RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 35


Deskriptoren: Burman, Thomas E. (1961-)

1Buchbeitrag  The Four Seas of Medieval Mediterranean Intellectual History
Burman, Thomas E.. (2021) - In: Essays Olivia Remie Constable S. 15-48

2Buchbeitrag  When I Argue with Them in Hebrew and Aramaic": Tathlith al-wahdaniyah, Ramon Marti, and Proofs of Jesus's Messiahship
Burman, Thomas E.. (2019) - In: Polemical encounters. Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and beyond S. 25-44

3Buchbeitrag  Via impugnandi in the Age of Alfonso VIII: Iberian-Christian Kalam and a Latin Triad Revisited
Burman, Thomas E.. (2019) - In: King Alfonso VIII of Castile. Government, family, and war S. 221-239

4Buchbeitrag  Ramon Marti, the Trinity, and the Limits of Dominican Mission
Burman, Thomas E.. (2018) - In: The Friars and their Influence in Medieval Spain S. 85-106

5Buchbeitrag  Spain, Islam, and Thirteenth-Century Dominican Memory
Burman, Thomas E.Walker, Lydia M.. (2018) - In: Essays Thomas F. Glick (2018) S. 311-340

6Buchbeitrag  Ramon Marti the "Potentia-Sapientia-Benignitas" Triad and Thirteenth-Century Christian Apologetic
Burman, Thomas E.. (2016) - In: Ex Oriente lux. Translating words, scripts and styles in Medieval Mediterranean society S. 217ff.

7Buchbeitrag  Two Dominicans, a Lost Manuscript, and Medieval Christian Thought on Islam
Burman, Thomas E.. (2015) - In: Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference S. 71-86

8Buchbeitrag  How an Italian friar read his Arabic Quran
Burman, Thomas E.. (2015) - In: Dante and Islam (2015) S. 78-91

9Buchbeitrag  European Qur'an translations, 1500-1700
Burman, Thomas E.. (2014) - In: Christian-Muslim relations 6 S. 25-39

10Buchbeitrag  A Sixteenth-Century European Author Portrait of Muhammad and Medieval Latin Traditions of Qur'an Reading
Burman, Thomas E.Giamalva, Leah. (2014) - In: The image of the prophet between ideal and ideology S. 201-222

11Buchbeitrag  Nicholas of Cusa and Peter the Venerable's Request
Burman, Thomas E.. (2014) - In: Nicholas of Cusa and Islam. Polemic and dialogue in the late Middle Ages S. XIII-XX

12Buchbeitrag  Mark of Toledo
Burman, Thomas E.. (2012) - In: Christian-Muslim relations 4 S. 150-156

13Artikel  Las Navas de Tolosa and Liber Alchorani: reflections on Iberian Christians and the Qur'an
Burman, Thomas E.. (2012) - In: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Bd. 4 (2012) S. 89-93

14Buchbeitrag  The Cultures and Dynamics of Translation into Medieval Latin
Burman, Thomas E.. (2012) - In: The Oxford handbook of medieval Latin literature S. 86-105

15Buchbeitrag  Riccoldo da Monte di Croce y las traducciones latinas del árabe realizadas en España
Burman, Thomas E.. (2012) - In: Estudios de latín medieval hispánico. Actas del V Congreso S. 601-608

16Buchbeitrag  Tahlith al-wahdaniyya
Burman, Thomas E.. (2012) - In: Christian-Muslim relations 4 S. 115-117

17Monographie  Reading the Qur'an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560
Burman, Thomas E.. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2009)

18Artikel  How an Italian Friar Read his Arabic Qur'an
Burman, Thomas E.. (2007) - In: Dante studies Bd. 125 (2007) S. 89-105

19Sammelwerk  Scripture and pluralism: reading the Bible in the religiously plural worlds of the Middle Ages and Renaissance ; Papers presented at the First Annual Symposium of the Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, February 21 - 22, 2002
Heffernan, Thomas J.Burman, Thomas E. [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2005)

20Buchbeitrag  The latin-arabic Qur'an edition of Egido da Viterbo and the latin Qur'ans of Robert of Ketton and Mark of Toledo
Burman, Thomas E.. (2005) - In: Musulmanes y cristianos en Hispania durante las conquistas de los siglos XII y XIII S. 103-118

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 35