RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,9 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 750


Deskriptoren: China

1Sammelwerk  Byzantium in China: studies in honour of Professor Xu Jialing on the occasion of her seventieth birthday
Günther, SvenLi, QiangSode, Claudia [Hrsg.]. - Chaunchun (2020)

2Monographie  China und Asiens maritime Achse im Mittelalter: Konzepte, Wahrnehmungen, offene Fragen.
Ptak, Roderich. - Berlin (2019)

3Monographie  Reading Sima Qian from Han to Song: the father of history in pre-modern China
Klein, Esther Sunkyung. - Leiden [u.a.] (2019)

4Monographie  Women in early medieval China
Hinsch, Bret. - Lanham, Md. [u.a.] (2019)

5Buchbeitrag  Imperial Elites, Bureaucracy, and the Transformation of the Geography of Power in Tang-Song China
Tackett, Nicolas. (2018) - In: Die Interaktion von Herrschern und Eliten in imperialen Ordnungen des Mittelalters S. 170-190

6Artikel  Mapping Continents, Inhabited Quarters and The Four Seas. Divisions of the World and the Ordering of Spaces in Latin-Christian, Arabic-Islamic and Chinese Cartography in the Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries. A Critical Survey and Analysis
Mauntel, ChristophOschema, KlausDucène, Jean-CharlesHofmann, Martin. (2018) - In: Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies Bd. 5 (2018) S. 295-367

7Artikel  Can lost maps speak?: toward a cultural history of map reading in medieval China
Feng, Linda Rui. (2018) - In: Imago mundi. The international journal for the history of cartography Bd. 70 (2018) S. 169-185

8Sammelwerk  Morality and responsibility of rulers: European and Chinese origins of a rule of law as justice for world order
Carty, AnthonyNijman, Janne Elisabeth [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2018)

9Buchbeitrag  Le Palais et ses secrets dans la Chine des Xe et XIe siècles. Remarques à partir des Notes du ruisseau des rêves (c. 1090)
Lamouroux, Christian. (2018) - In: La necessità del segreto. Indagini sullo spazio politico S. 87-114

10Monographie  China - Europa - Deutschland: eine wechselvolle Begegnung von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
Gründer, Horst. - Göttingen (2018)

11Buchbeitrag  Chinese silks that circulated among peoples north and west: implications for technological exchange in early times?
Sheng, Angela. (2017) - In: Silk. Trade and exchange along the silk roads between Rome and China S. 104-123

12Buchbeitrag  Conclusion: Comparative Perspectives on China and Rome
Raphals, Lisa. (2017) - In: Old society, new belief. Religious transformation of China and Rome S. 257-272

13Artikel  Growing Evidence of Christianity's Establishment in China in the Late-Patristic Era
Kydd, Ronald. (2017) - In: Studia patristica Bd. 92 (2017) S. 441-452

14Sammelwerk  Old society, new belief: religious transformation of China and Rome, ca. 1st-6th centuries
Pu, Muzhou [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2017)

15Buchbeitrag  Persian Apples, Chinese Leaves, Arab Beans: Encounters with the East in Neo-Latin Didactic Poetry
Schindler, Claudia. (2017) - In: Early encounters between East Asia and Europe S. 125-141

16Buchbeitrag  Fortuna, percezione e usi sociali dei manufatti serici dall'antica Cina all' Europa del secondo Medioevo
Rosati, Maria Ludovica. (2017) - In: Lucca, una città di seta S. 99-150

17Buchbeitrag  Europe Looks East: Chinese Cities in Medieval Travel Writing, c. 1298 - c. 1440
Phillips, Kim Marie. (2017) - In: Medieval urban culture S. 201-213

18Monographie  La transformation de la nature en art: les théories de l'art en Inde, en Chine et dans l'Europe médiévale: l'iconographie, la représentation idéale, la perspective et les relations dans l'espace
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish. - Paris (2017)

19Buchbeitrag  Failure, Empire, and the First Portuguese Embassy to China, 1517-1522
Keevak, Michael. (2017) - In: Early encounters between East Asia and Europe S. 142-155

20Buchbeitrag  Between Chthonian and Celestial Powers: River Cults and Socio-cultural Control of the Yellow River in Ming China
Xu, Chun. (2017) - In: Wasser in der mittelalterlichen Kultur S. 179-190

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 750