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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 20


Deskriptoren: AdelD'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton (1946-)

1Buchbeitrag  Ordres laïcs de Chevalerie
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2009) - In: Dictionnaire des ordres militaires en Europe au Moyen Âge S. 667-669

2Buchbeitrag  The Curial Orders of Knighthood of the Confraternal Type: Their Changing Forms, Functions, and Values in the Eyes of their Contemporaries, 1325-2006
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2006) - In: World Orders of Knighthood and Merit S. 205-239

3Buchbeitrag  Headgear of nobility rank in Germany, Italy, France and England
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2005) - In: L'héraldique régionale S. 60-79

4Buchbeitrag  Knighthood and nobility in the lay Orders and nobiliary societies of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2005) - In: As Ordens Militares e as Ordens de Cavalaria na Construção do Mundo Ocidental. Actas do IV Encontro S. 643-666

5Buchbeitrag  The Treatise on Armory in Christine de Pizan's Livre des Fais d'Armes et de Chevalerie and its place in the Tradition of Heraldic Didacticism
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2002) - In: Contexts and Continuities. Proceedings of the IVth International Colloquium on Christine de Pizan Tl. 1 S. 87-98

6Buchbeitrag  Orders of knighthood, Religious
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2001) - In: Martial Arts of the World. An Encyclopedia S. 368-384

7Buchbeitrag  Orders of Knighthood, Secular
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (2001) - In: Martial Arts of the World. An Encyclopedia S. 384-401

8Buchbeitrag  The Monarchical (and Curial) Orders of Knighthood before the Reformation: A Reassessment in the Light of Recent Research
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1999) - In: Les Ordres de Chevalerie S. 85-136

9Buchbeitrag  Art. Earls and earldoms
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1998) - In: Medieval England. An encyclopedia S. 260-261

10Buchbeitrag  Art. Peer - Peerage
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 714-715

11Buchbeitrag  Art. Knighthood
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 509

12Buchbeitrag  Classic knighthood as nobiliary dignity: the knighting of counts and kings' sons in England, 1066-1272
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1995) - In: Medieval Knighthood (1995) S. 41-100

13Buchbeitrag  Art. Nobility
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 666-667

14Buchbeitrag  Art. Esquire - Escuier
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 322

15Buchbeitrag  Art. Lay orders of chivalry
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 534-535

16Buchbeitrag  Insignia of power: the use of heraldic and paraheraldic devices by Italian princes, c.1350 - c.1500
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. (1990) - In: Art and politics in late medieval and early renaissance Italy S. 102-127

17Monographie  The Knights of the Crown. The Monarchical Orders of Knighthood in Later Medieval Europe 1325-1520
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. - Woodbridge (1987)

18Monographie  Dominical titles of dignity in France, 1223-1515: a study of the formalization and hierarchization of status in the upper nobility in the later middle ages
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. - [University of Pennsylvania] (1978)

19Monographie  The Origins and Development of the curial Orders of Chivalry 1330-1470
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. - [University of Oxford] (1975)

20Monographie  The origin and development of the Curial order of chivalry, 1330-1470.
D'Arcy, Jonathan Dacre Boulton. - [University of Oxford] (1974)

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 20