Buchbeitrag  Modell nach dem Plan von St. Gallen (Kat. Nr. 570)
Horn, Walter William. (1965) - In: Karl der Große. Werk und Wirkung S. 395-401

18Monographie  The Barns of the Abbey of Beaulieu at Its Granges of Great Coxwell and Beaulieu-St. Leonards
Horn, Walter WilliamBorn, Ernest. - Berkeley, Calif. (1965)

19Artikel  The great tithe barn of Cholsey, Berkshire
Horn, Walter William. (1963) - In: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Bd. 22 (1963) S. 13-23

20Buchbeitrag  The plan of St. Gall - original or copy?
Horn, Walter William. (1962) - In: Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan (1962) S. 79-102

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 28