RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 8


Deskriptoren: ArchitekturgeschichteHenry III. (1216-1272)

1Monographie  St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster: architecture, decoration and politics in the reigns of Henry III and the three Edwards (1227-1363)
Hilson, James. - [University of York] (2015)

2Buchbeitrag  Reliquientranslation und königliche Inszenierung: Heinrich III. und die Überführung der Heilig-Blut-Reliquie in die Abteikirche von Westminster
Krämer, Steffen. (2006) - In: Bild und Körper im Mittelalter S. 289-300

3Buchbeitrag  Henry III's wall paintings of the zodiac in the lower ward of Windsor Castle
Park, DavidPender, Robyn. (2002) - In: Windsor. Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture in the Thames Valley S. 125-131

4Buchbeitrag  Henry III's Windsor: castle-building and residences
Jansen, Virginia M.. (2002) - In: Windsor. Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture in the Thames Valley S. 95-109

5Buchbeitrag  Henry III's wall paintings at Chester Castle
Cather, SharonPark, DavidPender, R.. (2000) - In: Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture at Chester S. 170-189

6Artikel  Henry III and the Gothic Rebuilding of Westminster Abbey: The Problematics of Context
Lewis, Suzanne. (1995) - In: Traditio Bd. 50 (1995) S. 129-172

7Artikel  Rockingham Castle in 1250: form and function of a royal castle under Henry III
Klingelhöfer, Eric. (1983) - In: Northamptonshire past and present Bd. 7 (1983) S. 11-25

8Artikel  A Lost Painting in Henry III's Palace at Westminster
Ross, David John Athole. (1953) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 16 (1953) S. 160

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 8